13 second ravage vid by Devs

Discuss amongst yourselves.

They posted this on the official Facebook page.


Lol, are we getting a jump module :slight_smile:

Just saying because of other thread

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It’s very similar to the helicopter teaser video they posted. Are we about to get another 40 day event?

Probably could be a brawl.

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Well, we already assume they where up to no good with a second payed event inside of the current payed event.

So let’s see…

They want you to have “premium” + “BP” + “Mini-event” that you pay for all at the same time AND on top of that they want you to pick up the latest “pack”…. No thank you.

One side note: when they did the last mini event that was payed for during another event a month or so after they offered the CK kit to be bought separate and a lower rate then the mini-pass. That skinner “frog” CK was the only thing worth it in that. (If I remember correctly)


Operation red light 2.0 I am finally excited for something in this game in a while, hope they don’t screw it up somehow


Refresh my memory on what that was.

Let’s hope it is free.

Is that the one where you shot the eyes? And have to fight a few waves of units and boss monsters?

in b4 you have to buy a mini battlepass to even take part in the brawl

Playing tag with cars, if a ravager car hits you you get infected and now you’re on the enemy team as well, the one with gate hacking and basically trying to escape the chasing ravagers


Oh cool! That one was a lot of fun.

I really hope this is the return of Red Light. Easily one of the best special brawls they’ve ever come up with.


I think that is what I was thinking of.

And yes I agree.

I don’t play raids, but I did like playing this mode.


didnt it have a plastic reward?

We are due a plastic farm event with this BP. Usually have one during long seasons.

Long story short, from this thread it looks like we all want something besides this BP. That isn’t paid.

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I’m hoping it just gives out lighters as a reward.


that would remove the incentive to buy levels. doubt that is happening.


You might be right, but they should also be considering how to encourage people like me to keep buying BPs. More lighters would make me feel better about this one, and more likely to buy the next.

What can I say, I’m an optimist!


I slowed the original video down to see if there was anything hidden in it…
Nada… I do see Shiv CKs, though.

The title, which is in binary, translates to “The Ravagers Are Coming.”

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Those are the same ice ones you could have got from a pack right? Those where in an Icebox if I’m not mistaken.


:100: also had icecrystal paint. My wife bought it for me so I couldn’t sell anything in case she asked.


To funny :slight_smile:

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