An extra game mode

fair enough…though i still believe it would work…i agree that most players are greedy and selfcentered so things like tactics and teamwork are incomprehensible concepts to them…but still…i think it would work…

if you have a single target VIP, do you realise everyone will take dog builds and eat the VIP alive? you also mention teamwork, but that just doesnt exist in crossout, there will be no defending your vip, just attacking the enemy vip


thank you for explaining :+1:

as i said already…i do get your point…and i know what kind of gaming comunity crossout has… that being said…it was just an idea.

EDIT: :rofl: in my defence i posted that idea a LOoong LOooong time ago (in a galax…) when there weren’t so many “MetaDogZ” :rofl: running around (WHO let the DogZ OUT!? :rofl: …I Know…THeey are the evil spawns of “THE SPARVESTER!” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: )

here’s some more thingys:

  • Helicopter Raids / Clan Confrontation / Clan Wars (maybe even heli Invasion…who knows, it might work) - so far helis don’t get much choice of game modes. i’m not rly a heli player (i play them every now and then mostly for the challenges), but even so, if you put them in, don’t neglect that fact…

  • Frames - so far we have heavy frames which you get from engineers and light frames which you get from lunatics…which kinda forces players to level lunatics if they want those. maybe add medium frames (something between heavy and light) to the nomad faction, and super heavy frames (heavier and more durable than heavy frames) and add those to the scavenger faction.

  • Seasonal Build Fest - like we get “fuse fests” that let players fuse stuff for “cheaper” (imo, fusing should use crafting mats, not sacrifying parts, but oh well…), why not “unlock structural parts of a certain faction for a time”. as things are now, factions need a humongous ammount of xp to level up, and new players have a very hard time accessing them, mostly due to whales and seal clubers snatching most of the xp in any battle. this way, new players could at least “try out what a specific faction structural part feels like” which could at least let them have a better understanding of which faction to level up sooner, rather than later…

  • Codrivers - i might have said that but make codrivers unlockable by faction choice/level. you can add them instead of or together with the profile pictures characters. like, a few per faction…that would make for a NICE AMMOUNT… :grin:

lol I mentioned those a while ago and it didn’t go over well with the non-heli players.

too many self-centered people these days…lol
played a few heli matches yesterday, is why i wrote it… :grin:

though personally i’d want a few more codrivers, tbh

forgot to put this at the time of writing this…
what they SHOULD definitly DO is make RARE and SPECIAL tier TAIL Rotors…so far there’s only Impeller.
this would allow new players to have more fun with heli modes and give older players more stuff to work with.
not to mention make “the heli faction” (Khaganate it was, iirc) a permanent one (with leveling it up and so on) and add all HELIcopter movement and structural part into that faction!

I asked about co-drivers for heli and crossovers too. lol

as i was saying ^…

here are just a few locations on the adventure map that COULD BE used for instanced content…like raid OR SOMETHING…
:rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:

you know, for :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

to that end, this could be also said about game modes that players find fun or entertaining…

in my case, i’d love to see Judgement Night added permanently to brawls, and Mad Chase should be added to raids.

there’s not enough modes for brawls anyway, and if they did challenges for brawls, at least some more types of brawls would be nice.
as for mad chase, it doesn’t need to have hekla’s voiceovers or just lunatics in it…raiding other factions’ trucks would also be nice…

…some more nice “unused” spots…in adv mode…ofc

1 Like

FEv4 “Porter” (Unique / (maybe)Legendary Module)
Perk: has 2 modes

    1. raise max hover(s) / Leg(s) speed by 10kmh
    1. weapons requiring Charge-Up/Have a Fixed Clipsize recieve 1 extra bullet (plasmaguns, and guns with a burst size statistic add 1 to burst size, while revolvers, and such weapons get +1 clip size ).

also…DEVS! PUT SOME CABINS into Lunatic, Nomad, and Scavenger factions SPEcial AND EPic categories…

Upload reference photos of what you want to see that’s the only way I’ve ever seen them use generally suggested stuff. Sometimes they’ve use descriptions of firing patterns for weapons but it’s a lot rarer.

the 3 special ones can go, and i think there’s enough epic cabs, that the devs CAN choose 1 for each of those 3…
:yum: :grin:


I’d like 2 to one offset frames.


gaijin exclusive wheels bought with LIFE BP :rofl:
…for life…

New CoDriver:
Practy GLUE Kuss (“I’ll keep it in one piece e’n ifa’ hav’ta GLueITtoGETh’r!”)
Sister of GIMMI K., became known as a more of a “hands on it…in the middle of the operation” kinda person, but her expertise of “keeping things together” quickly made a name for her in the wasteland and amogn various wastelanders both good and bad…

Spec skill - Miracle Glue - for a time after activation, every part (both Structural and Non) of the vehicle has a slight chance to “survive on 1HP” if dealth enough damage to destroy it. this skill does Not affect parts already On 1HP when activated.

skill - Make It Tight - every some secounds (15-20, i dunno, also works Only With Wheels) GLUE can shoot a Skinner Shot, But only at terrain and it’s only used to achieve a tight turn (momentum andall :smiling_imp:)

skill - Some DuctTape here… - slight increase in HP for “Non-Structural” parts like Cabins, Movement parts, Weapons, and Modules.

skill - Like Glue - after target aquisition, slight increase it time Before Aquisition is Lost

:japanese_ogre: this 1 got a lil’ background, hehehe :yum:

This I think is funny…

welll, i try to make them at least a bit funny (names and skills mostly)
and to make them a viable addition
which is why i try to, not often, use concrete numbers and try to keep them on an Idea level