Cheating allowed

I agree, if the guns would twitch, specially bigger guns it would be SUS, theres a few guns that instantly rotate with screen but yea some twitchy guns is super SUS

Spectator camera is not an indicator of cheating at all whatsoever. It is not a perfect replay from their monitor. Have you ever seen FPV drone racers? Take the neural coordination of drone racers and apply them to video games and you have ā€œcheatersā€

my point was that i think it isnt. my example is old but i saw a friends scorps twitch in the spectator cam and he recorded his screen where there was no twitching. my takeaway was: the sepctator game isnt perfect or is desyncd


Have you played on PC dude? Aim assist on PC doesnā€™t help to aim AT ALL. Please, first check and then confuse others. I have nothing against your cosy console world but I have already demonstrated the difference between spectating a player on console and PC player. Thanks to @xo_guy123 with his video by the way.

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Theoretically that might be, but my network connection is quite stable and enough, there are no instant movements of objects that could show traces of network lags. All the spectating process is quite smooth. Shootings go to the aim while the autoaiming is not in action (enemy near the aim).
An example of cheating in the Confrontation:

Taking two MG to Confrontation is useless until you have cheating. And even with it didnā€™t help. All the spectated player movements are fluent, no jumps, no traces of lags. We can see weapon rotation when the player turns the car and when an enemy appears near the crosshair.

Those tiny builds on Icarus 7s are so dam quick and snappy the spectating cam cant even process whats going on. Hover OP.


That dude isnā€™t even being useful to his team other than drawing dog and grenadier aggro. What a good cheater. Dudes risking his account to cheat in XO and his ā€˜cheatsā€™ arenā€™t even good enough to overheat his guns one second into the video, so he has no perk.
How is this not a case of you seething at someone who might be good enough to run a dual Nothung Aegis in CC?

I donā€™t know what is ā€œdual Nothung Aegis in CCā€, never played Nothung.
But what is more important: so you say there is no cheating on the video?

Actually, if you use a controller itā€™s supposed to ā€œhelp.ā€ Iā€™ve not tried it, myself.

Also, some guy posted an aim-assist exploit for PC here on the forum, where you can plug in a controller, put some tape on it, and run aim-assist cranked from the key board and mouseā€¦I havenā€™t tried that either. The details are on another thread, somewhere.

Iā€™m sure people cheat, like I said, because they get caught periodically, but whatever. This entire game is a system of cheats and exploits, Iā€™m not sure it makes that big of a difference. Weā€™ve even got a cab with a wall hack built in now. There are aim-free weapons of all sorts available, and the poor old physics engine gets exploited all the time by people using features in a way they werenā€™t intended. They call it the META. I call it BS, but it is what it is.

I hope cheaters get expelled, for the record, but this game gets exploited in so many different ways, some guy with an aim-bot seems like a drop in the bucket of horrors this game can be.

I know for sure nobody hereā€¦besides maybe officer Monkey, who no doubt has got me under surveillance right now, and is preparing a warrant to search my posts for disinformationā€¦can do anything about cheaters, regardless of their opinions about it.

I completely agree, the crosshair you see in spectator mode is not your teammates crosshair, its not true to where they aim because you can spin the camera around their car

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Youā€™re making yourself look like a fool - as a spectator, you donā€™t see the exact same camera view as the player youā€™re spectating. None of these videos posted (which are also laughably old) prove anything close to cheating. Iā€™m almost to 10k missions and I have never ever once seen a cheater. Just a few incredibly skilled players. And Iā€™ve killed them all just the same.

If speculating that anything you see in-game you canā€™t understand = cheating makes you feel better about losing, no oneā€™s going to stop you there. Coincidences happen all the damn time to everyone.

This thread is a joke.

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Perhaps usage of a controller allows to use aim assist, but I suppose that in case of using a controller on PC the spectators will see the same as they see spectating a console player - small additional aiming crosses following the playerā€™s aiming, that is not the case Iā€™m showing on the video.

First of all, thank you for stating your opinion clear - you donā€™t see any cheating there.

Then about

Any proves maybe? Or it is just because you think so? If you ever spectate carefully for players having a good network connection you can see all their camera movements quite good. For example, for players with a slow ballistic weapons like guns youā€™ll them aiming with prediction and all fires exactly where they aim, no ā€œstrangeā€ weapon fire where they donā€™t aim. I donā€™t know about your 10k missions, sound weird. And yes, Iā€™m spectating by switching to a player and not rotating camera manually - that breaks the following for the player view. By it is quite visible that in the video I donā€™t break the following.

This autoaiming cheat became popular not so long ago. I spectated players a year ago, two years ago, never saw anything like that. And machine guns were not so popular that times. There were some build with MG for enemy weapon hunting, I tried them myself. But they were not that effective and thus popular. Especially shotgun build with two Hammerfalls.

And dude, one more thing to mention. I donā€™t say that I suffer a lot from those cheaters. They often die rather early in the match because cheats wonā€™t help without good positioning. But that affects the balance anyway.

Maybe Iā€™ve already mentioned that but Iā€™ll repeat - some players confirmed in the chat that they use cheats. And they were proud of that, breaking system and punishing ā€œidiotsā€ like me.

That is not what the built-in aim assist looks like.
Built in aim assist looks normal, except that the crosshair can get dragged by an enemy build.

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Itā€™s a fact. You donā€™t spectate enemy player camera control as quickly as they truly do.

I stream with my clanmates and even they pointed out many times in the past how the spectate view in-game is so different from my stream.

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Maybe you could create a video to demonstrate that? Because it makes sense. if you could show me such cases then some of the examples that I see could be because of that. Definitely not all. I doubt that moments like that with several quick rotations and damage done meanwhile could be some genius hits.
And as I wrote in my first post in this thread - it would be nice to have some comments from the game representatives. It should finally be in their interest because protecting playing cheaters who spends money may also end with many new players not coming. Like in politics - if you are accused of something not good you should react. Silence is suspicious thus.

The devs donā€™t post on the forum, so if you are looking for confirmation from them, you will be waiting a long time.

Or you could just accept what everyone here is telling you.

Yes. I play on PC and Xbox.

Aim assist is the same on ALL platforms. Period. End of story. Fact.

Where did I say ā€œaim assist is the end all and be all, you need to use it or suckā€?

I donā€™t use it on either PC or console, because I think it is bad. I donā€™t want anything that might pull my aim off guns.

I think Muppet is right, there are other factors at play.

All this complaining about aim assist, in a game that has automated weapons guided missiles, mines, and bombardment weapons. My opinion I think the aim assist should be better, more like it was when the game first came out. For all of you that complaining about it, Itā€™s there for you to use if you donā€™t, itā€™s your problem not mine.
Players that use missiles, drones, and such they donā€™t draw enemy, they donā€™t suppress enemy fire, all they do is collect my points that I worked for, I get the armor and weapons peeled off and their drones collect all the cabin points.
So I say bring back aimbot, then nobody would be cheating.

I believe the OPā€™s complaint was cheating not aim assist. It just happens the vids he shows, can be explained by aim assist.

Itā€™s for some people, but not for me. I play Scorps and degunning is my main thing.

I donā€™t feel bad if I face someone using it either. Itā€™s an option that all can use if they choose.