6. Buyable Vehicles and cabins:
These are listed as a new cabin and structure part ideas for Crossout.
6.1-Name: Furgon [PL], Van [ENG]
Ingame description: “Only careless or desperate traders risk travel by this vehicle. One week gun and almost no armor are partially compensated by its high mobility” Your first vehicle in the game. Slow, weak and small. Much to be desired.
Cabin variants:
- 6.1.1- Name: Żuk [PL], Bug [ENG]
Max speed: 90km/h - Engine power: 45hp - Weight: 30t - Max armor/Durability: 10
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “The simplest cabin of the Van” Standard cabin of this vehicle. Better replace it if you want to drive faster than walk.
- 6.1.2- Name: Muł [PL], Mule [ENG]
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 55hp - Weight: 35t - Max armor/Durability: 20
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Slightly modified cabin of the Van” Not much better than Bug but still.
- 6.1.3- Name: Skorpion [PL], Scorpio [ENG]
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 75hp - Weight: 50t - Max armor/Durability: 40
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +8% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Standard Van cabin heavily modified” It helps in the beginning of the game if you decide to buy it. Worth it’s cost.
Body variants:
- 6.1.4- Name: Kufer [PL], Throttle [ENG]
Cargo space: 20 - Weight: 15t - Max armor/Durability: 5
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “The smallest and the simplest body for the Van” Standard body of this vehicle. Better replace it if you want to have any meaningful cargo space.
- 6.1.5- Name: Wodogrzmot [PL], Cascade [ENG]
Cargo space: 24 - Weight: 30t - Max armor/Durability: 20
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “There is more place for cargo than in base model. There is space for special weapon too” Better than Throttle, while also enabling you to bring a 2x1 Vehicle weapon.
- 6.1.6- Name: Kurhan [PL], Grob [ENG]
Cargo space: 24 - Weight: 40t - Max armor/Durability: 30
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +5% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “The body possesses carrying capacity which will suffice the beginning trader, and the armor, for a beginner daredevil” Another alternative to Throttle, but doesn’t have a slot for 2x1 Vehicle weapon.
6.2-Name: Ciężarówka [PL], Lorry [ENG]
Ingame description: “Light truck, liked by rich farmers fro the best prize-quality ratio. But, it is not safe enough to be liked by professional drivers” Second truck you can get. You instantly feel the difference.
Cabin variants:
- 6.2.1- Name: Grom [PL], Bolt [ENG]
Max speed: 110km/h - Engine power: 80hp - Weight: 40t - Max armor/Durability: 50
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +4% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Usual Lorry cabin. Without claims and places for weapons” Standard Lorry cabin. Replace it if you want to have more weapons.
- 6.2.2- Name: Wir [PL], Whirlpool [ENG]
Max speed: 115km/h - Engine power: 90hp - Weight: 45t - Max armor/Durability: 60
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +6% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Slightly improved model of the standard cabin” I don’t advice buying it. Better save money for Thorn.
- 6.2.3- Name: Cierń [PL], Thorn [ENG]
Max speed: 120km/h - Engine power: 110hp - Weight: 52t - Max armor/Durability: 80
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +8% / Explosion: -15% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “The advanced model of a cabin with enough place for the weapon and some frightening thorns” Being able to use more weapons is always worth the money.
Body variants:
- 6.2.4- Name: Namiot [PL], Tent [ENG]
Cargo space: 38 - Weight: 20t - Max armor/Durability: 20
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “The big body and place for the weapon – it is quite good for the simplest version” Standard body of this vehicle. Replace it more more cargo space and better weapons.
- 6.2.5- Name: Generator [PL]&[ENG]
Cargo space: 46 - Weight: 45t - Max armor/Durability: 60
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +5% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Slightly improved base body. It carries more armor and has a slot for the special weapon” Has beter storage and space for a 2x1 Vehicle weapon.
- 6.2.6- Name: Skrzynia [PL], Box [ENG]
Cargo space: 45 - Weight: 55t - Max armor/Durability: 80
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +8% / Explosion: -15% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Slightly improved base body. It has better armor and a place for the special weapon” Best choice for this truck purely of being able to equip 2x3 type weapons.
6.3-Name: Ural [PL]&[ENG]
Ingame description: “This truck offers you the balance of weaponry and carrying capacity. The fastest of all heavy trucks, Ural will drag you out of any danger” Third truck you can get in the game. Way better than Lorry. More big size weapons on your truck is what you’re looking for.
Cabin variants:
- 6.3.1- Name: Chrom [PL], Chrome [ENG]
Max speed: 130km/h - Engine power: 180hp - Weight: 60t - Max armor/Durability: 75
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +8% / Explosion: 0% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Initial model of a cabin of Ural” Standart cabin. As always, seek better ones.
