Christmas event

anyone else a bit pissed off with how dickish they made this event?

first off enemies instantly correct themselves when flipped giving you no chance to take them out safely.

second enemies target your weapons. yes they actually do, try proving me wrong.

third is some bots do way to much damage aka THOSE FUCKEN HELICON BOTS! the fortune bots also do way to much damage to.

fourth is alot of bots have to much health. they are supposed to get tougher as the waves go on, instead they have to much health right off the bat. their weapons? dont even bother, their weapons have so much health its not worth aiming for.

fifth is the boss is to damn annoying to kill and does TO MUCH DAMAGE!!! this boss can kill me with just ONE of his devourers in a matter of seconds! hell he kills me within 2 seconds no matter how much armor or how much health my build has. this is just ridiculous!

sixth is the devs hate fun and cheesing the enemies. yep you cant land on top of the things in the ashen ring map anymore cause the devs hate us.

i havent gotten that far in though but i have seen people running fire / ice weapons like the incinerators and jotuns to combat the enemies. this works quite well as the enemies LOVE to pile up on heli builds.
i just wish i had a good heli build to take advantage of this. sadly i dunno how to make a decent walker / heli build. the only one i got was a modified one i had gotten from the exhibition. it doesnt handle to well but meh. not to mention i dont really have any spot to put them, im out of blueprint slots.

sure i like challenges, but when the ā€œchallengeā€ is you getting your weapons stripped within the first 5 f-ing seconds then wheres the fun in that?
seriously these bots were constantly targeting my weapons when i was trying to fight them. no matter how many times i hit their weapons to they wouldnt come off. i was using a triple spike crossbow with the fusion of impulse, durability and projectile speed and they are pretty much instantly destroyed, especially by the helicons with their ridiculous explosion raidus.

anyone have some good heli builds or something?? i want to try different weapons but im just not having fun with this event. the halloween one was better then thisā€¦ and thats something i thought i wouldnt be saying. hell id prefer the christmas event a few years ago with gronch.

after playing the event a few times theres absolutely no way in hell to get past wave 10. how the hell do you beat a boss that destroys you in 2 seconds flat? its not just me its my team mates to.
am i missing something here or is this just a bullshit boss that you need stupid amounts of luck to beat?

I get the impression they havenā€™t been using testers prior to putting the challenges out there. Nor do they look at statistics and make adjustments as to what is ā€œactually happeningā€. Gotten to the boss several timesā€¦ and even if the whole team is still aliveā€¦ it claims, ā€œOut of timeā€ which is incredibly annoying. The premise is the boss has too much health and with all the other bots now dead to give you more time, it truly is a no win scenario to continue into higher waves. Maybe past the 10th wave they donā€™t have any more levels ā€¦ thatā€™s why they donā€™t allow any team to surpass it. And if your team isnā€™t up to snuff, you wonā€™t last long. Aside, played tonight and wellā€¦ just myself and another. If by chance we both die, game over. I sat on top (robot build) of one of those structures while tons of cars gathered around me. The other guy was still dead. However once I died that was it. Who knows, maybe their servers are dying. Game has been badly managed for a while. At one time, they were increasing their numbers to a 12k Peak. Whatever they were doing, they should have stuck to their guns. Bad management.

i tried doing the match with reapers and the amount of hp the purple enemies have is absolutely absurd. i have a very slow but super tanky build, even with the defense boost (cohort cabin) 2 reapers and nonstop firing, the fucken helicon bot killed me way before i did anything to him. i was at 6660 damage before he killed me and he looked like i hadnā€™t even shot him. i was aiming right in the middle of the bot to. on the front of my build i had 2 train plows (403 hp each), a small plow (166 hp) and a freight train plow (807 hp) with some added armor of the APC type. this enemy just destroyed my armor and me in a few hits. i cant believe they are this fricken tanky.

i then tried another build where i lowered the powerscore a bit to 4644. i was using a growl, array wheels, plow blades at the front, maxwell, KA-1 discharger and 2 blockchains. theseā€¦ worked actually quite well. they one shot most enemies in the raid and they are quite strong to. i just wish i had the other one fused for reload speed.

this was the problem i was facing as well. we made it to the boss with 3 minutes on the clock but the boss was so brokenly strong the timer ran out before we could doā€¦ literally anything to him. the boss apparently also fires alot quicker and even has the devourers ability active alot of the time to. i know this because the boss literally just grazed me and i lost half my build.

the issue here to is the boss summons in his little backup dancers, purple enemies that have stupidly high amounts of health. he also runs around like a dumbass while we try to fend off the other enemies. no matter how hard we tried we couldnt fight off the enemies before the match was over. they have to much damn health.

hell even people on reddit are pissed off at the difficulty and the lack of rewards. the only thing your getting is crackers and nothing else. cant say i blame them.

Yeah they overbeefed up the special enemies, but I imagine it has something to do with Fukibari being added to the game that hard counters more durable builds. Not to balance things of course but get people to buy Fukibaris one way or the other by pumping more money into the game

But on the other hand I do have fun with the mode, not enough to play it outside grinding the daily things or even think about the leaderboards and special rewards from them, but you get ok amount of crackers per battle so you donā€™t really need to do that many battles per day, the girls are baddies, you get their profile images which is cool

Personally for me the good and the bad of this mode balance each other out, but on the other hand I was pretty much set on playing 1-2 matched per day of it and playing like that itā€™s not so bad. If I were grinding this mode specifically yeah I would probably like it a lot less. I like how the enemies are throwbacks to past events

i got to wave 13,me and 3 ground builds.

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you play on ps4 mud? we could team up sometime if you want?
also what kind of build did you use? its a heli but what weapons? im guessing incinerator??

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yup incs, i play on PC

wowā€¦ went in with 4 people playing 5k ps and lower, i was at 4.7k. got to the boss with a full 3 minutes and the god damn purple enemies were to fucken strong. the boss just killed me in a matter of seconds, OH and to put the cherry on the shit sundae HE HAS AN ABILITY THAT LAUNCHES A FORCE FIELD TO KNOCK YOU BACK!!!
man fuck this raid. i cant even get past that boss!
oh spoiler alert, we fucken lost.

I reached wave 13 as well, personal record. Doable, but if youā€™re going to be playing with random people itā€™s gonna be really hard and depending on weapon choices, statistically impossible. The loadout on this was 1 car with all rapid fire machine guns, 1 car with Whirls, Mine with 1 incinerator and 2 Excutioners and the last one was a Swarm heli I think. Keeping enemies heated and being able to deal som damage was pretty nice, Swarms were a godsend and the two dps builds managed to work together good enough to keep the damage coming

And after playing this for a bit more, Hereā€™s some more thoughts on the brawl:

You are going to need some form of support to deal with the tougher enemies, they need to be kept in constant heat or acarid all the time, or the whole team needs to run cry weapons and keep stacking the effect up. But at the same time you are going to need to have damage dealers, any time there are 2 support builds there just is not enough raw damage to deal with the spiders and the wave 10 walker. And also a lot of weapons are pretty worthless in this mode, only direct damage dealing weapon I have found to be of any use from my own inventory is Waltz, and only when boosted by Dusk and if there is some support to keep the enemy heated.

Best case scenario, 2 builds with only 1 incinerator each and then something to deal constant chip damage with like 2 cannons, and you are going to need some heavy hitters, at least 2, that can hit heavy but at a rapid enough pace, so for example avalanche is pretty useless due ot long reload and not being helpful with the smaller enemies who are also pretty beefy, and 2 Varuns even with the perk going at max deal 49 damage per shot on most enemies

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you play on ps4? maybe we could team up sometime?

Nah Iā€™m on the PC as well

just made Wave 15 ā€¦now thatā€™s a hard level.need more time.

those boats are crazy hardā€¦


I found that the enemies themselves also add to the success of getting to further rounds, the first purple enemies can be tricky if you get bad luck with all 4 of them being dual helicon builds, the mastodon tanks are way easier to deal with. Spiders are a pain in the anus either way, but I think the reaper spider is a little easier than the cyclone spider, but not by much, like 3% easier kinds of amounts

But the thing that seems to make or break getting past round 10 is the luck on the walker. The avalanche walker is pretty easy as itā€™s only got bloated hp and damage resistances to deal with, but the fast walker with the devourers and the knockback is pretty much game over, itā€™s way too fast and nimble to hit and all homing weapons just do not do enough damage, it feels like it quite literally needs a dedicated dragger build to even keep it still enough to try to hit it

But yeah they made the enemies too strong and are once again gatekeeping the ā€œtop positionsā€ away from most normal players

i found the flaw in the eventā€¦
1 . the timer doesnā€™t go above 3 minutes for killing the enemiesā€¦
2. killing the wave 10 boss doesnā€™t give any time ( it should Reset back to 3 minutes )

canā€™t go above 3 minutesā€¦

Boss gives no + Time on the timer (should give 3 minutes reset at this point )
they left the timer at 1:29, thats the time we had left when we killed the wave 10 boss and this is the time we had to start at for Wave 11 .


I saw this too, really makes this a lot harder.

I think my Personal Best is wave 15, but IDK anymore.

Edit: I found the image.

Screenshot 2024-12-27 160514

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i never seen wave 16ā€¦
wave 15 has a boss too.
ā€˜no one has gotten to wave 16 yetā€™ ā€¦

me neither :sob:

This is most likely true.

I donā€™t know what has been up with the event lately but these past 5-6 days I have never had a lag-free game, no matter if I try to play in the morning, mid-day or the evening, ping keeps jumping to things like 1-3k and teleporting you all over the map

And another thing I noticed these past few days as I have been running a meele+skinner build, any time you do something not intended and helpful to the team, like stopping a fast moving enemy from moving, instant lag spike. Skinner one of those pesky Kaiju builds or just head on ram it so it looses wheels, instant lag. Skinner a spider and keep it from moving or pin one of the purple enemies to a wall, instant lag. One-shot any enemy, instant lag. Have enough power to push away the meelee builds and turn around to damage them, instant lag. Kill off a purple enemy within a few seconds with meelee, instant lag. But then if you like meelee the tank treads on the purple tank enemy for days, no lag at all. Keep doing little damage to fast movign kaiju and spider builds, no lag at all. But manage to pin one down of straight up delete a movement part, instant lag right away.

Honestly feels like the ping goes up at any point you start to do good in this mode

Havenā€™t seen wave 1.