Do you have experience that private messages go well here on the forum? I write to GM and did not receive a response, so I am asking if this function is functional.Is it because the function doesn’t work or doesn’t have time or is it because I’m being ignored?
I’ve been banned for 3 years and I asked to be unblocked, so I don’t even know if the messages go in PM when I’m banned too.
Thank you friend
Q not responding other gm not responding. Realy PM works ? For undestanding situation. Before 3 i take ban because EULA. Nobody say what its wrong only because EULA. This happend after i change from steam autentification to gaijin autentification. After one weak later sombody from Russia login in mi accoount !! and scrap all items what i buy for real money and when i play 3000+ hours.
When i ask for refound i take ban. New i try take contact GM for unban . But 0 resonding 0 reaction. Reaction its 7x wiewed ? Law refounds its not posible Gaijin hawe company on no tax zone and here law not working.
if you want help with your account, this isnt the place to ask, and regardless this forum is dead and nobody moderates it.
you have to contact actual gaijin support
Than you for reaction.
Support team send mi here for contacting GM. Support dont know make unban and other ingame situation. In game i GM cannot contact for i cannot login to game.
In game ban. On forum -like here working mi acc . Making new account its nice idea but i hawe on this account buyed pack for 3000 eur and played 3000+ hours. If i not take back this i not buy or spend again 3000 hours for making solid inventory again. And for real monye if account its not sawe its not good idea too buy somthing again.