- 6.3.2- Name: Standard [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 140km/h - Engine power: 200hp - Weight: 65t - Max armor/Durability: 85
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +9% / Explosion: +4% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Version of a cabin for trade. The prize is lowered due to weaker arms” One middle sized gun is better than none.
- 6.3.3- Name: Morion [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 150km/h - Engine power: 230hp - Weight: 70t - Max armor/Durability: 95
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +10% / Explosion: +6% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Standard cabin prepared for operations. The improved armor. Two slots for the weapon” Better version of the Standard but same weaponry capacities.
- 6.3.4- Name: Lord [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 160km/h - Engine power: 240hp - Weight: 77t - Max armor/Durability: 105
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +10% / Energy: -15%
Ingame description: “The improved version for trade. It is already possible to put a serious gun on it” Two middle sized weapon are a great addition to your vehicle. I you want to go fast with Ural, there you go!
- 6.3.5- Name: Rycerz [PL], Knight [ENG]
Max speed: 155km/h - Engine power: 280hp - Weight: 90t - Max armor/Durability: 120
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +10% / Explosion: +6% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “This cabin contains the greatest number of upgrades. The armor, arms, torque, speed” This cabin’s weapon spots are placed in such a good way you can shoot at very wide angle. Best choice for Ural. This cabin is very rare though, so keep your eye to find it.
Body variants:
- 6.3.6- Name: Chłód [PL], Cold [ENG]
Cargo space: 50 - Weight: 30t - Max armor/Durability: 60
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: 0% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Good for trade, armored enough” Standard body of this vehicle. Replace for more utilities.
- 6.3.7- Name: Fracht [PL], Freight [ENG]
Cargo space: 61 - Weight: 55t - Max armor/Durability: 100
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +12% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “It is capacious enough for trade, and hard enough for a fight” Good alternative for Cold, but there are better choices.
- 6.3.8- Name: Pancerz [PL], Shell [ENG]
Cargo space: 69 - Weight: 50t - Max armor/Durability: 95
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +8% / Explosion: +8% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “This model of a body is intended for operations rather than trade. And the opportunity to establish a giant gun makes this body the best choice for fans of shooting who do not have money for the most advanced model yet” Good body overall, but there are better ones with more firepower availability.
- 6.3.9- Name: Tygrys [PL], Tiger [ENG]
Cargo space: 56 - Weight: 60t - Max armor/Durability: 115
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +10% / Explosion: +15% / Energy: -15%
Ingame description: “It is a top model among bodies for Ural. Fighting is its direct purpose. It has good fire power and impenetrable armor” Very good body, but with somewhat limited cargo space.
- 6.3.10- Name: Krążownik [PL], Cruiser [ENG]
Cargo space: 75 - Weight: 45t - Max armor/Durability: 85
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +7% / Explosion: +6% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “This body offers smaller fire power, but thicker armor” Which is absolutely not true. This body is the best choice with the most versatile weaponry options, while having plenty of cargo space. The only downside are worse damage resistances, but that’s neglible.
6.4-Name: Biełaz [PL], Belaz [ENG]
Ingame description: "Tremendous carrying capacity of this truck has become proverbial. Quite slow, it often falls a victim to the raider’s attacks" Fourth truck you can get. My personal favourite. It’s huge carrying capacity is what i like most. It can be the fastest truck in the game if you can get the correct cabin and upgrades. This cabin/vehicle should be in Crossout!
Cabin variants:
- 6.4.1- Name: Zod [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 110km/h - Engine power: 330hp - Weight: 100t - Max armor/Durability: 130
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +8% / Energy: 0%
Ingame description: “The cheapest and simple cabin for Belaz. It is possible to put a small gun and a couple of gadgets” Default cabin for Belaz. Replace it as fast as you can.
- 6.4.2- Name: Bolivar [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 120km/h - Engine power: 340hp - Weight: 110t - Max armor/Durability: 145
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +12% / Energy: +3%
Ingame description: “The good choice for those who have already got Belaz and have taken a great interest in trade” Decent choice if you have 2 small sized good weapons.
- 6.4.3- Name: Głaz [PL], Rock [ENG]
Max speed: 120km/h - Engine power: 360hp - Weight: 120t - Max armor/Durability: 160
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +12% / Energy: +5%
Ingame description: “Ideal choice for traders” Place for one big sized weapon can really help you along the way.
