Why nerf icarus? Makes no sense

" Don’t interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake "

Still counts…just saying

Any nerf to hovers is welcome!
I love ramming them out of the sky with my Call Cabin boosted for power for each drone deployed, stacks up to 3 times. Plus, I woke up one day to my Call Cabin fused for speed when the day before it was not, with Phobos and fused Cheetah, 104 kph!

And I’ve seen enough videos of people playing CW to have a general idea of what it looks like. Unlike you, I don’t want to waste hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars grinding my mental state into the ground. I want to play DOOM (1993) and Minecraft and other games that aren’t soulless like this one. Heck, I might just stop playing all together if the devs can’t figure out their game after the new season.

Take it from someone long term playing.

Hovers are one of the easiest skill breakers in the game. What I mean by skill breaker is something that doesn’t take skill but allows you to express skill in other locations.

The problem is hitscan weapons are a thing in this game, skill breakers are normally good in places where every thing takes some skill but combining any omni movement with hitscan makes well the dumbest play type in the game.

Note low skill play types are required, so I am not saying hover MG braindead builds shouldn’t exist. infact they should be exact middle of the skill slope. the problem is when they are in the upper part of the skill slope.

Which is where hover MGS are right now, they are at the top do to using two really easy to use items one that simplifies movement, and the other that simplifies aiming… combine that with an exib build removing all building skill and you have a complete brain dead build whos weaknesses are countered in every standard way.

IT allows someone with no skill to go toe to toe with someone that is extremely high skilled and win, not a good thing as it punishes skill in a way you really don’t want to happen.

Omnis and Atoms have a good place they are a low skill movement that comes with a downside of some control issues and an extreme weakness to any melee or shotgun build. seriously those two build types can just punish an omni or atom build for existing.

Hovers on the other hand, can ignore shotgun and melee builds flying right over them in many cases unless they are dogs. meaning their one hard counter is easily avoided.

This is why hovers are nerfed a lot, they counter their intended counters in most build situations, and doing so makes them hard to balance. Yet they are a lot easier to deal with in the heli mode as their bonuses are negated by the height bonus of the helis.

Ok sorry for the rambling all movement parts have a place in the game even the braindead ones that allow you to focus skill requirement in other places. Hovers have a big problem as they when combined with hit scan weapons counters their counters.

M_420 for the real talk. I do absolutely LOVE lochkman needing clarification and validation. Sorry, bud, you are 50% of the low-hanging fruit. :man_shrugging:

Makes perfect sense.

long thread, not pretending i readd it all.

I will gladly trade icarus for some tire/track lovin.


it wasnt talking against the person, i was talking against the things the person said. its a big difference that is hard to see for people with an affinity for personality cults and black and white thinking like you. its basically why you idolize trump.

no, get the scrap does, yet people in crossout still call it pvp when its rather pvpve. you can see here how pvp can mean something in crossout which it really isnt if you look at the word isolated from its context.

I’m sick of hovers. They still need to be nerfed. They are such a bullshit movement part and always have been. Nothing else has the maneuverability and fluid movement to spin like a top while flying in a straight line at 90+km/h. You cannot get over 30-40kmh with anything else because they are constrained with ground friction.

This wasn’t a troll, this was me wondering if someone else was trolling, after they said CW has bots.

yes, i skipped a beat there. you presumably call “get the scrap” “pvp” too, yet its not truly pvp as it contains significant pve. still though, slow footed buffalo

Thank you for share with us.

I’ve compared scorps to the Thyrsus I, they perform about the same. I built a Thyrsus I hover once (when I actually had hovers) and it took zero skill to land almost any shots under 200m.

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