WTF man?

I was in the Blackout battles again, and this happened:


I rammed a person as ravager and they didn’t explode or even take damage… then I get this dumb message.

I clicked test network… awaiting results while typing this.

Okay results are finally in after 5 minutes:

That last screenshot was a little wonky, so I took another one of page 3:

IDK how to read any of this. Does it seem normal to you guys? I’m not a computer person :sob:

At step 10 in the chain of jumps you have the drop out just after, so there is a server down along the path to the crosscourt servers that is not theirs.

Had a fair bit of this recently, definitely been some problems on their end for the last week or so.

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Only for the last week or so? I’ve been getting that on and off for the past year. :expressionless:

tbf I havn’t played most of the year, picked it back up around Halloween but not really had many problems (UK)

Make sure your Peer-2-Peer options are turned off.