Lol, I guess that’s possible, but I suspect you are grossly overestimating the cunning of the devs.
I also don’t think that them saying they’re working on crossplay could have had much impact on player retention. If you were going to quit over lack of crossplay, you were probably going to quit anyway.
I think it did on the high end CW guys. I know a ton of people that were basically done with the game when they announced it, and it kept them playing and hoping.
Now they are like WTF.
Im one of them. Played sparingly to none at all this last couple of months. Console crossplay? Im there every day for a looong while. Competitive juices just arent stirring playing this washed up meta. Drop the new projectile mechanics, balance some weapons (nerf punis, buff jorgs, anything that is over or underperforming in a big way at the CW level, just do Something* to it) or drop crossplay. Any one if those three would spur me on. As of now, do i really wanna play this game that hasnt changed an iota for what? 6 months, 9 months? Its been a while. Getting more and more stale every day imo.
I think I finally experienced this hill thing today, and I’m increasingly convinced it has something to do with a bug related to ride height. It really seemed like I had basically wedged myself on the corner of a hill, which let my movement parts spin to full speed while I didn’t move (or barely moved).
Then I twisted my build a bit and it grabbed hold of the ground.
I think someone changed a ride height value by mistake, making omniwheel and augers run much lower than their visual model suggests.
Going to try some more testing the next couple days.
I love both of these movement parts, and want them to shine to their full potential. This definitely seems more like a glitch than a nerf.
Edit: the brake light glitch is driving me nuts. I’ve started removing brake lights on these builds because it bugs me so much to see them on when travelling forward.
i dont think its that , i just tried my torero with 2 pins of space below and still got slowed down pretty bad
Its not that. Its being heavier that causes it. A heavy nerf to top PS omni builds, guaranteed to be “fixed” by this new engine
Kind of a convenient part to add to the BP don’t you think? Right alongside the lightest/fastest legendary cabin that your not going to need cheetah to be fast.
It’s all the same stuff we have seen for years.
I’m not convinced it’s due to mass. My 8 wheel hadron build is quite heavy, and not generally having issues with hills.
And I’ve also been testing a huge machinist build with a mixture of omniwheels and augers that’s above 5k durability.
Both are too slow for my tastes, but neither are experiencing this dramatic slowdown on hills.
I’ve also been testing light fast builds too, and made a quad auger Saviour build yesterday that’s moving fine.
If it was a deliberate nerf, it should be happening more consistently.
(Unless of course the speed reduction you guys are seeing is just the normal slight reduction going uphill, but that’s not what that first video showed)
Edit: just had an idea. Is it possible that fuses aren’t applying correctly with these parts? Could explain why it’s not happening with all builds.
There used to be a bug with tonnage or mass fuse on cabins… can’t remember which one.
But if you built over the normal limit it would slow down the build only when you went in game and not in test drive.
Not sure that’s the same thing - just tossing that out there.
It also didn’t effect all cabins, if I remember right they where BP cabins.
It often seems like any change to the game can have unexpected side effects in other parts of the game. It’s extra frustrating when these side effects don’t get resolved quickly, and we’re forced to have the endless “feature or bug” debate.
Oh well, I guess this comes with loving an obscure game from a small company.
nah, mines basically unfused
I think I’m starting to notice this glitch.
Played mostly augers for several hours yesterday, and from what I can tell, it seems specific to certain maps/terrain. Definitely seems to have something to do with traction.
The clearest examples I experienced were on sand maps with a build that was close to the mass limit. I think it may also be happening on the ice map, and on wet stuff (puddles and rainy maps).
It doesn’t even seem to have to be a steep hill, which is weird.
Having said that, it was only occasionally happening for brief moments, and didn’t seem to happen after I lost some armour. Didn’t annoy me enough to stop playing augers, but it definitely feels like a bug to me.
Hopefully the devs are aware.
I don’t mind the loss of the diagonal speed boost, and I’ve adjusted to the smoother feel, but there are some obvious bugs.
- brake lights reversed
- controller constantly rumbling as if armour is dragging
- unpredictable power loss on some hills
Maybe the diagonal “Fix” broke something else?
Amazing how many people here defended a bug. So lame. Especially this Poony4u forum warrior, just stop.
Fixed a bug with vehicles with wheels losing speed too fast on inclines and while steering (including “Bigram” wheels and “Omni”).
Maybe if you would read the thread you will see that people were trying to help and figure out the bug.
But I guess your random pointless insult helped too…
Yep, if you read, you’ll see that some people had no business commenting because they had no clue. Meanwhile others that actually use the parts already told you the issue. But some people talk just to talk and confuse everyone, sound familiar?
Yes it does sound familiar, it is exactly what I thought when I read your first reply, since it added nothing to the conversation except to do a personal attack on poony.
The funny thing is, I was so determined to figure out the bug that I ended up recording a bunch of matches where I did experience it so that I could rewatch them to try to figure out what was happening.
I was going to post them in this thread, but forgot about it.
I played nothing but omniwheels and augers for about two weeks, trying to figure out why it happens sometimes but not others, and why some builds were impacted so much more.
Still don’t know what was happening, but I have to assume mass was a big factor, as that would explain why my builds didn’t seem to be suffering.
Anyway, glad to hear the bug is getting fixed!
Problem is they still forget some other parts having same issue, especially slow vehicles,
for example Bigram unable to even go at some hill in leg mode, while in wheel mode starting from 0 speed, its still possible much more quickly than in leg mode… Any slope even if not going up, cause crazy slowness.
But still im happy, at least some of my light builds will work correctly.