[3/3] Hard Truck Apocalypse (Ex Machina) - Weapons, Cabins, Maps - Source of many inspirations!

8. Modules/Gadgets:

Some of these have an analogue to XO’s modules but more variants would be nice.

  • 8.1 - Name: Additional fuel tank


Ingame description: “Larger fuel tank capacity allows you to travel at longer distances. Fuel tank capacity +50%

  • 8.2- Name: Improved additional fuel tank


Ingame description: “Larger fuel tank capacity allows you to travel at longer distances. Advanced model. Fuel tank capacity +100%

  • 8.3- Name: Additional stability and fuel tank


Ingame description: “Makes your fuel tank bigger and increases stability of your truck. Fuel tank capacity +75%. Controllability +15%

  • 8.4- Name: Additional armour

m_additional armour

Ingame description: "Increases armor. Feel like a tank. Armor +10%

  • 8.5- Name: Additional durability. Advanced model

m_additional durability adv model

Ingame description: "Increases armor. Feel like a tank. Advanced model. Armor +20%

  • 8.6- Name: Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons cooling system

[Note that each weapon cathegory has it’s own separate module that only shares the same model]

m_cooling system

Ingame description: "Simple cooling system. Will make reload times for Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons shorter. Recharge speed +20%

  • 8.7- Name: Improved Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons cooling system

[Note that each weapon cathegory has it’s own separate module that only shares the same model]

m_improved cooling system

Ingame description: "Advanced cooling system. Will make reload times for Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons shorter. Recharge speed +40%

  • 8.8- Name: Increased Guns/Energy weapons firing rate

m_increased firing rate

Ingame description: "This simple gadget will help Guns/Energy weapons shoot faster. Firing rate +20%

  • 8.9- Name: Improved Guns/Energy weapons firing rate

[Same model as above]

m_increased firing rate

Ingame description: "This simple gadget will help Guns/Energy weapons shoot faster. Firing rate +40%

  • 8.10- Name: Improved Guns grouping angle

[Same model as above]

m_increased firing rate

Ingame description: "Simple gadget that will raise Guns accuracy. Accuracy +40%

  • 8.11- Name: Increased Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons firing rate and damage

[Same model as above]

m_increased firing rate

Ingame description: "Increases firing rate and damage done by your Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons. Firing rate +30%. Damage +30%

  • 8.12- Name: Improved Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons cooling system and increased firing rate

[Note that each weapon cathegory has it’s own separate module that only shares the same model]

m_improved cooling system and firing rate

Ingame description: "Your Guns/Energy/Explosion weapons will shoot faster and reload time will shorten. Recharge speed +30%. Firing rate +30%

  • 8.13- Name: Increased accuracy and damage done by your Guns

m_increased damage and group angle

Ingame description: "Increases accuracy and damage done by your Guns. Damage +30%. Accuracy +30%

  • 8.14- Name: Increased Energy/Explosion weapons damage and firing rate

[Same model as above] – this module does the same thing as 8.11 so idk what the devs were planning

m_increased damage and group angle

Ingame description: "Increases firing rate and damage done by your Energy/Explosion weapons. Firing rate +30%. Damage +30%

  • 8.15- Name: Additional torque

m_additional torque

Ingame description: "Increases torque of your truck. Torque +10%

  • 8.16- Name: Additional torque. Advanced model

m_additional torque advanced

Ingame description: "Increases torque of your truck. Advanced model. Torque +20%

  • 8.17- Name: Additional speed and torque

m_additional speed and torque

Ingame description: "Increases speed and torque of your truck. Speed +15%. Torque +15%

  • 8.18- Name: Additional torque and stability

[Same model as above]

m_additional speed and torque

Ingame description: "Increases torque and stability of your truck. Torque +15%. Stability +15%

  • 8.19- Name: Increased Guns/Energy/Explosive weapons damage

[Note that each weapon cathegory has it’s own separate module that only shares the same model]

m_increased damage

Ingame description: "With this gadget your Guns/Energy/Explosive weapons will deal more damage. Simple model. Damage +20%

