Balance changes and other changes in the new season

I find the incinerator issue weird. For a long time, they seemed fine. Now, they’re considered OP and are getting a nerf.

Could it be that the Bots don’t avoid the fire puddles, or that some maps are too narrow?


Incinerator was always problem.

Before problem was not visible, because fast Hovers pressing S everywhere so only 30% playerbase suffer and it was not effective against 70% hover-based. (i speak about CW ofc)

so simple example to visualise:

  • if build A in 1 second kill all builds - except build B that this A not too good
  • build B is used in games 99% times

then would people say build A need nerf?

No, because of everyone using B so noone care.
When META change more from hovers to other builds, then its more visible what need nerfs.

Yes inci is support weapon, but heat-up in 5 second to full all build and even multiple builds and doing TON of damage to any SLOWER or not fast pop-up pressing S builds. And all of this without even directly see enemy.

Direct hit damage here seems reasonable balance.

Just try play any slower build vs this crap, not as hover

Thats why inci now was used in over 60% CWs, because there were less press S hovers last time

why are you mad about actual balance changes for once

why exactly should the massive heavy generator not produce more than the tiny light one? nobody who has money uses apollo for things like hovers and even spiders

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Because they constantly messing with the weapons/generator/other items energy points, which screw over so much builds.

yea good

I suspect one thing that may be a factor is people figuring out that incinerator and Jotun can generate extra high Confrontation rating points, which has led to more people playing them.

I remember years ago incinerators were everywhere for a few months at the PS range where you would see lots of gas generators, because they popped them so easily. And when lots of people are playing them at once, they are arguably much more effective (like many other weapons).

So maybe it’s just that more people are playing them now for confrontation points, which is leading them to be more effective than normal in PVP (and confrontation)?

Incins are only consistently good in modes with levis. Even then, I never saw them as OP. This nerf will kill them.

Jotun may score well in some modes but it had little impact. Maybe this buff will make them erform well enough to be used competitively but the jury is out.

I suspect the current chase mode led to the explosion in popularity. It would die off naturally after that expires.

I’ve been seeing incinerator squads in CC matches, and then the same ones in PVP when CC isn’t on.
Might not explain everything, but people are definitely using them outside of PVE lately.

in certain scenarios like good organized team play (the scenario for which incinerator is intended) you could consider the weapon to be OP since it eats parts of everyone who passes through the puddle and doubles damage received

I always heard, pros are predictable the dangerous ones are the amateurs they are unpredictable.

Bad players are the most powerful players in a team, they can make or break a game

I like to think im half and half on that. I never have a plan, go way too deep into enemy territory, usually completely ignorning my team’s position. But i got the stick skills to strip multiple players while avoiding dog players. Id say in over 50% of my matches, i draw over half the enemy team’s attention to solely me. If i do good, my team gets to fight 5 v 3s, and ill usually take out about 3 enemies on my own.

But yep, If I dont know what im going to do next, They dont know what im going to do next.


Curse this car building game making me build!


I like the build feature, and enjoy using it. It was better before the menus went narrow and long, but these are still the best legos in town. I won’t be offended if I have to rebuild some stuff. I will build stuff anyway.

Question: Are faction specific builds, builds using parts specifically to counter fire (Firestarters, Dawn’s Children?), a significant fire deterrent? Is the buff worth it, to build against the firedog META?

If it were a significant boost to use parts that offer resistance counter to fire, I would be against AOD nerfs. I’d rather they buffed the faction part damage resistance dynamic, and make it more worth it to build faction specific.

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dude they specifically made the thor to combat the heaviness and bulkiness of the apollo. its the same with the gasgen and the bigger version of it. they made it as an alternative to those who dont want to run something that weighs as much as a planet on their car. in the gasgens case, something that would blow up should you even glance at it…

in this case raise the durability of the gasgen because that thing is so frail even sneezing near it can make it go boom. theres no reason to give the gasgen such stupidly low hp in comparison to other generators. hell one generator in the game i believe has 30 hp. you drop a feather on that and itll explode!

then LOWER the heating rate at which it heats parts. the solution is simple yet they just want to nerf the damn thing into the ground.

i like building but i also like getting resources and stuff. im not very creative when it comes to building cars to. i see people make some amazing art builds and im just sitting there with a build that looks like a Frankenstein build and i say “yep… so long as it does damage and can tank hits im fine.” lol.

We both know it isn’t an alternative anymore, it’s the only usable option.

They actually did do that a while ago, and they’re much more useable as a result. Still highly explosive, but the durability isn’t so low that they pop when driving through a fire puddle anymore.

One thing to keep in mind is that light cabins will now have more energy than medium cabins, which means you could have a fast car with a light generator and have the same energy as a medium cabin with a heavy generator. That seems fair to me.
If someone wants the maximum amount of energy, they should have to compromise to get there. Explosiveness just wasn’t enough of a drawback.

cool that they made it to be that. but we live in reality in which thor is used in every build regardless of hp or weight and apollo is the generator for poor people

and why do you think that is? because the apollo was to heavy and people wanted a lighter option so they could better armor their builds. even with the weight reduction fusion perk it was still to heavy, thats why people wanted a lighter option.

gee why do you think the apollo is cheaper? its because the thor blueprint is… oh idk… not available to craft except in events! and on top of this its also used in the crafting of a relic generator. so yeah i wonder why its so damn expensive huh? even if i had the money to buy one, if i had to choose id choose the apollo due to the cost, im not going to pay 10 - 20k for a stupid limited generator like that and if need be id choose to wait and get one from an event like we had gotten one before.

face it moneybags nobody is going to want to shell out more then they need to for a legendary, especially one thats near in price to a relic.

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Actually, i agree with him.

I’m always trying to keep my builds alive, and despite they are better than before.
I’m reaching levels where before i just couldn’t.

The truth is… it’s just a pain.

I manage to dodge so many nerfs and changes, the upper build has 1 year old, the bottom build has more than 2 years and still kicking. I don’t know for how long i can keep this up
I just rebuild them after the armour nerf, and i can’t enjoy them in peace, I’m bracing myself for the incoming energy changes.
I have other builds, but they lost effeteness, cause i just can’t pay attention to all my builds every time there’s a change.

And i would like to make something new, with new weapons…

It would be nice if the devs settled for a META ( whatever may be) and slow things down a bit… for a change.

You want to bet with me, a year from now ( if i get lucky…or not ) i’m still talking about PUNCHER and STORM CHASER instead of a new build .
I like to tweak, to fiddle with details…I just want to do it with something new.
Came on… i just need some time… oh i miss the era of the wedge, it lasted for a good portion of time, enough to develop something to go against.