* Battle for uranium

This was the graphic I sent in the past but I’ve said a few times it could be deconstructed origionally I had plotted this out thinking about levis. Each row over would be a PS increased going along with tht rarity concept though not explisitedly. I think we would just take the middle line up flyweight to heavyweight and mess with that in term of leagues.

Honestly sorry just don’t feel like cutting the chart down.

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this is gonna benefit top clans

cant wait for group of 4 players from clan with op crafts…

That’s the best way to die when your group just gives up before starting and your left there solo to face 4 players. You end up being the only player not banned for an hour.

It will be interesting for a change. Some players will have an advantage but I don’t think it will just be clans but the top of the list probably will be older players.

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In any competitive mode, the more competitive and experienced players will do best. That’s normal.

That’s also a big part of the appeal of CC and CW: they’re for people who want to test their builds and skills against the strongest builds and players.

For me, CW gives too much of an advantage to people with big inventories. CC largely solved that aspect for me, so I enjoy it.
Having said that, I mostly play Crossout to relax, so I probably don’t play more than 20 CC matches per week. I like the adrenaline, but I don’t want it all the time.
Do meta builds dominate CC? Of course! That’s the definition of a meta. Sometimes I’ll play within one of the metas, or sometimes I’ll focus on countering whichever meta is currently most popular. Either approach is rewarding in its own way.

I don’t actually care that much about the Uranium aspect for myself, but I think it’s a good way to help newer players catch up. I’ve got lots of items, so I’m not stressed about getting ahead.

I do hope this second PS bracket is the beginning of more “leagues”. I find it a lot more interesting to build towards a PS limit than to build with no-limit for CW. That just makes me feel poor. Plus, this new range is a good spot for me to use more of my legendaries and make some more complex builds.

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Some of this comes down to who is the better shot.

I still wish they wouldn’t have made cw 3x3 matches.


I agree, and that is part of the battle of skills aspect. But Crossout is also about driving skills, and according to some forum members, no-aim close range builds are the most powerful options at the moment (I disagree, but whatever).

goblins hurt.my opinion :rofl:

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Those should cost more en. lol

I have always loved the goblin/gremlin line of shotguns.
The one gun that meatgrinders have always worked well with, and that even work well with tracks.
They’re easily the shotgun type I’ve played the most of, with the reload ones next in line.

They’ve always been strong, but never so strong that they become the dominant meta.

It could be a good feel for who easts what.

i thought they were not giving minus points?
it said it was not doing that…Now it is?

i’m done.not playing this crap/as Shark tank says 'for this reason ‘i’m out’ !

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I agree with negative points, in theory. Otherwise, it just rewards quantity over quality. I cant compete with the jobless/lifeless that can play all day.

That said, i doubt i commit much time to it, as I hear it is CW lite, with normal clans running teams of 4. While i love CW, I dont want to “have” to play with 3 others to make it work.

im not playing the bs i rather get ore win or lose other then that its a waste of my time

I’m enjoying it but I often play CC. The extra rewards for this in moving between leagues are a bonus plus there’s more PS ranges to pick from and there isn’t anything bad with that. I could picture playing multiple ranges if it wasn’t for the garage blue print issue. Needed 2-3 spots to balance out with the random teammate build choices could be rather expensive.

If I imagine this as a permanent mode I don’t mind the negative points, because unlike when they run this in limited events you pretty much have another shot at the reward the next week. Which would make it not such a big deal. I’m normally not a huge fan of negative points for limited time modes though.

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This 9k mode is literal brainrot gameplay though, I do like seeing the forced-down meta builds though… seeing all the cut corners and slapping them is quite fun.

8k… A lot of it is already like that though.

I do see a lot of similar stuff that I was seeing in CC and some lesser versions. It is kind of interesting to see what people decide to lose for the 1k difference.

When is it not? lol

I am kind of curious what’s lurking in the other PS bracket though. Currently trying to figure out what spaces I can free up to build 2 builds for it.

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I do grow tired of watching my 3 teammates struggle to strip a single weapon though, the levels in which I need to carry almost every match is getting quite tiresome.

I’m currently 10th but 2nd for kills and I think that says enough.

I think that just comes down to playstyle and weapon choices. Some are better suited for it then others. I’m normally surprised when I don’t see a minigun or shotgun build not attempt to strip weapons but I understand if some other weapons aren’t. If they’re all getting stripped fast instead, that can be a pain though.

I just wish this wasn’t every game, I can’t hit anything when my team body block literally every single enemy while also doing nothing.