  • 8.20- Name: Additional Guns/Energy/Explosive weapons damage output

[Same model as above]

m_increased damage

Ingame description: "With this gadget your Guns/Energy/Explosive weapons will deal more damage. Advanced model. Damage +40%

  • 8.21- Name: Additional stability

m_additional stability

Ingame description: "Adds some stability to your truck on roads. Controllability +10%

  • 8.22- Name: Additional stability and speed

[Same model as above]

m_additional stability

Ingame description: "Increases stability and speed of your truck. Controllability +15%. Speed +20%

9. The world of Hard Truck Apocalypse

It contains 10 playable maps and 2 “hidden” ones not available to the player.

  • 9.1 Krai – first map the player starts his adventure on. The order of further maps depends of the choices in game.

map_krai 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.2 Vaterland – usually the second map you get into. The most interesting part of this map is the town on a bridge, city ruins and a town on top of a mountain.

map_vaterland 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.3 Ridzin – either your 2nd or 3rd map. The observatory, colosseum and port towns are interesting to look at. At this point you’d be able to afford a Lorry truck.

map_ridzin 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.4 Hel – my favourite map. The interesting places are the fallen plane, Homer’s fishing village and crane guarding the port.

map_hel 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.5 Librium – a point in the story where you become a mercenary. The interesting things here are the ruins of Eiffel tower, the Njeri base, and the fact you remind Alice that she ain’t shit compared to your vehicle. This is where you grind for Ural.

map_librium 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.6 Argen – mercenary plot continuation from Librium. This is where you settle things with Axel. The insteresting things here are the mysterious statue, church/castle on a hil and Axel’s arena.

map_argen 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.7 Sacred Grove – a jungle map. Cools things to see here are the overgrown Stonehenge, robot workers and fighters and the bridge across evaporated river bed. At this point you’d normally have Belaz.

map_sacred_grove 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.8 Ignott – home of the Oracle. This is the place where you go for artifact hunt. It only has one town where you can repair yourself and sell your cargo. The interesting things are the Oracle himself, the druid’s home, the abandoned factory and R2D2 helpers.

map_ignott 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.9 Vahat – a desert map with tough enemies. The cools things here are the racing track, the ship graveyard and the two main towns with their hostile/friendly attitude. This is where you grind for Peacekeeper.

map_vahat 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.10 Zarmek – deep desert map with only one gas station with constant enemy swarms. The biggest challenge the game offers you. The interesting things here are the crashed UFO site, the madmen military base and Ivan Go’s vehicle.

map_Zarmek 0

[Video of the map]

  • 9.11 Main Menu – the map you see the NPC truck being driven when you’re in the main menu. It’s basically just various assets compiled together from other maps. You can access this map only through console. All standard vehicles are overridden and the vehicle is being autopiloted when crossing certain parts on the road.

[Video of the map]

  • 9.12 Zoo – testing map with a “winter” vibe, but it propably just lacks any colormap on the terrain. Theres a bunch of assets and semi functional towns. There’s also “t1” and “t2” maps but they’re barely functional and seems to be an even earlier version of “Zoo”.

[Video of the map]

10. Various characters you meet along your adventure

[Sometimes character designs repeat, so I’m just listing the more distinct ones - notice that all characters wear full-face masks to protect themselves from contaminated air - unlike in Crossout huh]

  • 10.1 The Protagonist

  • 10.2 Alice

  • 10.3 Father (Peter)

  • 10.4 Ben Throttle

  • 10.5 Felix

  • 10.6 Axel

  • 10.7 The Oracle

  • 10.8 The Scientist

  • 10.9 Midgard Citizen

  • 10.10 Midgard Steward

  • 10.11 Agent Hrunovich

  • 10.12 Archaelogist

  • 10.13 Barman

  • 10.14 Barman (Argen region)

  • 10.15 Barman (Vahat region)

