Aerial vehicles in crossout!

I already have 1500h in elite D so I needed a change. And Day Z secures it and it’s a very good change, it’s a shame I didn’t come across Day earlier.

C’mon Lexi, branch out a little bit. You’ve been playing Jannabi Retcher rat rod builds at 10k for at least 3000 hours straight. Throw your Helicons under a cab (I recommend Griffon or Harpy, put on a rotor of some sort and get with the program. You just might like it.


No… until they remove bots then what’s the point, every game is 2v2 and 6 bots… actually so fucking stupid and pointless. I’ve just been using it to farm fuel and shoot the 1-2 helis out the sky with my Astras

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I’ve been thinking about trying to skin a small build with those lately… lol

looks like they did a hidden buff to flying drones when on heli’s they seem to have a much longer range while on aircraft but you are limited to two of them at a time where as ground can have like 3.