Changes to clan activities. Our current vision

Changes to clan activities. Our current vision

Hello, survivors!

This entry is not about the upcoming December update. Instead, we would like to talk about the possible future changes to clan game modes. The changes we have in mind are to solve some problems with clan activities in the game.

We remind you that all the new features described in the “Developer blog” are not final and may be changed before they are introduced into the game or may not make it into the game at all. Please note that all the information in this entry is not a final decision.

In the “Battle for uranium” event, we tried out various things to raise the players’ interest in clan activities.

Our goal was to minimize negative player experience by solving such issues as:

  • Players intentionally losing battles as groups;
  • Long matchmaking times;
  • Too great of a difference in PS between players;
  • High entry threshold for clan activities.

Our vision for developing the “Battle for uranium”

We have conducted a number of experiments in which we tested different hypotheses. Now the most suitable option looks like the following: once in a few weeks, the event “Battle for uranium” takes place, which is held with individual Elo rating system, with one challenge for a certain range of PS.

The “Battle for uranium” has battles to one victory. The event can be played solo or in a group.

We want to be able to customize some modifiers for “Battle for uranium” seasons, such as:

  • Periodically change PS brackets to make battles more diverse;
  • Periodically include armoured aircraft and battle walkers in the mode. For example: one week there are no walkers or aircraft, the next week we add aircraft only, the third week we add walkers only, and the last week we add both;
  • Periodically include additional modifiers for certain types of parts. For example, for rotors and robotic legs.

The “Battle for uranium” will not cause “Clan war” to be disabled. During the event, we will only disable “Clan confrontation”, but earning Engineer badges and completing challenges will be tied to the “Battle for uranium”. Badges and challenges will not be lost.

With “Battle for uranium” we want to diversify clan activities in Crossout. However, we are also working on improving the game experience in “Clan war”.

Our vision for developing the “Clan war”

We want to add a leaderboard based on individual Elo rating instead of the clan rating to improve the experience of players in clan activities and the balancing.

The overall clan rating will be formed on the basis of the personal ratings of active players. The new leaderboard will function similarly to the leaderboard in the “Battle for uranium”.

We would like to note that the uranium ore earnings of players who place high in the event and play a lot will not be reduced. We pay special attention to this.

The gameplay of the mode, as well as the schedule of battles will not change.

We need your feedback

To improve our work, we would like to know your opinions on the following topics:

  • What do you think about the introduction of a new leaderboard with individual ratings to “Clan war”;
  • How do you feel about the modifiers we suggested for the “Battle for uranium”, which we want to diversify the event with.

You can give us your feedback in this form.

That’s all for today. Stay tuned for more devblog entries and other news!

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They really need to do something for garage slots for these if they are going to change PS that often. Needing to use 6-9 spots to run these all is kind of costly.

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I usually don’t have enough time to switch out of the build in the first slot on PS4. They said they fixed that, but it’s still happening most of the time.

So I’ve stopped worrying about having three builds to choose from, and just put all my energy into one good one.

I like the PS moving around, but I do agree we should have more blueprint slots to accommodate this.

I really want to try competitive play at 6kPS (or lower).

It would make sense to just offer a choice of uniform, pre-fab, generic META for this mode. If people want to pretend it’s a “competitive mode,” then make it one, and level the playing field. Otherwise this is a P2W mode that nobody is interested in, except the developers and their pet whales.

As it is, people only play one of three META anyway. They even copy/paste that crap from the Exhibition. There’s no good reason for players to have to use up their own blueprint slots for a mode that is so characteristically devoid of diversity.

Add the weird time-slot feature it has, where you have to live your life around a ridiculous game schedule, and I can’t imagine why it would be popular, never mind this game’s seasonally inflicted balance issues that causes players to either struggle or put up some cash to keep up with a so called “competitive mode.”