  • 10.16 Barman Billy

  • 10.17 Barman Bin Laden

  • 10.18 Barman Mugen

  • 10.19 Barman Spike

  • 10.20 Barman Will

  • 10.21 Carter

  • 10.22 Oracle’s Defender

  • 10.23 Crook

  • 10.24 Electrician

  • 10.25 Employer Abe

  • 10.26 Feren

  • 10.27 Finnie

  • 10.28 Gladiator Sara

  • 10.29 Kris

  • 10.30 Lone Druid

  • 10.31 Metriciello

  • 10.32 Oldman Tom

  • 10.33 Recruiter Hank

  • 10.34 Revolutionary Ed

  • 10.35 Schumacher

  • 10.36 Sergo

  • 10.37 Sinner Daria

  • 10.38 Stallione

  • 10.39 Talion

  • 10.40 Trader Gogo

  • 10.41 Trucker

  • 10.42 Waiter Antonio

11. Factions in HTA - I need those as stickers please!

  • 11.1- Name: Włóczędzy [PL], Vagabonds [ENG]


Ingame description: “Anyone may fall a victim to these raiders. They usually attack in small groups

  • 11.2- Name: Stowarzyszenie Farmerów [PL], Farmer’s Union [ENG]


Ingame description: “The farmers cultivate the land as their ancestors. Having nothing but their vegetables, they rarely get attacked by raiders

  • 11.3- Name: Awanturnicy [PL], Adventurers [ENG]


Ingame description: “Travelling the world in search of adventures, as if life is not dangerous enough, they man easily become foes or allies, depending on the situation

  • 11.4- Name: Koczownicy [PL], Nomads [ENG]


Ingame description: “Independent traders, eager to trade with anyone

  • 11.5- Name: Gang Felixa [PL], Felix’s Gang [ENG]


Ingame description: “Racketeers that toll the whole Krai. It’s been that way for many years and seems to suit everybody

  • 11.6- Name: Technicy [PL], Technicians [ENG]


Ingame description: “Simple people dislike Technicians for their knowledge and cowardice

  • 11.7- Name: Handlarze z Północnego Szlaku [PL], North Path Traders [ENG]


Ingame description: “Honest traders that make money on the oil trade. Now they search new unexplored territories for rare merchandise

  • 11.8- Name: Przymierze Wolnych Handlarzy [PL], Free Trader’s Alliance [ENG]


Ingame description: “This faction is known for their relations with bandits. Supposedly they deal with stolen goods

  • 11.9- Name: Rybacy [PL], Fishermen [ENG]


Ingame description: “No one knows what these people to manage to fish from the lifeless waters of the ocean. But the fishers seem quite happy with their lives

  • 11.10- Name: Brygada [PL], Brigade [ENG]


Ingame description: “One of the many local gangs, willing to take constol over the Vaterland. They managed to get inside the ancient military base, which gave them inlimited acces to all kinds of weapons

  • 11.11- Name: Druidzi [PL], Druids [ENG]


Ingame description: “Children of the nature, who live according to the ancient cult laws

  • 11.12- Name: Dzieci Żelaza [PL], Childern of Iron [ENG]


Ingame description: “Ex druids, that left the faction to form their own sect of machine worshippers

  • 11.13- Name: Stalowi Giganci [PL], Steel Giants [ENG]


Ingame description: “The creations of hellfire albe to crush stones and fell the tallest trees. Meeting with these abominations spells sure death

  • 11.14- Name: Apostołowie Wyroczni [PL], Oracle’s Disciplines [ENG]


Ingame description: “Small sect of the Oracle worshippers

  • 11.15- Name: Wspólnota Niepodległych Miast [PL], Commonwealth of Independent Towns [ENG]

15commonwealth_of independent_towns02

Ingame description: “The sudden attack of loyal neighbors united the people of Librium. Now they are fiercely fighting for independence. They prefer espionage and sabotage to open struggles

  • 11.16- Name: Odkrywcy [PL], Explorers [ENG]


Ingame description: “Nowadays their number grew thin. But if you met one of these noble guys, you may expect help in any situation

