Seems 99.9% of players is playing legend but not touching clans. I get that there is an incentive to level up one and do the other after but didn’t think just about the entire playerbase would be on board just to stick to legend for their first league
somebody said you need an actual clan team to play, is that the reason? i never played the 13k mode once so i dont know. but i can imagine all the disgusting metas are more pronounced 3k ps above the legend mode, bricks can play 3 dracos etc
Because clan wars and anything related to them just are not fun
Tried it out again on this second season. I managed to make it to Iron 98 points from steel. I doubt seriously I play it any further due to the Meta builds. I haven’t the ability to compete with. Made a few wires and helped our clans rating slightly for the week. Big hooptie doo ! I’ve had my fill, That crap just isn’t fun being insta-killed by a Meta build in seconds every match . I don’t expect to win big every match but throw the dog a bone once in a while.
Some of it could be an issue of power scores differing between the modes and number of garage slots players have available.
Simply because its easier to play 10k, I don’t need a full clan team, I can solo que. So why play 13k when it resets my 10k? Why delete builds for a short lived mode, wheres my 6 extra blueprint slots so I can play these 2 temp modes stress free? Why are devs proving their ignorance over and over?
I’m playing the 8-10k PS one because I prefer playing solo.
I assume many others feel the same way.
And for those that prefer to play in a group, I’m going to assume most of them focus on the actual Clan Wars.
many reasons.
'they cant build that high ps.
'only a couple clanmates are logged in.
'it’s a waste of time.
'oh and it’s all bricks like the 10k ps one
we need a 6k to 8k.
You can’t play uranium clans without a full group?
I dunno about all these answers, I don’t think that explains why only literally 31 players to be exact even tried it out. I expected it to be lower but 31 player? at 3 1/2 days in? Last 13k battle for uranium had at least 6000 players on pc, something seems very weird indeed. Could be queue times causing the discouragement as well along with twist being at the very top of the board(number 2 clan on pc)
Maybe you can? I kind of skimmed the rules, but it sounded like the other mode was more for groups.
The main thing I noticed was that if you do both, progress in one gets taken away from the other, so I just decided to pick one and stick with it.
Bricks are still big on PC? I’m not seeing many on console. Mostly just lots of cyclones, and some miniguns, and then a bunch of dogs to counter them. I’ve been mostly playing a firedog build, as I am very bored of DPS.
I also have a cricket build and a morta build for this mode, but I rarely get enough time to switch builds before the match loads, and the flamethrower build is what I have in the first slot.
It is for groups after all, you need 4 players in order to play.
Now I got to scrounge up players from my friends list and clan somehow who be willing to lose to twist game after game.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the mode, just that anyone who would be really interested in it is more likely to focus on Clan Wars.
I’m loving the other Uranium mode though, and hope they make it permanent. Might be nice for them to vary the PS range every week though. I’d love to see what people come up with if they had a 4000PS limit.
Because its literally CW, it need group and devs are complete out of touch with game…
I know It is nearly an exact clone of clan wars