Athena needs nerf

I got 4 of them for around 6500 each and fused them at a 2 of 3 fuse event. So my fused ones were 13k each.

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Well they cost 13k, but they’re worth nothing lol

Not really an “lol”, I’m pretty close to being done fusing the whole game. Fusing makes me not sell them.

It’s just funny to equate the total cost to fuse something to it’s post-fuse price, because technically it’s worth nothing when it’s fused

Or technically, I payed about the same price of one normal one for my fused one.

In the end it don’t mater how much it cost, it’s all chump change.

A guy will vehemently claim that X is perfectly balanced because [reasons unrelated to X’s parametres].

The same guy will also casually mention that they spent 26000 coins to get a pair of fused Xs that they can’t sell now.



A fool and their money soon go separate ways.

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You tend to make hot takes (re: your comments on badge system changes) but now you’re defending the athena?

I look forward to whats next


This is where you are wrong.

I’m not defending Athena - this gun is pretty powerful.

But there are also plenty of ways to beat this build.

You have to be a little more cautious, but I kill them all the time.

You are in fact defending the athena though. I understand they can be beaten. That is not the definition of whether something is balanced or not. As for other honorable mentions, cyclones are also too strong. So the devs have a choice to either buff existing guns, or bring them down.

I never said it was balanced - I said it needs a few tweaks.

…… time to weekend!!! Because I don’t really care.

Athena has the problem all guns have: Cookie cutter rarity × energy consumed = Powerscore. It was better when each gun’s powerscore was unique. It was never perfect, but it was much better than what we have now. If each Athena had 500 more PS, theyd be closer to balnced at lower PS ranges, while largely unaffect at top PS ranges.


Changing the PS slider on the athenas and breaking the current system isn’t going to change the fact they deal obscene damage, and with how random matchmaking is its not going to make that much of a difference.

If anything, they should be 7 energy, and perhaps have slightly more durability to support that change (even though they have a lot atm), or just tone down the damage. Varun comes to mind as another gun that hits hard for its rarity but you don’t see a lot of them because its 7 energy, so athenas wouldn’t be able to be brought into sub 9k as easily as they are now.

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Isn’t it funny how they made this system but when something is an issue they just throw it out the window like how they made the Omamori 600PS or changed tracks/hovers PS to not follow their system

Im confused. Do these have value? Fake pixel coins or fake pixel weapons are the same thing. Both are still fake.
Players place their own perceived value upon their time and/or money.

It might be worth the time to stop and pick up a dollar to one person, but not worth the time to stop and pick up a $50 bill for another…

Athenas seem good on Levi’s.

My buddy had a fused pair on his Levi and they were very clutch.

hes pointing out that monkey is obviously defending his current op toys, in perfect crossout fashion i should add.

but banana man has this angle covered too, claiming hes fusing everything anyways. so jokes on you lemmy, monkey doesnt just fuse op stuff.

its just, he probably mostly only plays the stuff which is currently op while naysaying on the forum. but who knows, i dont, im not playing on mobile.

Correct :+1:

I’m pretty close to having the whole game fused :slight_smile: I even have fused gear that I have never even used because I fused it just because I can.

I don’t have anything in XO that I even want to work for. I literally own everything in the game that I want fused. Including my relics.

i’m not a company yes man,i don’t work for the company’ --look the other way :crazy_face: :rofl:
'sorry i have to call bs on all of this,only saying your in the forum (old forum as well) to much to even play to have everything unless you buy it all,or it’s givin to you by the company.

‘the way you sound right now is cringe’ :kissing_heart:


I am on the forum quite a bit and I fish pretty hard for 3-4 months of the year.

I have still managed to play 368 Days 5 hours and 5 minutes from the launch of game (8,837 hours).

I would say I have ~80% of stuff fused. Not relics. All but one cabin, most weapon’s though the fuses are not sets, all movement parts (except icarus IV) All modules, engines (many with two fuses) radars and ammo crates.
I did buy quite a bit of stuff over the years, packs and BP’s. I haven’t bought any packs in a long time though nor the small BP’s.

The 360k my account is supposedly worth are relics and decor. I would be perfectly happy if they paid me to play the game.

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