- 6.4.4- Name: Terminator [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 125km/h - Engine power: 375hp - Weight: 160t - Max armor/Durability: 190
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +15% / Explosion: +15% / Energy: +8%
Ingame description: “This cabin is intended for dealers who pay attention not only torque of the motor and the volume of a body, but also safety during transportations” Place for one big sized weapon and one for small sized. Rare cabin for a reason.
- 6.4.5- Name: Puklerz [PL], Shield [ENG]
Max speed: 130km/h - Engine power: 390hp - Weight: 180t - Max armor/Durability: 220
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +15% / Explosion: +15% / Energy: +12%
Ingame description: “The cabin combining excellent road performance and good fire power” Best cabin for Belaz. So rare it’s crazy, you better remember where you saw it if you didn’t have the money to buy it. You can put on one big and one middle sized weapon. This cabin along with 4 speed upgrades will make your vehicle pretty much the fastest in the game, slap on a Turbo and you’ll go over 300km/h !!!
Body variants:
- 6.4.6- Name: Gospodarz [PL], Host [ENG]
Cargo space: 84 - Weight: 100t - Max armor/Durability: 120
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +10% / Explosion: +10% / Energy: 0%
Ingame description: “Though this body looks like a can, it possesses good load-carrying capacity” Standard body of this vehicle. Replace it more more cargo space and better weapons.
- 6.4.7- Name: Konstruktor [PL], Constructor [ENG]
Cargo space: 97 - Weight: 110t - Max armor/Durability: 120
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +10% / Explosion: +12% / Energy: +3%
Ingame description: “The body is intended for those who are engaged in trade. Purchase of this body – a first step for achievement of dream of any trucker” Generally ok body for a replacement of Host, but there are better choices.
- 6.4.8- Name: Kolos [PL], Colossus [ENG]
Cargo space: 105 - Weight: 120t - Max armor/Durability: 140
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +11% / Explosion: +10% / Energy: +5%
Ingame description: “Unsurpassed cargo hold of a body, it is well enough adapted for fight with marauders” My favourite body for Belaz. It has the biggest cargo space in the entire game, while also having plenty of weapon option along with a slot for a Turbo gadget that further compliments Shield cabin. I always chose this body in my walkthroughs.
- 6.4.9- Name: Grzmot [PL], Thunder [ENG]
Cargo space: 72 - Weight: 130t - Max armor/Durability: 150
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +13% / Explosion: +10% / Energy: +8%
Ingame description: “It is more adapted for fight, than for trade. A huge gun and the impenetrable armor” The only Belaz body capable of mounting 3x4 sized weapons.
- 6.4.10- Name: Bęben [PL], Cylinder[ENG]
Cargo space: 76 - Weight: 140t - Max armor/Durability: 180
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +13% / Explosion: +10% / Energy: +12%
Ingame description: “Practically impenetrable body for trade and fight. Will sustain claims of any gangsters” Good body designed for fighting, but I’d still take Colossus due to it’s large storage space.
6.5-Name: Rozjemca [PL], Peacekeeper [ENG]
Ingame description: “Offence is the best defence. No other truck can carry as much weaponry as Peacekeeper. It’s cargo compartment is not very spacious though” Fifth truck you can get. Not my favourite due to small carrying capacity. This beast is a tank that can take a lot of beating. Maxed out it can carry 2 big sized , 2 medium sized and 1 side weapons. Best choice for not to have your butt kicked in Zarmek.
Cabin variants:
- 6.5.1- Name: Gran [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 120km/h - Engine power: 230hp - Weight: 100t - Max armor/Durability: 160
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +15% / Energy: +17%
Ingame description: “Base model of a cabin of the Peacekeeper. Even the simplest cabin posesses uncommon running and fighting qualities” Default cabin for Peacemaker. Good to buy something else to keep up with enemies.
- 6.5.2- Name: Czerep [PL], Scull [ENG]
Max speed: 130km/h - Engine power: 250hp - Weight: 110t - Max armor/Durability: 160
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +15% / Explosion: +17% / Energy: +20%
Ingame description: “Modification of base model. Critical parameters are improved” Good but there are better alternatives.
- 6.5.3- Name: Meteor [PL]&[ENG]
Max speed: 140km/h - Engine power: 270hp - Weight: 120t - Max armor/Durability: 165
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +17% / Explosion: +17% / Energy: +22%
Ingame description: “On this version of a cabin it is possible to establish two big guns” Looks cool and has place for two middle sized weapons, good replacement for standard cabin.
- 6.5.4- Name: Bułat [PL], Bulat [ENG]
Max speed: 145km/h - Engine power: 300hp - Weight: 140t - Max armor/Durability: 170
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +22% / Explosion: +22% / Energy: +22%
Ingame description: “More speed, armor, power” It’s better by Meteor only by statictics, hovewer it has no cabin handlig upgrade slot unlike Meteor.
