Aerial vehicles in crossout!

patrol is very popular among forum goers as i understand. be it to grind out challenges or just as a shelter from “meta” and “actually good players”.

so isnt this going to be a problem? because the heli meta will be fucky im sure.

nope will not be a problem as PATROL is still squad on squad, just means some players will be in the air.


You know a lot of the meta and vet players play patrol to unwind right?

That only mattered in the other events because it was a slaughter match with a 10k points victory condition. In a normal match those part limits are meaningless.

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'can we all just wait to bitch until it comes out?
:crazy_face: :kissing_heart:

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This is a scale model of the largest of what I assume to be 3 Lunatic helicarriers. I just posted it on the exhibition (PC), so I’m posting it here, as promised. :wink:
2023.10.08 001

The smallest of the 3 is shown in the 4th picture in this news post. In the picture, you can see two of those (lower-left and upper-right), but mostly just their tails. The tail is different because the smallest version doesn’t have this long protruding platform in the back. But you can recognize the rotors and compare them to those on my model.

Visit my exhibition and fly it before the developers add it to the game on Thursday. :crazy_face: :helicopter: That’s two helicarriers I added to the game before they do! :upside_down_face:

I think I’d like it if they made a copters-only raid map…with Ravagers as the nemesis…in a foggy, bio-luminescent, swamp surrounded by hills that I can fly my Gerrida legged Mosquito-copter through, purging the valley of the horrible bio-mechanical infection before their queen, that’s growing like an oily clockwork tumor from an old industrial waste processing plant in the center of the swamp, bursts from it’s matrix and takes to the air to devour and assimilate our daring heroes.


I was testing something else but I played 100 games. I hadn’t done patrol since the start of the game. I was very surprised at just how fast BP challenges went. I doubt I will ever go back to the mode unless I am testing something else. It’s a mode that doesn’t contain “fun” for me.

Now that I’ve watched the live stream, I’m realizing how big of a change this actually is.
If the community embraces the helicopter mode, this becomes a whole different game, and whole new metas will be emerging soon.
The new helicopter maps seem like there’s still enough cover for ground vehicles, and the lack of respawn should discourage some cheese strategies.
I like that helicopters have to land to cap a base. Provides more of a role for mines, turrets, and even drones.
I fully expect players to come up with some new annoying things to do with helicopters, but I’m also sure the devs will be constantly tweaking in response to that.
I’ve been wanting bigger maps forever, and I’m really looking forward to how that changes the feel of battles.

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Aerial vehicles are a horrible idea. They have completely and totally lost the template of what got Crossout its hardcore niche playerbase who have stuck around for the last 5 years and kept it financed.
*Creative freedom
*Greater skill floor due to driving mechanics/controls
*Ground vehicle combat

They’ve tried to turn this into a mecha game with aircraft with all this dumb crap like camera steering, gerridas, helis, and it seems like they are trying to ride the success of Armored Core 6 with these two while also having this grandiose flying aircraft carrier appear. The same exact way they tried to ride the success of Cyberpunk by dropping Syndicate at the exact same time with identical aesthetics.

On top of that they have repeatedly nerfed the fun and functionality of augers, omnis, tracks, and keep wheels in a retarded state with no reverse speed and diagonal steering. They don’t even know what makes their game special anymore.

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UH this game isn’t meant for hard core niche player base though.

Creative freedom just got increased
Skill floor was needed do to the high skill floor making the game impossible for new people.

last one is jsut because that is what it was at the time.

game’s main selling point is its build your own combat rig, still has it. you are jsut salty.


You don’t go with criticism here, here on this forum a couple of individuals take criticism personally and their defense is, is there something you don’t like about the game? The fault is not in the game but in you. I used to play Crossout, but after they added Athena, I uninstalled it and now I’m focusing on Elite and Day Z. And I can recommend Day Z, no pay and win Day Z is purely about your skill, i.e. the art of survival.

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Day z sucks farts… sorry but it does…

DayZ is great, an open sandbox with no hand holding whatsoever and full mod support

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no that sucks farts…

I see that the arguments have run out. :rofl: :vulcan_salute:

Day Z is just another of 22,000 Zombie games. Goes in the total garbage bucket for me. I was over Zombies nearly two decades ago. Boring theme for me. Can’t stand them anymore. (note I am not commenting on if the game is fun or good, i simply don’t care)

As for Aerial vehicles in XO, I bet the first people that experienced Aerial assault in war thought it sucked also.

There is the option to que without Aerial. At least they didn’t just remove it like they did badges for solo players out of nowhere.

To anyone who plays DayZ you just sound like you never played it.

This new heli mode sucks balls so bad dude, what a waste of resources lmao

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Oh I played it enough to get the 10 point tutorial achieve. It’s simply zombie games are boring to me. Survival games are boring to me. Add the two together and it’s… dam I might as well go pull weeds in my wife’s flower beds…

Athena’s and Destructors make it pretty fun imo. Also I forgot about your fortune build till the other day. Love that build. I copied it. (I also put a carjack on my tusk build lol)

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With friends the social aspect and base building add a nice extra to the game. It’s a relatively slow game but with maps/mods added it’s a great time imo; everyone’s different but it’s certainly not “like every other zombie game”.

Honestly Fortunes are underrated, I didn’t try them for years thinking they’d be bad but their bouncing and slight projectile drop really adds another level to the skill ceiling and I’ve been enjoying them so much. I got a Carjack in my dual Fortune now too actually, I struggle for space usually that’s the only reason I don’t use them more.


Yes, I bought Dayz the day before yesterday :vulcan_salute: