Balance changes and other changes in the new season

this is a joke right? :rofl:

checked ur profile out,5k cw is nice,u like it,thats great…
but its not about you…its about the game and the players…
and as a side note" i know alot about CW" and why it’s a waste of time’
for sheets n giggles—‘why do you still play CW’ ?what are you gaining/achieving? whats your ‘EndGame’ goal?
‘there is none’ :thinking: :rofl:

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i do not have problem if you speak about your Raids or pve missions. And myself i cant comment pve/raids because i dont play them much.

But you speak about CW while you got no clue what is there.

If you dont want to be confrontational, then keep away from CW and keep with your Raids/pve talks. Like confirmed many times, you got no clue, and you cant have because you just dont play CWs.

ur no specialist…i told u its about the game,i dont care about ur cw and how useless it is…
look at stats… i play more than u do…stop being that child and help our xo players.
and for fk sake…give me a straight answer…

edit…incoming reply…he does not sleep lol

What answer?

i play CW because its competetive, not like Raids/pve where i can brainlessly win every time and Bots always behave Same way. BOOORING

If i play any missions, its pvp, but still there are bots + bad players, so its not competetive.

You like play vs bots/weak enemies, i dont.

Also you could use little brain to understand there is something like TIMEZONE

omg dude…
i play pvp all the time…ask anyone
i relax and play patrol for fun…ask anyone
i just wondering y do u care what anyone plays and y it matters to u?
cw sks do relics…no one wants one at this price for a no end game game…'but have fun getting there… :rofl:

you are funny,
you care what i play and now you say opposite. You Aasked Me

I dont care what you play, i care what bullshit you say about CW that you DONT play.

When you are out of options, you go into lies and non-sense sentences.

Also answer me about lack of timezone knowledge from your side.

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no offense to incinerator players but nobody ever wants to play against this turbo shart of a weapon

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he is “the players”

what are you gaining from playing PvE lmfao

nothing’ whats ur point?

whats my point

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I am very interested in the new energy system, more than anything to make better use of the modules, since generally few people use utility modules so as not to sacrifice weapons.

For example: I always wanted to put the Maxwell and Oculus modules in my vehicle at the same time, but I never could since I would have to make great sacrifices regarding the weapons and their respective modules.

This new system can give the opportunity to change that, even if it is to put several low-level modules such as combining Maxwell and Oculus, etc., or make other types of combinations of utility modules.

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That’s a good point. I think I’m going to pick up an oculus and a razorback. Pretty sure I have all the other special modules, and most of them fused.

So…my quantum, incinerators, hermes, lacerators, are now worthless. Incinerators were the only weapon I could use in levi invasions to allow me to make a decent contribution, so levi invasions are closed to me. My wallet will remain closed, so I will be worthless to the devs.

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Just keep at it nothing ever stays the same here.

Quantum literally got buffed, Hermes got an absolutely massive buff, lacerators were a broken crutch, and no one knows how the incinerator will fare.

Im gonna leave it at that and stay polite.


Incinerator nerf way over done. This was a great weapon to get people into Levi CW so they could contribute to a clan and start earning ore with a low entry cost. Rip new players effectiveness and also rip veteran players that had fun with it. Double kill.

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Perhaps just…

Hit your damn shots??

Or use a Mandrake.

your wrong. the mandrake is more of a mortar then a fire weapon. yes it leaves fire puddles but the main damage comes from the mortars themselves. the fire is just a bonus.

then lower its heating rate somewhat, dont nerf the damn thing into the ground and make it solely reliant on direct hits.

LOL WRONG! you think its easy scoring direct hits with an arching weapon? try hitting something with a mandrake. the only way your hitting anything with an incinerator is if its either sitting still or your very close to them. if the initial damage comes from hitting them directly then its like the avalanche, if you whiff that shot your f**ked! its a SUPPORT WEAPON and always will be. its not meant to be a direct attack weapon.

the problem is the aoe damage has been cut drastically where its not its main source of damage and heat anymore. this makes the incinerator completely useless now. also take into account how the incinerator works. hilly terrain makes it weak, flat ground makes it decent but it also got that nerf to its fire puddle radius. hell even the jotun is better then the incinerator, if not now then itll be its replacement.

mastodons and helicons are not aoe weapons in the same sense that the incinerator is. incinerator uses a puddle of fire to deal damage and heat parts in a specific area that it hits. mastodon and helicon are projectiles that hit only a certain area on a build limiting its area that it effects.

incinerators performed well because they were good at support and helping team mates to deal damage. if they were so broken then they should lower the heating rate they do instead of giving the weapon a stupid perk such as making direct hits having the most impact.

if you call mindlessly button mashing and meta builds competitive…


try jotuns. i have a hadron, 2 jotuns, flywheel, and king build that is really good. fused for puddle life time and it reloads FAST so you can just keep pummeling them with jotuns.

i just hope its not as bad as it looks on the notes there dude. i play pve so i have an easier time with them but still they are my favorite weapon to use in pve.

or perhaps get some logic?
mandrake shots are alot harder to hit then an incinerators. but even then incinerator can have a hard time landing direct shots to. both weapons are tricky to use but if i have to say anything about which ones harder id say the incinerator due to how its built and how it functions.

perhaps try using them before you start throwing out statements like that.

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First off, it’s “you’re”.

Second off, the Mandrake is categorized as a fire weapon and its main damage is supposed to come from the fire. The explosion is the nice bonus.

And the Mandrake SHOULD be better than the incinerator. It’s a higher rarity.

Also, players seem to have no problem hitting moving targets far away from them. I think you’re just bad with normal support weapons and use the incinerator as a crutch. The Mandrake is harder to hit things with because it has a huge delay between firing and the shells hitting the target, as it is a long-range support weapon. The incinerator is not.