  • 11.17- Name: Karmazynowy Świt [PL], Crimson Dawn [ENG]


Ingame description: “Inspired by the charismatic leader Axel, people of Argen are fighting with their neighbors. They also use the services of mercenaries of all kinds

  • 11.18- Name: Kościół Oświecenia [PL], Church of Enlightenment [ENG]


Ingame description: “This mysterious organization has adepts all over the world

  • 11.19- Name: Harakhat [PL]&[ENG]


Ingame description: “Natives of Oasia, they are rebuilding their hometown after a long war, but for some reason they cannot succed

  • 11.20- Name: Al’faran [PL]&[ENG]


Ingame description: “The long war seems to be over but the attacks continue. There’s no peace in these lands

  • 11.21- Name: Najemcy [PL], Bounty Hunters [ENG]


Ingame description: “Most dangerous warriors of the new world form this respectful faction. They fight for money but strictly honor their code

  • 11.22- Name: Nosiciele zagłady [PL], Doom Bringers[ENG]


Ingame description: “Hard times often give birth to the different sects, some of which are really dangerous

  • 11.23- Name: Kurtadam [PL]&[ENG]


Ingame description: “People, constantly suffering from the attacks of the desert raiders

  • 11.24- Name: Serseri [PL]&[ENG]


Ingame description: “Also known as the Keepers of the Memory, the old people left towns and are hiding from everybody

  • 11.25- Name: Njeri [PL]&[ENG]


Ingame description: “Njeri, guests from outer space

12. Merchandise used to trade for currency

From least to most expensive

  • 12.1 Potatoes – “A sac of potatoes


  • 12.2 Scrap metal – “A pile of rusty metal


  • 12.3 Wood – “A bunch of wood


  • 12.4 Oil – “A barrel of raw oil


  • 12.5 Bottles – “A rare beautiful thing


  • 12.6 Fuel – “Precious fuel


  • 12.7 Machinery – “Working mechanisms


  • 12.8 Tobacco – “Tobacco’”


  • 12.9 Books – “Ancient books by authors unknown


  • 12.10 Electronics – “Electronics


Huh? Did you read all of it or just scrolled down here? If you did read, thanks a ton!

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I’ve played this game and meridian 113 through a few times now and wish XO felt more like this. Its an old janky game but its got a lot of soul to it.

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Idk about copyright infringements and if XO can implement stuff because of that.

I certainly think it’s time for a Purple fuel tank that allows collection of 15 fuel. So players that have progressed have the option to get all 15 fuel in one part.

I mean, Tragem made both HTA and Crossout, Gaijin is just a publisher. And it’s still listed on their webside so i’m 99% sure HTA still belongs to them.
It’s just that as long as they don’t directly use the Hard Truck IP (which i think stil belongs to Softlab) then it should all be fine.
If they can put all the references to various franchises in the game with packs and events (Terminator, Christine, Twisted Metal, Carmageddon, Warhammer 40k) then i’m sure they could tweak it slightly and all would be fine.

As for the fuel, I completely agree. It should have been implemented long ago, but it would propably crash the fuel prizes unless some artificial restrictions would be made.

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I have a few ExMachina stickers in my Crossout inventory (love’m) that they issued in an ExMachina commemoration of some sort (twice), so I don’t imagine copyrights are an issue. They even re-released the entire game(s) for free download on Steam for Targem’s first commemorative celebration.

Sometimes I get the notion to bust open that old game and see what I can do to update the textures. The water is pretty good for a game that old, so that’s nice (wouldn’t need to touch it). I’ve opened it up and looked at it several times, but I’m just not that ambitious, and I wasn’t sure where to start (furniture, probably).

It’s a relatively small file for a game. It could be done, but Targem is the right team to do that. Besides being the heir to the ExMachina throne, their artists here are pretty good, IMO…I wish they’d do it…they could call it “Adventure Mode?”

I wasn’t saying up the fuel limit. Just that instead of two explosive bits, we could just have a single epic that combines them for one less explosive bit on a players build.