- 6.5.5- Name: Fantom [PL], Phantom [ENG]
Max speed: 150km/h - Engine power: 350hp - Weight: 160t - Max armor/Durability: 180
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: +25% / Energy: +25%
Ingame description: “Top model of a cabin for Peacekeeper. On this miracle of mechanics it is possible to put a huge gun, and enemies need to wait only for death or to seek safety in flight” Final and best cabin for Peacekeeper. Pretty rare and expensive, but with this you’ll wreck anything in your way.
Body variants:
- 6.5.6- Name: Kieł [PL], Fang [ENG]
Cargo space: 52 - Weight: 60t - Max armor/Durability: 160
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +10% / Explosion: +10% / Energy: +15%
Ingame description: “Standard body of the Peacekeeper. Lots of armor. Good cargo hold. A place for a good gun” Standard body of this vehicle. Replace it more more cargo space and better weapons.
- 6.5.7- Name: Centurion [PL]&[ENG]
Cargo space: 66 - Weight: 70t - Max armor/Durability: 160
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +12% / Explosion: +12% / Energy: +17%
Ingame description: “There is even more armor. As there is plenty of place under the huge gun and the special weapon” An ok upgrade from Fang, but there are better alternatives.
- 6.5.8- Name: Maj [PL], Maya [ENG]
Cargo space: 72 - Weight: 80t - Max armor/Durability: 165
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +13% / Explosion: +13% / Energy: +17%
Ingame description: “You can put such an arsenal of weapons on this body that the majority of enemies will not want to deal with you” Biggest cargo space out of any other Peacekeeper body with good weapon options.
- 6.5.9- Name: Masamune [PL]&[ENG]
Cargo space: 57 - Weight: 90t - Max armor/Durability: 170
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +20% / Explosion: +20% / Energy: +20%
Ingame description: “Almost perfect for conducting fights one against an army” This feels like a downgrade from Maya.
- 6.5.9- Name: Excalibur [PL]&[ENG]
Cargo space: 62 - Weight: 100t - Max armor/Durability: 180
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +22% / Explosion: +22% / Energy: +22%
Ingame description: “Perfection of military technologies. Everything any militarist could dream of” The best body for Peacekeeper, period. Paired with Phantom cabin will allow you to put 5 different weapons, which will allow you to comfortably survive the Zarmek onslaught.
7. Unbuyable Vehicles that appear in the game:
- 7.1- Name: Pluskwa [PL], Chinch [ENG]
Max speed: 150km/h - Engine power: 60hp - Weight: 10t - Max armor/Durability: 20
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Most feeble enemy” Very common enemy at the start of the game. Easy to deal when you have decent weapons.
- 7.2- Name: Karaluch [PL], Cockroach [ENG]
Max speed: 150km/h - Engine power: 60hp - Weight: 10t - Max armor/Durability: 30
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +15% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Most feeble enemy” Very common enemy at the start of the game just as Chinch. Weak too.
- 7.3- Name: Pasikonik [PL], Grasshopper [ENG]
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 100hp - Weight: 10t - Max armor/Durability: 60
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +23% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Most feeble enemy” Less common than the other early game enemies. Also weak.
- 7.4- Name: Mrówka [PL], Ant [ENG]
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 100hp - Weight: 10t - Max armor/Durability: 40
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +20% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Most feeble enemy” This is a really funny enemy. It sometimes appears on the side of the roads throughout the whole game and waits for you to come by. It’s always so weak that it explodes when you sneeze on it.
- 7.5- Name: Łowca [PL], Hunter [ENG] - Type 1
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 70hp - Weight: 70t - Max armor/Durability: 150
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +20% / Explosion: 0% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Heavy armored vehicle. Beware its missile launcher modification” Pretty common enemy in early-mid game. Not so tanky so if you keep distance from it you’re good.
- 7.6- Name: Łowca [PL], Hunter [ENG] - Type 2
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 70hp - Weight: 70t - Max armor/Durability: 150
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +16% / Explosion: 10% / Energy: -10%
Ingame description: “N/A” Different unnamed cabin that looks like a Humvee. In midgame your allies use this vehicle, though it is seen as an enemy in jungle regions. Also appears in endgame as both enemy and ally. This is Felix’s second vehicle.
- 7.7- Name: Wojownik [PL], Fighter [ENG] - Type 1
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 70hp - Weight: 50t - Max armor/Durability: 100
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: -20% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “This strange looking vehicle carries enough weapons to present real danger considering raiders rarely attack alone” Very common enemy at the beginning of the game. Not much of a threat if you know how to aim.
