Being forced to the Slaughter

To answer this question: it’s highly suspected they don’t know what to do to make the game better and attract new players.

I’m not even sure why they added the brawl. Do they want to test the new system by forcing people to do it? The majority disliking it is obvious. Did they plan to make the “grind” more fun? This is not the way to do so. Did they think they could lure new cash cows in there with it? Highly improbable, both ways.

The only good thing about this brawl is if your tanks stay intact at the end and your team wins, you get the fuel. Even if you died a couple of times (maybe you get the fuel even if you’re dead, I dunno). But that’s doesn’t really change the scales.


Yeah this gamemode sucks, especially when sometimes you get thrown straight into it without the usual 6-10 seconds wait time where you can leave the battle before it starts, and then you’re stuck playing a game mode you don’t want to play, with just another player because everyone else quit

I make sure to remember to thumbs down any slaughter I end up having to take a part of and leave all of them before they start if I can help it

Same here, hate when devs force us to do something, a reason why my friend is leaving, being forced to play xo every day in order to get all bp lvls


I went away this weekend and didn’t even play XO.

Not sure how anyone is forced to do anything in a BP?

You don’t have to get every single point on the BP for it to be worth it.

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Well. you can do just weekly and you will get all bp items, in order to get 2 more legendaries for lighters, you need to play every day till the end of bp, still not sure if you will get enough lighers for them, some may need to buy few more lvs’s

The developers mistakenly believe that there is no harm in making players do some tasks diligently, and that if they want to keep players online longer the correct approach should be to make the game more interesting rather than forcing players to do tasks

I’m sure a significant number of players would be willing to play longer if the developers did this

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Even without extra items crafted for lighters the value of the BP is worth $10. The extra crafted items are icing on the cake.

If someone feel like they need to get every single point to make it worth it then the Marketing team has won this battle.

This stuff is set up this way on purpose, they put a goal just barely out of reach. Some people fall for it and some don’t.

Just keep in mind that it’s a game they are playing - you can play along with their marketing tactics and grind every day or realize it’s not that important.

Both are a choice.


If you play every day, you will get 2 fused legendary items, that’s roughly 12k coins during fusion events. Pretty much for 10 usd bp. But killing will to play, such lighters system

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You also cannot collect fuel in this mode.

I do that anyway.

What a waste of time, people cue up for a multiplayer match and wait for a minute, only to be put in this gamemode where everybody leaves at the start.

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I will admit that it’s good for challenges where you have to score a certain number of points with a certain weapon. I’ve had huge scores even on losing matches.

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Ah poony, ever the optimist.

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Great point sir.

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I do this about 5 months of the year. Soon as the snow falls and the lakes I fish at start freezing.

I do it because, well there is nothing to do. I live up in the mountains. It’s when I catch up on summer blockbusters etc. While I watch tv and movies, I grind.
It isn’t because of marketing though, I enjoy the game this way.

I think the mode is ok. It mixes things up a bit, like Crossout’s version of team death match.


The Scoreboard almost always gets the kill count incorrect. These Slaughter turn up randomly, so I have trouble knowing how many kills I have before the battle starts. Then I see Assist multiple times across my screen, but the scoreboard is so low.

One kill, no assists, good one scoreboard, get it right, get your act together.

Does that say 5/40? Then that is a minimum of 6 kills, not one scoreboard. Get it right!

Is that 2/10? So again minimum of 3 kills scoreboard, not one!

And now 0/10 which is admittedly a minimum of one kill, but I ram everyone, so in reality it has to the minimum of 6 kills from the Turret badge. Get it right Scoreboard, I am trying to raise my KPB and you saying 1 instead of 6+ would lower my KPB not raise it. My KPB just increased to 3.44. I now need at least 4 kills per battle to raise it.

Fix the Scoreboard in regard to counting kills and assists correctly!

every slaughter game mode i am forced to has atleast 2 players leaving the game at the start.

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Exactly! But I am forced to play the 3 minutes to try to get a minimum of four kills or assists. Every battle for zero kills lowers my stats. So, I cannot just quit.

It sounds like the only two powers forcing you to play these gamemodes is the perfectionist in you and targem games making you play it so you dont lose those precious stats.