Athena needs nerf

You can call BS all you want - but you would be wrong.

It is flattering, thank you.
You think it’s impossible because you can’t do it.

Everyone I know on Xbox is like this, hundreds of guys with most of the base game fused. (But 75% of the guys on my friends list also have fused relics and I do know a few guys with every relic in the game fused)

The only people I have ever meet in this game that act like it is impossible are guys from the forum.

It’s not that you can’t or wouldn’t be capable of doing so, but the fact that you lay it on so thick that it seems so obviously fake on every front

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I would have fused relics if I still did CW. I was working on sets of them before fusing. I’ve sold a few of them too. /shrug.

To be clear though: The guys I played with in CW who kept playing have all fused relics now.

I doubt I will fuse Athena’s. The price has gone way up.

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Athenas are broken and require the lowest level of skill to counter any mounted weapon build within its ridiculously long range.

You need to nerf its mechanics. It’s literally point, click and delete - no projectile prediction, near-0 range concern and second-to-none frontal profile and good durability at 6 energy density. It’s the fact that you can do SSS-tier dps that normally comes from clunky, high difficulty or fragile weapons with MG hit-scan reliability. All at a longer range than any other hit-scan weapon (MGs, corvos etc.). By the time you lose a single athena, you’ve likely stripped 3 people of their weapons.

There’s nothing wrong with weapons doing huge damage, we have many weapons in the game, but delivering cannon-shot damage at MG difficulty is undeniably game-breaking. I believe a damage nerf would make Athenas BORING. essentially a corvo with an erection, but with some kind of mechanics tweak it could be a fun and rewarding weapon.

Or just drop the explosive damage altogether and make it a small-radius heating gun that spreads out its damage a bit more. Something along those lines


Looks like they instituted this. 10 shots instead of 7 with a 30 percent damage reduction to make up for that and you only get the bomb bonus if you land all your shots. And, the shots spread wild as you get into the burst.

This should hit the gun incredibly hard as the deployment time is always an important stat for projectiles. Crickets became nearly useless when they increased the time to fire all 5 rockets per volley to nearly a second.

I’m not saying Athenas are going to be worthless but these ease of use nerfs hit many guns incredibly hard.

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not gonna lie, doesn’t seem to be

alot of people play as if their teammates are obstacles that need to be overcome

Just depends on play style the easiest path to victory is often ganging up on each other when combos are available. Two opposing examples I could give: If I’m my small arb or miller builds and I spot a incin user that’s who’ I’ll be sticking around with all match to maximize my dmg, I’ll guard the crap out of them. If I’m in my shot gun car I normally want to be left alone so I can flank to the rear and take out the cannons and slide around without teamates getting in my drift paths.