Worst gun in the game

If you had to choose one, or one per every rarity tier, or just an overall one, what would you say is the worst gun in the game in your opinion? What is your last favorite gun?

For me that is the Fafnir, this thing is just still irredeemably bad on all fronts. It’s got bad everything, still is the worst single shot shotgun in the game and the perk is really bad for this type of a gun in general, but even more on this one. No range to make any use of the increased accuracy, and needing the accuracy perk active to even do anything at facehugging distance, bad damage, bad everything. I’d rather run any of the other genuinely bad guns, like Anaconda for example, out of novelty value, but this gun is just so bad I can’t even have any novelty fun on running one. Some guns are hilariously bad and you can have some fun maybe by running them by how bad they are and just how little they work, but I can’t stress enough how awful this irredeemably bad gun is. It should never have been born, it’s parents will never love it, nobody will ever love it, it should crawl into a hole, feel bad for itself and perish, to put it lightly. I’d rather play a 13k Emily build with some success than this thing, no matter how you try to boost the efficiency of it, with cabs, general build types, fast reload, max damage, fast mobility, omnidirectional, nothing works with this thing at all.

Just the worst thing ever. Nothing ever works with this gun, no ps bracket, no brawl, no build

I think I have to go with Punji. This thing just doesn’t work… I mean sure, some builds with Skinner may be able to drag you into the energy field but I don’t think this very specific playstyle is enough to consider this thing viable. And in any other scenario Punji is just unusable since it’s extremaly easy to just… not drive through the field.

To me, another strong contender for this title would be Yokai. Concept of a weapon that is designed to avoid hitting your target is just bizzare to me. But I do consider that maybe I’m simply extremely bad with it and perhaps some skilled player could make some use of it. Altough I’ve never met a Yokai build I’d feel threatened by.

Oh, and technically Enlightenment is a weapon. I believe nothing needs to be said about this one.

Yongwang has been my biggest disappointment. And after the last nerf, where you lose shots if you mount it upside-down, that killed it for me. It looks nice shooting green marbles, but that’s about it. Although, if I’m remembering correctly, Doc Savage had some luck with it mounted in a locomotive build.

By worst do you mean most useless or most broken?

I would say the raijin is the worst, totally OP and needs to be deleted!

Most useless I would say right now junkbow or fafnir.

You guys are all wrong: Arothron is the hardest gun to use in the game.

But I also love it, and regret selling mine. Thankfully the price is finally coming down again, so I’ll buy three again soon.

But it’s so hard to use effectively.

Sure Arothron is hard to use but it can be extremely rewarding when staying at its effective range - it’s definitely far from being the worst.

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Like I said, I’m actually a fan of the gun, and used it a lot before I sold it.
But keeping target in that tiny window of damage is extremely challenging, and there is a reason you almost never see it in matches.
Recently I saw one player using them, but they were the first I’d seen in at least six months.

But yes, it’s extremely rewarding when you get the hang of them and land some good shots. There’s just a huge learning curve, far beyond the other weapons mentioned in this thread.
(And I’ve used the others in this thread a fair amount. I like the challenge of bad weapons).

for drones the anaconda / owl take the place for the worst drone ever. their damage is laughable, they take forever to reload and shoot again, the missiles do next to nothing, it faceplants the missiles in the ground half the time, its big and bulky… i think you get the idea. alot of what i said is about the anaconda but the owl is bad to in different but similar ways to the anaconda.

lets see… for energy weapons id have to go with the quasar / pulsar. their hit boxes for the projectiles themselves is VERY tiny especially on the quasar. the quasar is reliant on distance and hitting an opponent from afar to lessen its reload speed but unless that target is sitting still it wont do much at all.

for shotguns right now the fafnir is suffering pretty badly. they used to be pretty deadly before but now? you couldnt hit the broad side of a barn door with one! idk how to feel with the triple shot either…

the punji also suffers to because… its just not useful in any situation… useles in pve because bots will always target and destroy them, they dont link together with multiple punji sticks… its just a useless weapon imo.

im sure theres more but ill get to them when i get in game.

That’s two different questions.
But ok,
It would be easier or shorter to name my favourite weapons in the game like e.g. Spitfires, ruptures, Hawks, sidekicks, Nest, Caucasus, Protectors and AC-62 for palate cleanser

I would take my changes with Anacondas rather than Caucasus or Emily or that nail gun.

yeah with Anacondas will be hard to do good but weight might work, weight and attitude and with these two things everything works and much better than with Anacondas

Punji (and drones) aren’t useful in PVE, because the bots prioritize them, and also generally won’t willingly cross a Punji fence.
However, Punji can be decent in PVP, and can do a lot of critical damage quickly. And I’m able to get multiple ones to connect, and make a maze of little fences.
I’ve been using four, with two pointing left and right (combined to the same trigger), and the other two pointing forward and reverse (also on the same trigger). I’ve got one fast build with a couple kapkans, and then another heavy build with a skinner. Both are hit-and-miss, depending greatly on my opponents and the map. But I’ve been able to get enough MVPs that I can’t put it in the “bad gun” category.

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I’ve come across a fair few punji players and have to honestly say I’ve never taken damage from one. As soon as I see them I just shoot 1 or 2 of the sticks and it’s neutralized completely.

The Mandrake.

whys that?
is it cause your salty that you cant have sideways mandrakes anymore? :smirk:

Tow at high ps :eggplant: :dash:

Chord .

pretty much useless after gayjin betrayed us with the stats

it turned out to be minus 12% instead of plus

I pick up a chord everyday of the week, the Caucasus in other hand… can underperform a chord

an yet cheater use them to fuck you up drive by with more damage output then a full burst of a AC64

You sound like a woman,
Making up fantasies and creating drama where there was none.

jesus christ dude i was joking, take a hint. drama queen much? :roll_eyes:

all weapons r trash with all the nerfs, my explosive diarea does more damage :rofl: :rofl: