Beware of new market bot on pc!

I have around 32 000 purchases and 16 000 sells. The reason I got so many purchases/sells is because I use to craft a lot years ago. Instead of buying in bulk I would buy my resources individually because I use to find that I saved more money that way. So sometimes I would buy like 400 individual batteries or more, stuff like that.

I just sent a report to senior game master as well. Hopefully something gets done.

Not saying you are wrong…maybe we are looking at things differently. Let dev look at his records. There is an auto kicked system in place in game. If an account does stay log on for long hours a day for many days. They should have a look at it. It is foolish to do that if someone want to gain from the game by using any 3rd party (auto click/trade) apps.

By the way… If you want this topic to stay. You should blank out his account name and NOT have it shown, nor you want to name him here. Someone could report or a MOD would block this topic. :wink:

He might log off between 3 to 6 hours

If auto trade apps that automatically does the highest lowest bid are legit god help us, I just might hop on the same bandwagon, tell me where to find it and I am on board.

Ill take a gamble, I skimmed thru the community guidelines and couldn’t find nothing against it. My old thread where I named, listed, and shamed the cheaters are still there, also gave me an excuse to come back to the forum for a bit lol.

It ain’t packages, he actually don’t have very much decor/paints in his collection if it was he would have loads of paints/decor. He might have bought a couple of packs but he is missing a lot of paint/decor from a lot different of packs even the pricey ones like the Arachnida pack.

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I don’t use any cheats on games…aside from some old single player game that I can’t unlock the levels. You have to take very good care on your Crossout account as there was many accounts been hacked. Most I do beveled are based from websites and files claim to supply cheats.

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I decided to make a part 2


Here is part 3.


Im starting to think if you spent more time playing then making videos then it might be more productive.

I just don’t think they will do anything.

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I do spend more time playing than making videos.


I uploaded 15 minutes of videos between 3 videos and I have over 6000 hours play time since 2018. Those videos took me about half an hour to make each so I only spent 1 to 2 hours making videos.


I was just joking. The point was they are not going to do anything about it, so any time spent IMO is a waste.

Have fun as you like brother :+1:t4:

I am just raising awareness about it, it concerns a lot of players. Players on pc wanting to get a decent price epic/legendary is going to have a much harder time trying to get one because there is now a bot running 24/7 around the clock throwing out automatic bids on everything with even just the slightest positive roi.

Here is part 4

It has been about 1 month since I came across this player PoHaron and this is how many items he have flipped since then over a period of 30 days.
2452 Epics
235 Legendaries
679 specials
which averages to a daily average of 81.7 epics, 7.8 legendaries and 22.6 specials.

But, why do I have to beware? If he meets my price or I meet his, how has he wronged me?

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He is not going to meet your price. By the sounds of it you only read the title and nothing else.

Well, if he buys low and I sell low then he met my price, right?
If he sells high and I pay high then I met his price, understand?
So, he has not harmed me, if I am desperate enough to pay high or to sell low.
He did not trick me into buying or selling, understand?
He could be flipping items and losing coins after tax.
You can only buy 20 things at once, right?
You can only sell 20 things at once, right?
So, he could sit in front of his screen and keep toying with his 40 offers and not be kicked for being idle.
Maybe his family takes over while he naps, which is breaking a rule, but there is no clear-cut punishment for letting a kid play your account awhile. Some here even admit to account sharing. But what harm has the sharing caused? What deceit was attempted or achieved? Letting someone else take over your account is not bad in and of itself and the Company has the discretion to ignore it.
So, what do I have to beware of? I cannot control who buys my items or sells me an item.

So, you got your tinfoil cap on nice and tight, and you have done a good job with your evidence gathering so you do not appear to be a nutjob. But the Company could just ignore the evidence if they feel you have not proven any harm was done.
What harm was done? Got some Patches and make a few coins each flip? Every time an item changes hands there is a tax. The tax is a Coin Sink. Coins get added to the Economy every day from many sources. Coins need removed every day to fight inflation. Work Bench Rent is a Coin Sink too.

Family sharing? that is far fetched. He do not log off period. It is a bot no doubt and if it is not a bot there is only 2 possibilities. Either he got family doing the exact same thing he is doing 24/7 around the clock throwing the exact same .02 coin space bid with the exact same timing on exactly the same items. He also does double updates where if an item gets outbid frequently he hovers over that item for roughly 10 seconds and outbids again very quickly afterwards within 10 seconds and moves on to next item where he outbids again 1 minute later. The second possibility is there is some freak of a human out there that does not sleep or take bathroom breaks period. If you watched video number 4 I said he must be an alien. I don’t know if aliens takes bathroom breaks or not and with the government coming out and saying aliens exist now my tinfoil hat ain’t looking too bad now.

The dude goes weeks without playing here is a screenshot with his play history. I am sure if he was sharing his account with family they would at least want to play a scattered match. Here is a screenshot dated for august 1st and he didn’t play a match since july 23rd.

it’s more than that…
pc market has been stuck in low for a long time now…
wires should be 16 coin…batts at 6 coin…scrap 6 coin…plastic at 40 coin…
something is going on…
like i said b4,i went to sell something and the price dropped 200 coin in seconds and its still down months from now… :thinking:

pc market is dead,has been for months…
i have 11,000 batteries i can’t sell :rofl:

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