I believe that top mounted weapons are at a disadvantage from flying vehicles. I read about it all the time in general chat that people are not pleased with the fights against helis. One issue is that the limiting firing angles of weapons mounted on top of the cabs. Side mounting is the only option to attack something that is above you. And when you side mount you get issues when firing in front you. There is a lot of sway witht the guns and while aiming left or right. Hope i making sense. I would like to have some modifications involving shooting height. Increasing the height at which we can aim when top mounted would be great
just delete helis and nobody will have to bother trying to shoot them
If only it were that simple. People really enjoy them. I wouldn’t want to take that away from them. There are some bad pilots, but there are some that are great. There are just some maps that make heli fights almost impossible to win without great strategy. It is even more annoying when your whole squad is ground troops.
This right here is the issue. Matchmakers in games seems to be entirely broken, not just in Crossout. Is it really that hard to balance teams? If you have two helis in one match, why put them both on the same team?
Even if the matchmaking cant find player that is a heli at least 2 bots need to be heli.
It probably executes the code to grab players for each team separately rather then splitting them up after filling the total match quota for players.
I’ve never seen a bot as a heli, do those exist??
I thought i saw one before but i guess not
As for how the matchmaking stands it is very weird. I have a hard time believing that I can be against the same team a few times in a row. Mostly though its the helis that make up the same team im against. Sometimes I just wait a few minutes before queuing again to try to get a diffent team.
I completely agree with this, but my helicopter is a ground vehicle. So, if MM counted my vehicle as a Heli then I still would not fly.
Devs need to add some kind of module that can act as a turret to attach your weapons too. That is the only way that I can see them solving this. Even tho battle walker legs got better firing angles than regular legs, the firing angles still is not enough to get air vehicles that is flying right above you which is what all air vehicle players does anyways to get in your blind spot.
Helis are the problem. They do not fucking belong and I do not care what people say, this game was way more successful and populated before helis. At the very least they need a -50% hp modifier applied to every single part on a vehicle that has a rotor attached to it.
What do you mean ?
Just some kind of module that a weapon could be attached to that turns. It would act has its own kind of rotation device so players on the ground would have the ability to shoot straight up.
That is not going to work because of how vertical camera and weapon rotation works. You can spin your aim round and round horizontally but cant do that vertically. Nor can the weapons do that. If a heli player dances around overhead going from in front of you to behind you, dancing between that +/- 90* mark, you cannot aim at them and your guns will be perpetually locked flip flopping 180 degrees. The ONLY solution I’ve found is non-cam steer slit builds where you can aim up and backwards controlling horizontal aim with steering keys. The confusion in people is visible because they are suddenly wondering why their foolproof strategy gets them killed.
Starfall goes to 90 degrees and that is what I had in mind, like give it the same aiming angles has what the starfall can do, that should work.
I thought that too. I don’t think it should be all weapons. But the weapons that look like they can shoot higher should be able too. Even if its not 90 degrees I think it should be better than the approximate 45 degree that it does already.
crossout is a game built around a system that never accounted for anything like helis, but it sure is surprising how poorly helis fit in the game. who expected an established building system to stop working when you decide to add a third dimension to the game
im not 100% against helis but i feel that helis should have their own modes to do stuff with them in. heck even putting them in adventure would be nice or just letting us use them in there. not to mention they said they would be making raids for helis to though im not seeing any news on that.
helis are a problem in standard pvp and i feel that if you want pvp with a heli then make their own pvp with helis only. but then again your going to get those reddit crybabies crying “oh boohoo your going to split the already small player base even more waaaaaaaaah!” alot of people dont like helis as is. if they were properly balanced when they first came out then there wouldnt be any issues.
my opinions are above but again, helis need their own mode. instead of being forced into pvp they can separate them in different modes. allow us to use them in adventure and further more develop that damn raid already for helis that they said they were going to do.