
I actually head-on’ed a yongwang and he looked at my gun like ‘oh no’ lol… It was worth the self damage

Actually being a mortar is satisfying too

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100km backwards with these tracks really helps, if i get to red hp I just drive backwards everywhere from the enemy and it blocks damage for me


Nice gameplay. You’re proving the point that weapon seems to be most effective on a fast build.

I don’t think they play anything but fast builds, so that doesn’t say much about the gun’s potential.
I’ve seen people do well with slower builds, but they need to be able to pivot fast (spiders and tracks mostly, but I bet someone will make them work on omniwheels).

Maybe at low to mid PS, but Omniwheels are not competitive at high PS. (14k+)

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Why? Curious - I dont yet have omnis but maybe

They are outclassed by bigrams and hovers.

Once you get into super high PS many of the movement parts are just not as good.

The majority of super high PS players will use Bigfoots, Hermits, Bigrams and Hovers.

Lately you also see some Sabbath wheels.

In some cases you might see tracks inside bigram builds used as frontal armor And maybe a small track build here and there, but in most cases I would say that tracks are outclassed at high PS.

Also the above info is what you would see in Clan War, optimized builds, you see all kind of cray stuff in PvP missions, but it don’t mean it’s good.

I’ll add that some things can be good in PvP, but bad in CW. Augers I believe are somewhat fine in PvP given the extremely low PS investment compared to other strafing parts, or heavy tracks.

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Does anyone else feel like they are being a bit too cautious with 12 energy weapons in general? I can appreciate that they aren’t op as heck from the get-go but at the same time they don’t feel like they can compete with builds at the same ps using multiple guns instead of just one

You don’t remember the Kaiju?

But i do agree, i’d rather they be 10 energy and have lower stats, allowing them to compete and also use modules to aid them if you wanna bump it


If they do lower it to 10 energy, which sounds reasonable, they should at least keep the current hp it has rather than lowering it at all because even at around 9000ps this thing just falls apart so easy and fast it’s ridiculous


This is literally the same thing for the kaiju, but because it was “OP “ at the start, they want to see the weapon rot, resistance upgraded kaiju with the averter and machinist still only takes 3-5 seconds for a “meta breaker build” to remove it from my vehicle, basicallly turning it into a 19770 durability brick that can’t do anything…
Imma quote something i said somewere else as it explains it easyer…

it may have a lot of durability, but it is not much for 12 energy + the fact that if you lose it, you become instantly useless.

now look at this conparsion:

-12 energy of tsunamis: 1492 durability

-12 energy of fat mans: 1660 durability

-12 energy of typhoons: 1900 durability

-12 energy of mammoths: 2568 durability

-12 energy of mastodons: 3010 durability

this cannon weights 655 kilograms more than a singular mastodon, yet it has only 87 more durability, while being 12 energy, so you still have basically half “total weapon durability” than someone running mastodons or mammoths…

also, considering how fast large parts fall with most weapons nowdays this may mean that you will instantly lose any fight if you miss the first shot, which consideering the weapon’s poor accuracy may be very likelly to happen often

Not only both of them have orrenduously bad durability/energy, they are massive and extremelly easy to hit…
And + the fact that it is only a singular weapon, it makes them extremelly easyer to target, as you only beed to focus on a singular point in a vehicle instead of multiples of them…

These things mad both of them absolute horrid as well in heavy builds + the fact that you lose a generator you become useless, no matter what you do…

I honestly at this point don’t care if they make them weight twice as much as now, as long they at least get 50% more durability…

Also, i think kaiju should get 2 pins of armor piercing as well, a full kaiju volley hit in a “meta dog” or anything similar will end up with less than 200 damage…

Do you have a screenshot of your build?

There are some Bigram/track combo builds that are almost impossible to strip.

The builds that are just tracks or wheels with the gun slapped on top are easy to kill. They get what they get.

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I’m looking forward to putting this on a side omni/master/omamori build. I’m not sure if I’ll end up with grizzly or what codriver for it, or if I’ll also add an averter as well.

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You can’t have an Averter and an Omamori at the same time. Both are classified as passive defense modules, and only one of those can be put on a vehicle.

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Looks like your Hungary to give some advice. I figured I probably couldnt pair the two but added the last bit just in case I could. Food for thought hungry man.


You shouldn’t be making those jokes to the same person that got mad at people making jokes about the country that is called “turkey”

If puns around a countries name is making you mad your an idiot. Simple. Like… That’s not a thing to get mad about.

Country name puns are fun. Enjoy wordplay. Don’t live your life like some butt hurt Karen.


I’m not the one mad here, i am just pointing it out that the user that you replied is the same one that got mad over “turkey” jokes

Yeah I made a turkey pun and then the trash mod nico was probably the guy that removed it. It was a bs moderator move. Oh no I said I like turkey jerky! Delete my post!