* Attention Forum Mods* someone is abusing the 'Flag System'

I hesitated before hitting send on that one for a while, but decided to take the risk to make a point.

I probably should have used myself as the hypothetical troll, but it would have been too much work to construct the “evidence”. Would have been funnier though.

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Ik what Im talking about and Im sure 100% ,theres to much to talk, explain , all situations ,all signs many bahaviors that prove my point.
My opinion is based on many weeks observation.


I did almost the exact same thing and had the same results of my posts being flagged when he was on the forum but not being flagged when he wasn’t but later they were when he came online, does he not realize people can see when he gets on the forum and when he isn’t…

Then why choose to single him out and why is it more than a handful of people who have a big suspicion of him flagging, if it was as you claim it is to be name reasons why multiple people would frame him and try to tarnish his reputation??? Where there is smoke there’s usually fire, what I don’t understand is why you are defending him like you’re getting paid to do so.
People have suspected him of flag spamming for at least 6 months now probably more, Why such a long campaign to frame poor monkey if he’s innocent and done nothing?
Why would people try to make him look bad by saying he’s a spam flagger?

In fact, if I were :monkey: I would stay off the forum for a while and come back to see if people were still having a spam flagging issue, and if it wasn’t me and the flagging persisted I’d be like told ya it wasn’t me, but everytime he isn’t online the flagging doesn’t happen so…
I’d rather not take heed of a person who doesn’t want to see what’s right in front of their eyes!

Yeah, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea and don’t try to be nor do I pretend to be something I ain’t while showing others glimpses of my real stuff like someone does

So was I, until the time came when I dared to disagree with him and not submit, and then the can of flags opened and hadn’t closed yet and that was at least 6 months ago

Didn’t you have bad blood with the muppetta?

Yup that’s what I heard, as I’m not a flagger I don’t know personally, I’m more of a debater or if the person I am debating isn’t willing to meet in the middle or just becomes a vulgar child I just ignore/mute but on this forum that means next to nothing

Has it occurred to you guys that the other reason Monkey might always be online when you got flagged is that he’s just online a lot?

Anyway, I’m starting to feel like the circular firing squad theory is a front runner. I can’t keep track of all the beefs anymore. You’re probably all flagging each other.

As far as me and muppet, I don’t recall any major disputes. I know I’ve corrected some of their assumptions about me a few times, but that’s nothing special. I get the impression that they tolerate me, and I hope to keep it that way.

not a frequent flagger myself, but i have to say the few times i did was exactly then. people go crazy when their stuff gets flagged, especially the crazy ones. e.g. this thread.

gotta say, pretty lucid moment for you poony, i think youre at least partially right.

yes, yes, come to the dark side!

haha, mister “dont stalk me by watching youtube videos i promote here” is a bit of a stalker himself. projection, hipocrisy is what gives my presence here purpose. thanks for giving me purpose.

some reasoning this is. his unbroken politeness is the very reason you think it was him? nono, the following is your true reason:

he disagrees with you on the update which made you rage quit and you cant have it. meanwhile your posts get flagged so you see red.

its in the same spirit as thinking the match maker is conspiring against you when you dont get carried for a couple of matches. impulsive, in the heat of the moment type of judgment.

ah you old bully! its a good guess, but as my very own stalker, paulie, can confirm, im basically never here. and the account of my family member has announced its connection. we never post in the same periods of time though.

then again, this is exactly what the flagger would say!

youre an npc in this game and forum to the degree to which you started believing you were a real human being. gather round, its story time:

years and years ago, in the before time, when there was still a pc forum and most of the console plebs were locked behind high and mighty walls. some of crudest creatures from beyond those walls made it across, among them xbox420 aka lexi, skeletoncrew or something, and you guess it, monkeyboy himself.

it was harsh times anyways, but these beasts knew no bounds! xbox420 was n bombing in good old xbox lobby fashion and monkey was known as a troll who would spew crap nonstop.

as we all got more pc and monkey wanted to change its ways it adapted. he actually made a post in which he confessed to trolling hardcore and spewing crap, which is what he had been told repeatedly by others before.

he then vowed to be a good boy from then on to which i told him hes a turd and a liar. others forgave.

clebardman knows this story too.

that helpful enough? so yeah, i guess monkey flagged a bunch of posts, its right up his ally. but you dont know, so dont pretend you do. not smart to talk yourself into a rage like this.

no, bad! you have your theory and now youre reaching far and wide to somehow fit reality into it, quit it! its backwards logic.

i called you a noob and blind many times, especially when you were so very oblivious on the aim assist thing. but, you are old school and i guess i have a traditionalist side. all of us old schoolers in the forum know to not hate the player but the game :wink: you got the right impression.


on this whole “kill the monkey” thing: one gross thing many here have in common is the absolute readiness for conspiracy fueled mob justice.

its what i mean, when i talk about the cyber bullying thats going on here and of which i have been a victim many times!


