Balance changes and other changes in the new season

first off i dont care for grammar.

second off its a howitzer, a mortar cannon. ask the hundreds of people who used it as a sideways nuke in clanwars and theyll tell you the main damage comes from the bullets themselves NOT the fire.

the mandrake should be better because its a howitzer, a gun that fires 5 explosive rounds with a fire puddle when they hit. tricky to use but if you can get down how to use it properly its one of the strongest weapons next to the porcupines.

dude im amazing with support weapons and especially with cannons, when i played typhoons in clan wars people feared my accuracy. youve never seen me play any support weapons so you have no say in if i am or am not good. i use the incinerator and jotun alot for support and im very good at both.

the incinerator is a mid range support weapon. and yes the mandrake has a delay, but so does the incinerator, its projectile speed is slow making it sort of on par with the mandrake at longer ranges.

when the player is not a bot then yes there will be issues. bots are predictable, people are harder to predict. this causes an issue when your arching weapon needs to land direct hits in order to deal any kind of damage or heat parts effectively. do you get what im saying here?

no its ‘yer’
or ‘ur’

I don’t even see anyone using this the way it is. And they nerf it some more?

I’m not putting a Mandrake on a helicopter.

It works though.

Thanks for the Incinerator nerf, this weapon is an absolute scourge right now at all powerscores.


Ive never once died to an incinerator, or got heated just as their teammate murdered me. Its just never happened. With any speed/luck/map awareness, incinerators just arent a threat imo. I warch them murder kids enough to know many people disagree, but incinerators to me are like king mine cars: a minimal threat that can be largely ignored indefinitely.

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I saw them as only worth using in levi wars. You may be able to put together a comp to make them work in normal wars but it would still be inferior to many other comps in most situations.

With this nerf and buff to jotun, will jotun become a viable replacement? Will the buff to skadi make it competitive with dracos/CW?


incinerator chews through all your armor before you even begin to move away from it and then you also take 2x damage and cant move around anymore till its gone

Skill issue mr mammoth man

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pure game issue

Run a Phoon, scorp, or any front facing builds that need to prioritize distant positioning and surprise shots over dps and incins are a major problem. They also guarantee that everybody without a doppler is blind because a radio only has 13hp and team cohesion goes out the window. Its easy to say incins r fine until you are playing something that can’t have much cabin HP because its weapons and movement parts are that heavy compared to wheels and most weapons.

When was this effect added??

it wasnt. i think he means from a stand still if it hits you.

im aware of how incinerators work, i use them alot. if your running at high speed then the fire damage is minimal but anything that has low hp wont survive.

I think what i mean to say in almost every topic related: I drive a machine gun wheel build and nothing is easy, but everything is beatable. Every time I fall short, it’s literally a skill issue. I chose MGs back when i was using whites because i knew it was the only thing that could beat everything. You gotta work harder with less margin of error to outdo a range build at range or close range up close, but its always doable.


3 words. Worst Update Ever.

All extra points to Gens screwing up builds again. Ive though you would be done with that energy shit. And now alle generators changing. Not spending money comming months anymore.

Time after time nice builds get ruined.

Lots of tears for something that should help better balance the game, ie make it better. I dont like every change but it would be odd if I or anyone else did. Overall, I think it should be a solid update, with the potential to further tweak with more precision.


the whole point of the thor generator was to give us something less heavy but with more explosive power to balance it out. it really sickens me that they are giving the apollo more energy and screwing us over with the lighter generator that shouldve been the counterpart to it. i dont think it will make that big of a difference tbh. either slap a stupidly heavy apollo on a light build or a thor with less energy, pick your poison. they say itll help heavy builds but… will it?

boy i cant wait to see how my builds look in the game when the update comes. watch me have to rebuild alot of them :roll_eyes:

For playing a car building game you sure don’t want to do a lot of building.

I think the issue is that the explosiveness didn’t turn out to be enough of a balancing factor.

I’m not sure if this update will really favour heavy builds, but I think they are hoping it will put them on more of an even playing field with the others, as well as give the three classes of cabins more distinct roles, and give us all more flexibility in building.

The main objective is clearly to give them a system to make more precise balance adjustments without having to always resort to buffing or nerfing the capabilities of an item.

I wouldn’t get too invested in any of the new energy costs for items, as it seems pretty clear to me that their immediate objective is to just establish the new system and give us a chance to figure it out and abuse it without breaking too many builds. I fully expect more changes to energy costs with future balance updates.