They’ll never be able to polish this turd, and I wish they’d stop pushing it, personally, but I think they must make a significant percentage of their money through this feature, and that’s what compels them to keep ramming this crap down our throats, when it’s unpopular for what I think are obvious reasons; it’s P2P in a grindy game with constantly transitional META that people can’t keep up with.

I was disappointed to hear that this is what they are working on presently. Because IDGAF about clans even a little, and can’t conceive of a reason I would be. I don’t get it at all, but whatever.

Pre-fab vehicles are no bueno.

Are you talking about CW, or CC/BfU? Or all of them?

For me, the PS limits of CC/BfU keep it from feeling P2W. Yes, people are going to favour whatever metas work in that range, but there’s always an affordable option. And you don’t need to win every match or be the best on your team, just put in some time to play a few sessions each week.


I think that’s a gross understatement when it comes to clan competition.

Why? Everybody plays the same three popular METAs anyway.

Crossout is literally labeled CRAFT - ride - destroy. Crafting is half the game. I prefer my own builds, even if they suck. I like the handling better. I like the weapon choice better. I don’t even know how to use half of these builds in Battle of the Exibition. Part of the fun is redesigning weak points in your build.

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Me too. I’m here for the build feature, and the immersion.

I probably have no business commenting on a mode (Clan Whatever) I won’t play and can’t fathom why anybody would. However, my concern is that they keep pushing this crap on the general population, like I’m expected to enjoy the obviously broken P2W whale-wars. They say stuff like how they need to make it or Uranium more accessible to everybody, when IDGAF about this at all. Not even a little.

IMO, they should just work on balance, and refreshing all of the many long abandoned features with some new updates.

I realize some people really like clan wars, and it’s sad for them that they went in and screwed it all up somehow. They should unscrew it, but for Christ’s sake stop pushing this chore on me. I’m not interested. At all. I’m content with PVP and a raid every now and then, and if they fixed game balance in general, it would probably be better for everybody, including the Whale Warriors.

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I think we have to remember that a game as small as Crossout needs to cater to everyone a little bit, which also means that no one is ever happy.

I’m not interested in CW, although maybe someday I will give it another shot. But I’m also not interested in raids, don’t spend much time with the special event brawls, and only play races when it comes to the player-made brawls (which now reward us with badges, so they’re a lot more lucrative to play than they used to be). I also don’t care about bedlam or adventure mode (but I wish they would do something with adventure mode to make it more interesting).

But I also understand better now that I’m running a clan that there are lots of players who pretty much never play PVP, and would stop playing completely if the devs got rid of the PVE modes I don’t play. Same goes for CW and every other part of the game I don’t care about.

So while Clan Confrontation and Battle for Uranium might not be interesting to you, making them work better is still important for keeping players like me interested.

I feel like most of your complaints about those modes are really more about CW, although there is some crossover.

I’m not trying to say that you would like CC and BfU if you gave them more of a chance, as I don’t think you’re the type of player they are aimed at. But I do find them a lot more diverse and a lot less P2W than CW.
The META aspect is kind of baked into any competitive mode, as the whole point is to bring your most effective ride and test it against everyone else’s most competitive build. This is always going to favour the most effective tactics available. I’m OK with that, mostly because I enjoy the challenge of coming up with things designed to counter whatever the dominant meta is.

Crossout doesn’t have to be so unpopular. The bizarre antics of the developers make it that way.

Maybe? I’m not convinced that either me or you are representative enough of normal people that either of us could accurately say what needs to change to attract more people.

Personally, I think there are a lot of factors keeping the game small, and none of them easily solved.

One big factor is the nature of the game. While me and you love building, and recognize that as the core of the game, there are a lot of people who just want to blow up cars. Yes, they can download builds from the exhibition, but they’re never going to be as committed to the game as someone who loves building is.

And while the slow grind is definitely a factor keeping some people away from the game, I’ve noticed that veteran players tend to lose interest once they own everything (or have enough resources to acquire anything they want). I’m not convinced the grind is the main thing keeping numbers down.