One made an appearance :rofl: and a :hiking_boot: :tongue:

That was fascinating. Longer than usual, I think. You should write like that more often. All I’ve ever seen you be was caustic and rambunctious. That’s the first time I recall you actually being clerical. I’m not sure I can call it congenial, but it’s damn near civil and informative. I’m wowed. I don’t know what to say really. Just wow…but…

…is that the victim card you just played? That caught me off guard too…who are you really, and what have you done with the real Mupppet42069?

I remember too. I also remember a forum lynch mob that formed there over Disco, Psyberserker, TexasHeart, or whatever. It was awful. Way worse than this. I was new and it sort of freaked me out that stuff like that would happen. What happened here was weird, but it wasn’t as bad as…“in the before time.”

I have my opinions about this situation here, but I don’t like them. I’d like to be able to just shit-can the whole idea too, but whatever.

And now, the resident troll turns out to be the voice of reason? Bloody hell. This forum is awesome. Weirdest damn place I’ve ever been sober…ish…most of the time.


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Oops. that wasnt meant to be a reply to Roopul.

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I rly like that muppet speach , happy to see that more ppl can see things not obvious to most of ppl. In one post he explained a lot, i rly like it :+1:

Wow you remember these ppl too? Actually those two names is a one person, I also used to argue a lot with her.
There was much more ppl who had no idea how things works but after time when they got more gear and experience they changed their opinion for example Clebardman :crazy_face:

My biggest forum enemy was speedemix and his false propaganda about hovers, ohh I used to fight with him a lot.

Remember that? :rofl:
------> speed-e-mix - YouTube

Btw do you also remember a guy SpeedyGonzaleo? Yes yes it was me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yes, TexasHeart too, that’s why I mentioned all three monikers. I’m not sure how people might have known her.

I do remember Speedemix. The forum was rough then too. It’s amazing any of us have survived this long.

Yes, I wasnt sure if its her bc I didnt interact with this name as I remember, but the other two I argue a lot.

True and a lot of ppl tried to force their own propaganda :crazy_face:

You see how many ppl is still here? Just a few, and where are all those crybabies with their false agenda breaking the game?
They are not here anymore and crossout is broken in many aspects bc of ppl like this. Its rly sad that devs were listen to them.

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If you browse far enough back, you’ll find quite a few posts with me defending RoughMonkey.
It wasn’t a conclusion I came to easily, quickly or happily.

I had to un-hide you to see what the fuss was all about.
Now, you know it wasn’t you watching my YouTube videos that got me to call you a stalker. That’s not what set me off. You went digging for personal information & tried to shame me with what you found. It didn’t work, but it also gave me a pretty good indication of what you’re capable of.

Oh, it wasn’t a rage quit. I’ve done that in the past, but this was more like “what’s the point of playing?” quit. Nice BS marketing on your part, though. Kudos.

Nah… you missed it again. My posts getting flagged wasn’t what pissed me off. What pissed me off was someone pretending to be one thing while being the exact opposite. I can handle people’s mistakes, changing their minds & the like, but pretending to be some sort of guru of the game & well-behaved forum member while actually being a nuisance to the whole community… nah… that’s a different game.

Like I said, as long as I’ve been reading, you’ve never pretended to be some sort of upstanding pillar of this weird forum community. You’ve always been abrasive & nuts. I think it’s genuine. I can handle that. Granted, I’ve had you on “ignore” for months, and that’s worked for me. It’s just made the forum more enjoyable to not read your weird quasi-sane salt every time I log on.

Coming on here & seeing people posting legitimate thoughts & emotions only to have this faux “pillar of the community” (for lack of a better term) flag-spam their posts… well… yeah. F off.

In other news…

One of my posts that got flagged was removed by the automated system.
A member of the staff restored it.

I don’t care who you are, that’s funny right there.

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Lurking poolside

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So let’s clarify, by Monkey do you mean me?

What about this? None of that sounds like me.

What about here? Who are you talking about?

A chat with who? I’m trying to follow along here but none of this makes sense.

No, this guy:



Cute picture :slight_smile: I love the monkey, but that seems off topic.

Would be a shame if you flagged it eh?


Well, back on topic.

I think you have multiple people flagging posts, to include alts. When it happens everyone starts to get flagged.

Maybe they need to start looking up IP addresses of alt accounts and ban them?

Before you lock this up I want to say thanks, Charlie. Good job