
1.Why is there no ammo for all weapons? This makes machine guns autocannon very broken!
2.Why doesn’t the power of upgraded items change? They’re getting better and it’s okay to change their power?!

Id be ok with ammo for machine guns if the default ammo was 2000 or more

Default has to be under 500. Nothing would change otherwise.

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I’d agree that fused items should have a powerscore increase. 10 for rare, 20 for special, 40 for epic, 80 for legendary, and 160 for relic.

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500 x 12 Pu isher base damage = 6000 total damage. So you shouldnt be able to kill a 6k wheeled brick to the cabin. Makes sense.

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Where did this come from? Damage was not the topic…

You said give me 500 bullets for my MG. I told you 500 bullets is 6000 damage. Cmon, if youre too…simple…to follow a simple train of thought, why the hell should you be allowed to pick the optimal balance number for bullets for an MG?

A. It was over a week later, I had forgotten about this conversation.
B. I should be allowed to because YOU said it makes sense.
C. You spelled Punisher wrong, that threw me off (you’d be surprised how much a simple spelling error, even in MY OWN writing, can throw me off…)

And I think the Punisher, Equalizer, and Arbiter should have a bit more starting ammo.