Clan war with limited ps!

Hello riders

I truly don’t know why there’s no one taking about this even in Q&A i previewed there is nothing only puff and nerf , we are truly need a mood for clan war with limited ps not an open one it’s so annoying to only have 2 mood for clan war and both of them are for relic players and i don’t speak about clan confrontation it’s dead for me so developers , partners, players please anyone can reach out this word to the one who have the call pls if you want to fix the queue problem and clan war in general put a mood with limited ps maybe 12k-13-k or 8k-10k- as UW dose , it will be more responsible and challenging for the game and players .

Best of luck

nobody speaks about it because clan wars itself is dead and the devs dont seem to need to change that

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that wont help is suppose to be end game but they have nothing to offer.

I’d support 5k clan wars.

I would generally agree CW is fairly dead even in concept.

I’d rather play CC or UW for the faster battles. I’m not even a fan of the idea of pick 3 builds. I’d rather not even see the opponent before a battle as those few moments give a lot of data to the more experienced player. I would still like to be able to register a build into a designated space for the competition structure though. Garage blueprints are hard to come by and it would just be nicer to have a space for the competition builds built into the system.

So I’d set up a rotation of PS leagues across the calendar allowing a player to build for the current and next weeks PS if it rotates. Any PS that is frozen a the time should only be downloadable making a player use one of their valuable Garage blueprint spots.

I would set this up with a rating system that carries across the individual PS leagues. You would have an over lapping league that kind of falls between each rarity depending on mobility and defense and weapons.

If they took the top of the ranked list from each PS league they could use the invites gathered like stars where you’d have a total of maybe 5 possible for an open competition for later larger prizes. However everyone would have to think up a format for that that is fair across time zones. That’s one of the biggest obstacles. Please get that I’m saying this off the top of my head though.


I spent 23 minutes waiting in queue for uranium clans yesterday so I doubt lowering the ps limit down to 13k will help with queue times much for clan wars.

The thought of end game mode is so sick , what about mid game players or start up players when they know that you must spent about 2-3 years minimum to join cw or spent thousands of dollars on something you barely know about , the easy choice is just uninstall the game .

10k could even be the max depending on the population that is left. The idea I’m thinking is you just cut back on leagues if it’s too short and expand when there is enough of them. I don’t think it’s an insane idea.

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That would be nice , any idea except open ps range :neutral_face:

You still kind of want that ability but you put it at the very end invites from the top of the rankings.

So 10K would be fine , i play uw 10k and we join in seconds , i’m sure they have the data for this and i don’t know what they are waiting for …

Normally you have 4 weeks a month even though we have 6 rarities that we could potentially rate in. We can’t do relic for everyone so that brings us to 5 and legendary is a toss up to keep depending on play time.

That would stick us back to 4 or 5 with overlap. So I would arrange around that in mind.
Common, rare, special, epic, legendary, epic = 6

Drop the epic and you have 5 then you have to look at what is the highest PS 5 can do or even the average that it can do.

whats the point, its gonna be the same shitty meta playlist, you play on thing that counters another thing and get countered by third thing,thats the whole crossout game design nowadays
new dev team fucked up everything that was good in this game and make it worse in every direction possible, especially balance

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If your playing blind there isn’t a traditional counter spot-able it’s luck of the draw. Even if you play a lot an know some of the opponents you cant tell if they’ve changed anything. It put back into place the concept of the fog of war.

It would be reverting some of the changes that made the mode less popular. Unless you didn’t read through the entire topic?

dude,if youre not playing the game why you even talking about it
the game is clearly meta based right now you either play raijin or raijin counters

i also looked up your ingame profile and it looks like youre playing forum more than the game itself
6 clan wars,i mean did you really play/played in the past this game competetively,or you just random/patrol player.
it clearly looks like youre dont understand what you talk about

@nucocku4 I see your just a troll…

I log in regardless if I have time to play do you have an issue with that. I often do daily just haven’t had time in the last few months. I doesn’t mean I quit or I don’t believe in the game. I don’t see what your big deal is if I’m still clearing out challenges in a timely manner though.

Good for you for being a stalker. Creepy as hell…

if you dont know specifically what build someone has then play with an expectation of a raijin or firedog and youll probably be correct

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Also for reference they switched to best of 3’s right when I started and I can’t stand that crap that’s for sour loser.

They the opposing might not even see you in combat which makes it a slightly more equal term setting under a general state of war blindness. If you know what the enemy has or can use you can build against it faster.

Dear troll while you’re on do you want to show them what my badges look like too? How about my flawless matches. Or are MVPs good enough, how many weapons I might have passed by as there are some gaps.

The first few was a clown show as we were out gunned but it was ok as they were short games. Then they did best of 3. Do you want to be clown rolled 3 times in a row by more powerful goof troops? You probably don’t.

What I’m trying to talk about it making it fair where you compete in close PS combat bracket levels and then maybe you get an invite into a full open season. Does that sound wrong to you or is your issue that you lose an advantage over other players?