Check out this nonsense!

I think it is time to improve those parameters you’s were talking about there devs that you had like 10 years to fine tune. Always 1 step forward and 2 steps back with these guys.

Similar issue with helis. A single rotor heli can pick up and throw the Cobra IV (26 tons!) just as easily as it could throw anything else.

I know it ain’t just tracks with the issue it’s everywhere really, seems all you gotta do is hit someone at fast enough speed no matter how heavy said build is and you can push, pull, throw or swing that player around for however far/long you wants as long as you don’t let go of the throttle.

It seems the main determining factor of who can push who is the speed of impact which puts tracks/legs at a huge disadvantage compared to other movement parts. So all you gotta do is have fast acceleration with a high top speed and you can basically bully anyone, awesome balance.

try it with omnis. then compare it from 4 omnis to 6 to 8. bet you could push that build like its made of feathers.

I didn’t notice no difference between 4 6 or 8 omnis, it seemed about the same to me and was about on par with the big foots and the new titans in pushing power. I also did another test between the growl cab and echo cab with both of them upgraded for power to see which build could push my 76 ton invasion leviathan the fastest and guess what? the growl won pushing a build 10 times its weight better than a heavy power upgraded cab with 4 tons more mass, lmfao. Heres the vid of the test I did.

You’re a wheel supremacist?

I agree that is ridiculous. That said, I would like to see what happens if you push the track build from the side and if you try without the wedge in front.

I also would like to see the reverse: track build push the small wheel build.

I havent tested since this patch but i was surprised about 6 months back when it became apparent the number of wheels appears to help push power.

Yoko is worse (more OP) than before. It still can hit the 90s, but with 200% power boost, it is a bull.

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It was slower but still got pushed non the less. Anyways I did a real world scenario test for that with an actual brick and it was easier than pushing air.

Can the goliath build push the wheeled humpback?

If it gets hit from the side that goliath build ain’t pushing anything. Theres a flash on that build and it still not enough to stop the bricks.

That isnt an answer to my question. The answer wont negate the issue with smaller wheel builds pushing tracks, regardless of what the answer is. I am just curious if track builds can push other builds, as I dont use tracks.

I doubt i would ever be a track guy but I do think tracks should have the most traction. Traction, power, mass, and momentum should be what determines what is pushed. I like wheels but they shouldnt have better push ability than tracks.

Simple to test.

Take bigram, 2x SAME Spider. Both push each other.

One push as wheel mode, second push as leg mode.

Wheel always push more, they broke game,
it also push more tracks and everything whatever exist.

But developers do not test their game(intentionally $$$) so how could they know.
6-8 bigfoots brick(well even 4 bigfoots + 2 smallers lol) having same push as 11 HVY ML spider. its just silly.

And tracks, they cant even rotate to dog so GL.
Thats also why track-based STOP clan do not play anymore. And a lot of less clans now after time.
Ofc devs will wake up when people fused for bricks then just wait and weeks/months later nerf and next thing to promote so people $$$.

It feels like speed has too much of an effect on impacts. Having said that, in the real world most people underestimate how much velocity can increase the force of an impact, so maybe it’s not as unrealistic as it seems.

It is like this realistic or unrealistic is besides the point. The main point is having good balance in the game and tracks have always under performed by orders of magnitude so you got to give them at least some kind of strength. Only thing tracks got going for them is durability that’s it but even that is somewhat negated by a crazy large hitbox.

Only if you got more mass plus having a bumper in the front that is as low as possible to the ground so you got some hope of lifting the wheels off the ground and it only works from the front. I did the same test with the power upgraded echo and even the mass upgraded version and still couldn’t move it but I didn’t have a bumper in the front for wedging when i did the echo tests. I might retry that in a moment.

I knows what it is too now, I think I got it figured out. Wheels are much harder to lift off the ground than movement parts like tracks and legs. Once a part comes off the ground even just a little bit it is game over don’t matter if your build weighs like a trillion gazillion tons once your build gets lifted even slightly it is checkmate, that is some bs coding on the devs part.

I also think the reason why small builds seems like it can push around much larger builds is because the impulse of a high speed hit momentarily lifts a vehicle off the ground thus causing a domino effect which tracks are very susceptible too.

If your vehicle lifts another vehicle, you will lose some power. What you describe is how it used to work, but the wedge fix has greatly reduced that effect.
I think it’s more about the velocity you hit something at. If you try to move a heavy tank with a light car from a full stop, it shouldn’t be as easy.

The other issue that I think might be happening is that pushing is partly dependent on how much unused tonnage the pusher has, which gives less armoured vehicles more pushing. At the same time, extra mass increases traction, but not to enough of a degree to counter the advantage of unused tonnage.

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I found the problem, had a ton of digging to do. So basically if the tracks are not touching the ground you basically lose mass and thus smaller builds can push you around like a feather. Combine that with the reduction in friction and you got a perfect storm of getting chucked around like a rag doll. It is really hard to pick sense out of what they are saying cause they explain it very poorly, if anyone can explain this in further detail be my guest.
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I think you might be right but the problem still exists. Once someone lifts you off the ground your still immobilized but your just getting pushed slower than what it used to be but either way your still like a turtle stuck on its back. I would say it is more like a wedge nerf but it ain’t been nerfed enough.