Why are they all Purple?

Walker legs, Hovers, Tracks, Roller wheels, all purple.
Yet we have alot of white, blue, teal and also purple wheels.

I’m partial to purple myself… :smile:


They included a set of teal legs this time.


Why does no one use the names of the categories? :sob:

dark Blue=Rare
light Blue/Teal=Special
Purple=Epic (not to be confused with Snit :smiley: )
light Orange=Legendary
Darker orange/red(ish)= Relic

Am I really that much of a nerd at this game to know this by memory? :sob:

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I just kind of reply using what is said already.

Because everyone knows purple. Not everyone knows what legendary is. Is that above or below epic? It’s dumb that “rare” is the most common or easiest to get.


above, legendary is between epic and relic.

ummmmmm… no it isn’t? Basic (gray) is technically easiest, because you start with that stuff, or get it as armor from factions just for leveling them. Next easiest is Common (White), needing much less material to make than rares (Blue) Rares are 3rd easiest, followed by Specials (lighter blue/teal), epics (purple), Legendaries (light orange), and hardest to get are relics (darker reddish-orange).

you forgot special tier…or teal colour as most players call it

Oh sorry my bad, lemme fix that real quick :smiley:

I wouldn’t mind if the rarity tiers followed what (in my head) is the standard grading, i.e. poor (grey), common (white), uncommon (green), rare (blue), epic (purple) and legendary (orange).

In Crossout it’s close but not quite. I really dislike this “Special” tier. Light blue is to close to blue and the word “special” could mean pretty much anything.

But maybe that’s just me. Played too many games with that scaling and now it is engraved in my head or something.

That’s OK. They’re easy to forget. :wink:

I just find it strange that we have different Tiers for almost all parts, cabs, guns, engines, radars, cloaks, melee weapons, drones, reloaders, cooling modules.
But those special movement parts are all just purple, i wonder why the devs did that.

I was just making a point. The rare class isn’t rare at all. I also know what order the tiers are but I’ve been playing awhile and constantly. Any new people or taking a break will erase those words from memory but everyone still remembers color.

Ya, the white class is what’s really “rare.” There are only four white weapons. Am I to wonder why there aren’t new players lining up for this experience?

Yes indeed, nobody remembers the names because they are arbitrary and even contrary. Everything is purple. “epic” is common. “common” is rare. It’s just one more game mechanic they ignore…me too. I think they could leverage this feature into appealing to new players much better. They badly need white sci-fi (steampunk?)

I’m fine with common purple, because purple is a flexible class of features, reasonably accessible, and not so fantastic to aspire to. Anything else seems like hell-grind with a big fat nerf at the end of it that deletes your earnings. Or, it’s a ticket to some of the worst gaming on the internet; revolving high stakes META wars.

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Free chill pills for everyone, they are blue and make you forget your worries.

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Am I the only one that remembers the OG Seagull rotors btw? Before the Battle Pass for rotors, and before all of the brotherhood faction stuff (and the other faction idk the name of that fight the brotherhood), there was a single event for a couple weeks, with the OG Seagull rotor. It had +10,000 tonnage and was the ACTUAL first rotor, and each player only had one, and they were temporary parts. I saved my first actual heli for MONTHS afterward until the Battle pass ruined the seagull, nerfing it to be like the BP seagull (a lot less tonnage). I bring this up because the OG seagulls were all legendary (light Orange) movement parts, the first ones I’ve seen… Until they nerfed all the helicopter blueprints to have the rare (dark Blue) seagull instead of the better one. After the timer expired on the temporary rotors, all the blueprints using them were slowly lost as people used the slots for other things. I was one of the few that kept my OG helicopter until the Battle Pass, and then I changed it after to be a better helicopter. After the Battle Pass changed seagulls to be worse rotors than before, the first legendary (light Orange) movement parts were lost to history, and we have yet to see another one…



Now that was funny

it was called Off we go.
I made a something resembling a photo album, here a frame from that.

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I think it makes sense for legs/augers/hovers etc, but we could really use some ghetto teal tracks.


I was thinking they need this (the ghetto tracks) and some sort of energy weapon in white, so new players can begin to pursue their prefered Crossout genre right out of the gate. This way they can either go pew-pew, tankity-tank, or Mad Max right from the start, developing their own personal mojo from birth.