- 7.8- Name: Wojownik [PL], Fighter [ENG] - Type 2
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 70hp - Weight: 50t - Max armor/Durability: 100
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +20% / Explosion: 0% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “N/A” This is a different unnamed cabin. It has better weapons than the normal Fighter. This vehicle appears both as an ally and enemy in jungle regions. Sometimes also in mid-endgame.
- 7.9- Name: Zwiadowca [PL], Scout [ENG] - Type 1
Max speed: 110km/h - Engine power: 30hp - Weight: 40t - Max armor/Durability: 60
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +15% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Small gun and high speed. Moderate thread for the trader” Common enemy in early-midgame. Weak so killing it takes a moment.
- 7.10- Name: Zwiadowca [PL], Scout [ENG] - Type 2
Max speed: 100km/h - Engine power: 30hp - Weight: 50t - Max armor/Durability: 70
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +20% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “N/A” Cabin used by Alice, but also appears as an enemy in midgame. It’s easy to take down.
- 7.11- Name: Zwiadowca [PL], Scout [ENG] - Type 3
Max speed: 90km/h - Engine power: 60hp - Weight: 50t - Max armor/Durability: 80
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “N/A” Cabin used by Mayor of oil refinery. Appears in early-mid game both as ally and enemy. Easy to deal with.
- 7.12- Name: Krążownik [PL], Cruiser [ENG] - Type 1
Max speed: 160km/h - Engine power: 100hp - Weight: 90t - Max armor/Durability: 200
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: +25% / Energy: -25%
Ingame description: “Military model” You can meet this vehicle pretty commonly in jungle as an ally and very often in desert as an enemy. Really strong enemy.
- 7.13- Name: Krążownik [PL], Cruiser [ENG] - Type 2
Max speed: 140km/h - Engine power: 100hp - Weight: 90t - Max armor/Durability: 200
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: +25% / Energy: -10%
Ingame description: “N/A” This is a differently looking cabin for the Cruiser. It’s rarer than the first version.
- 7.14- Name: Buldożer [PL], Bulldozer [ENG]
Max speed: 85km/h - Engine power: 150hp - Weight: 120t - Max armor/Durability: 200
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: -25% / Energy: +25%
Ingame description: “Modified dozer. Slow but steady” You can see the unarmed variant “Dozer” early in game. In desert it appears as one of the strongest enemies.
- 7.15- Name: Czołg [PL], Tank [ENG]
Max speed: 150km/h - Engine power: 700hp - Weight: 180t - Max armor/Durability: 200
Resistances to damage: Bullet: +25% / Explosion: +20% / Energy: +20%
Ingame description: “Tank” You can only see this vehicle in an enemy in Zarmek’s military base. It’s always equipped with it’s special cannon and one Specter. It can be a pain in the butt, because it is tanky and deals much damage.
- 7.16- Name: Robot Bojowy [PL], Battle Robot [ENG]
Max speed: 120km/h - Engine power: 300hp - Weight: 210t - Max armor/Durability: 200
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: 0 / Energy: 0%
Ingame description: “N/A” You can often meet this “vehicle” in Ingott. It’s entire torso is a gun. Very weak though. Often appears in packs. Moderate threat.
- 7.17- Name: Robot Pracownik [PL], Worker Robot [ENG]
Max speed: 50km/h - Engine power: 500hp - Weight: 185t - Max armor/Durability: 200
Resistances to damage: Bullet: 0% / Explosion: 0% / Energy: 0%
Ingame description: “N/A” Often met alongside the Battle Robots. It’s completely passive and don’t have any weapons.
- 7.18- Name: Przyczepa Ciężarówki [PL], Lorry’s Trailer [ENG]
[ Only used in 1 mission in Vahat. It’s rather infamous because if you skip the city exit cutscene after accepting the mission, then the trailer doesn’t activate which softlocks your game lol ]
- 7.19- Name: UB-627 [PL]&[ENG]
[ 200 years old nuclear submarine that allows you to travel between maps by sea ]
- 7.20- Name: Wyrocznia [PL], Oracle [ENG]
[ Not really a vehicle in traditional game’s sense, but it’s a boss nonetheless.]
- 7.21- Name: Njeri [PL]&[ENG]
[ Not really a vehicle in traditional game’s sense, but it’s a boss nonetheless.]
- 7.22- Name: Szpon [PL], Claw [ENG]
[ Not really a vehicle in traditional game’s sense, but it’s a boss nonetheless. I know there’s a second one in Librium but it’s almost identical]