I think a big factor is that the game isn’t new anymore. Old games are never going to attract more than a trickle of new players. And since we have fewer new players, queue times at lower PS are too long, which pushes new players away, creating a snowball effect that is tough to counter.

And related to that, the smaller a game is, the harder it is to create and maintain buzz. Fewer people are talking to each other about the game, and the company has fewer resources to spend on promotion than a game from a big budget studio.

Honestly, I’m just surprised and pleased that the game is still as popular as it is.

When I have space in my clan, I try to invite people from lower PS and brawls, as I’m hoping to get some newer players. Hopefully they’ll put the extra rewards they get from being in a clan to good use and stick with the game as they acquire new items more quickly.

I don’t even know what game I’m playing. Yesterday it was Dual Fatman-Brick wars. The day before that it was PHddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddT!
Now? I have no idea what I’m walking into. I hope they didn’t wreck my inventory again. Do any of my blueprints still work? IDK.

I’m glad I didn’t grind out another Fatman, or do something really stupid, like buy one with real money.

The premise of this game is genius. It could be very popular. They create their own problems and antagonize their public continually, however unintentionally.

They are out of touch. That is, IMO, the underlining problem, and if you solve that, their skill at manufacturing visual entertainment is unparalleled. The optimization of this game alone is astounding.

I am certain this could be a better and much more popular game.

I don’t play Clan Wars either, and think it’s weird that they push it a lot, when there are other things that could be improved. Maps, music, blueprint slots…

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I’m all for more maps. I have no idea why this is such a big ask. Perhaps they are concerned with the file size?

I think they could build a random map generator, and should. This way the maps would always seem fresh, and it wouldn’t gobble up disk space with a bunch of preconceived monster-maps.

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They’ve been adding several new maps a year for a few years now. Some of them are only available in Next Step and Patrol though, as they were made for battles with aircraft (I think they should put those in the general rotation).

I want more maps too, but I don’t think that’s what’s keeping the playerbase small.

But what exactly does this mean? They are out of touch with you, but are there enough people like you? Are there enough people like me?
I think the bigger issue is that a lot of what they could do to cater to you would push away players who have other priorities. Which type of player should they be trying to cater to?

I think the only real option they have is to try to cater to all the player types they can, but that also means that none of us around going to feel listened to.

it’s simple,you can’t argue with a kids game where mom n dad pay for it.

They are literally out of touch with half their audience. It’s not just me. Not at all. Their player retention is awful, and many times more have quite this game frustrated than currently play it. Most people’s friends lists read like a memorial wall of fallen veterans.

This game can be lots better, and more appealing to their potential fans by doing any one of numerous things. The sprawl of abandoned features is enormous, and clearly many of these things were destined for greater things and just got left behind.

More maps would help, and it seems like managing static assets isn’t that complicated. I can only assume they don’t due to file size.

Faction builds could be greatly improved and made useful and functional. That wouldn’t be hard, would it? I could do it. You could do it. Why don’t they do it?

Obviously, me and many others could make you a comprehensive list of abandoned features, or very simple improvements to the way things are.

When and if they do make this game better, and they can…I’ll say I told you so, because I know this isn’t anywhere near this game’s potential.

ALOT needs to change poony. its awful how the devs have done so little to this game over the course of countless years and only adding battlepasses and mini battlepasses. wheres our heli raids they said theyd make? wheres our balance to co-drivers let alone new co-drivers? what ever happened to adventure mode and why did they take out the badges for it? whyd they remove coupons and engraved casings and why havent they said what theyll do with them yet?

theres far to much nonsense that happens in this game that the devs dont care about. all it is is either “balance changes” or some other nonsense we dont need. modes are always temporary because reddit cant stop bitching and crying about splitting the “already small player base” and are to afraid to have a new mode introduced. ive grown tired with this game myself from years of no new modes and the same stale crap we been dealing with for years.

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