
ya it depends on your engineer level…you need to be level 30 for most clans…
if your looking for clanwars there are alot of clans for that,you need a mic…

OFF clan will welcome you if you want to chill n kill and we have sister clans that do clan wars too…
just look me up and i’ll get you into an OFF clan you want… :crazy_face:


Same, I spent way too much time on this game.

Same, I was never that good. I raged a lot too. I’m quite embarrassed by it looking back.

I would like to see the game mode improved. It does offer a different experience than regular PVP.

I’m also afraid that eventually the sweaty tryhards will turn to lower PS ranges and make them miserable.


They already do on Xbox


I’m sorry to hear about that.

We have many clans when they are not playing clan wars all they do is play 6499 and 8999 PS brackets in teams. And they will run a low PS team for like 2-3 hours straight during prime time.

And with more then one clan doing it many new guys just get wrecked.


Not just new guys. It’s all but impossible to overcome a coordinated team with a bunch of randos. When I’ve encountered it, I’ve tuned in 100% to attempt to counteract their obvious advantage. Impossible… Absolutely impossible. No amount of Gen-Chatting strategies & warnings helps. LOL


fyi…clan settings…i have it set to 30,as do most clans.

They need to add prestige to that list.

If I made a clan again (which I’m not) I would want 50 prestige and over.


Are there even enough players that fit those criteria still playing this game now on PC let alone on consoles?

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100% on Xbox. We may have less clans but the dudes that are left that play are pretty hardcore about it.

Our top 40 clans are basically the same guys that have been playing for years. Sure you have some new blood, but even they are pretty extreme when it comes to hours put into this game.

I don’t have time to hang out with many people anymore, but if I had to make a guess I probably have over a hundred guys on my friends list that still play and they are all over prestige 100. Some of these guys are well over prestige 200.

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We allready play the same few clans over and over agian, if they made them bigger it would just be vs same clan team 1/2/3 etc

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Well, this wont make you too happy…

I run a clan now for a few years and we are a solid Bronze maybe push to silver a bit sort of players. We have mostly disconnection issues with the game which hurts us the most and some higher ping players.

We delete any applications that are not Prestige for a few reasons:

  • They don’t have time to understand all the weird things that Crossout does.
  • They have not played the maps enough
  • They have not had enough time in the game as a whole.

Also, we look at the badges that they have as i am sure most do. If you have your account private, this is still visible. We do this to see a general overview of your play style. For example: We had a Prestige level 58 player wanting to join and he literally had 42 MVP wins. To get to that level and also have a kill ratio of around 1 per game would not go well.

CW is very competitive and only getting more so. Its not due to relics i feel but more the metas are more exaggerated than they used to be. Honestly, the Omamori has broken the meta. Builds do count though they can be something that can be worked towards if you just have a short and medium range build. I can comfortable grind 2500 coins a week with some good music so it is really achievable. Just ask clans what builds they want i suggest.

In saying this, we have a great time. We are consistently laughing and enjoying the game.

I hope you find a clan but my suggestion is to wait until at least Prestige 30 and either have the coins to get 1 great build or have 2 builds CW ready to go. Most clans will share good builds anyway. Good luck!!

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Hey Chazman, you haven’t posted in 4 months!!

Seeing your post makes me happy :slight_smile:


If that was my experience, I probably would’ve continued striving towards clans… as is, I just strive for low-intensity fun. It probably does my bloodpressure good, though. :rofl:

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Most of the people I started playing with are over 200. I am 200+ I think there are still 7 or 8 of us that still log on pretty (3-5 days/w) regular and another 3-4 that log in on weekends regular.

I haven’t payed attention to if they are logging on and off at CW times, since I don’t play CW anymore.

thanks for the information.

Your description of CW fits my experience. We had a blast. Guess we didn’t realize it was an exception to the rule. Few seem to have this experience.
Clan Leaders make a difference I think.

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This can be good and awful advise at the same time.

I personal play everything, so it don’t mater to me.
But I have seen clans get guys to sell their gear, or even grind for months for gear that they hate to get the meta. Then after that they loose interest in the game.

#1 rule - don’t let other people tell you what you have to play.


This happened to me. I invested a ton last year to get a nice Reaper Humpback spider because some guys in my clan were talking up world domination with a spider comp. I quicksold and quickbought a bunch of loot to slap this together and fused a humpback for +resistance +mass. Once I did, nobody else did likewise so my spider went unplayed. When I did play rounds with my spider, it was too slow to keep up with everyone else and it was easy pickings for firedogs looking to separate me from the herd. I hear what you are saying about losing money to fit into a clan.

That said, new players have this very mistaken idea that every gun in Crossout is a good gun in the right hands. If a new player invests into the wrong build and then gets smashed, he is equally as likely to drop the game.

When I talk to new players about Clan Wars comps, I think they should get:

  1. A nice bulky Shotgun build, something like Huginn Hammerfalls unless they want to splurge for an Ermak.
  2. A good machine gun hover. I think Arbiters, Nothungs, Aspects or destructors are perfect. Something they can play that is good at knocking off guns.
  3. An indirect fire weapon that can punish campy spider teams by nuking them from behind cover. Blight incinerator, Retchers, Mandrakes and Heathers are all quite suitable for this.
  4. Some range, preferrably a Kaiju.
  5. King mines and Kapkans are always good in Clan wars but may be expensive for a new player.
  6. Reapers are excellent because they allow free energy for useful additional items such as radars, Trombone, Aegis and Barrier.
  7. I have seen some good work done with the Avalanche but find the gun to be hit and miss in both a literal and figurative sense. If the gun doesn’t hit, it may never get a second shot.

Of these, I think that new players can start a good Clan Wars career with just a Hammerfall build. Let them get a taste of running down a Scorpion and popping his guns and hovers off. They will never quit after that.

I recommend Flash for a first relic. Flash clears mines much better than Spark because it does 40 percent more damage. That means you can drive through a minefield full speed with a Flash but have to slow down for a Spark to clear mines. It also means with a Flash you can blow up Porcupine barrels in mid air and damage the shooter.

Flash also unlocks new builds options, like Flash Harvester, Flash Shotgun or Flash Draco with Flash Porcupine to spec into later. In Levi wars, 1 Flash can slow down a whole enemy Levi. Flash is the best thing to help you run down a hover. No other single relic does more for a new player’s effectiveness across a wide range of situations.

I think new players should avoid the following weapons:

  1. Gravastars. Too flimsy
  2. Remedy. Too weak and too flimsy
  3. Mammoth. Too slow reloading.

There are many more bad weapons but these are the bad ones that are commonly used in Clan wars.


The fact that they advertise their exact position with that cool glowing effect from a very long way away doesn’t help, either. :rofl: