Zero firing angle Weapons

I play with 220 ping or higher, driving and aiming is hard enough as it is with he delay between everything, I would enjoy 0 firing angle weapons more if I could, use them properly, maybe a hover or spider will work better for me with 0 firing angle weapons shrugs

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Yea i understand. Zero fire angles is super hard on latency issues sometimes it’s best to just lance someone for a kill to get resourses if you have bad internet problems.

Oh I dont like zero firing angle Weapons on wheels. They’re far better on multi direction movement parts. Aiming porcs on legs is so accurate.

thw only downside to legs though is they are very slow. bigrams are slightly faster but not by much. i wish we had a fast leg movement part.

I will give legs a go, slow legs that are easier to aim is probably what I need on high ping
also what about hovers? are they easier to aim with 0 degree weapons?

Um. I think you may be mistaking limited firing angle Weapons with weapons with no firing angle. Unless you have porcs already.

Hovers are very good for limited firing angle weapons. However they take some getting used to and practice. Legs are far easier to use. So are omnis.