Co-driver stone deaf level is 15 useless

I use to want to redo it completely because it could be so much more but it’s really hard to get anyone onboard for it. There’s a lot of combos that the system leaves out. The system as it is generally works well enough though to where it just needs a few updates to keep it instep and current.

What I’d really like outside of those updates would be to see the new BP factions get co-drivers though. That would be good enough for me right now.


Syndicate and Founders co-drivers aren’t a bad idea. I’m sure they could think of perks for both general and specific item perks.

It would be cool if there were portraits for each co-drivers.

The thing of your adorable kapkan being nerfed is because of adorable people abusing it with light builds and not using it like you do as backup support weapon that you use as defense. And funnily enough said people literally do support too but just in a way more annoying way lmao.

I do agree that some of the lvl 15 perks are kinda useless or atleast not worth the expense of unlocking them, theyre more the equivalent of relics, end-game and overpriced for what they do. I think the stone-deaf one is just a remain of the really old/early crossout that just hasnt been updated yet. I’d imagine low ps people probably use it more but it really should have more cabs.

I’ve always wondered what misty looked like. I figure she looks a little like elna.


This week we are launching the test server where everyone can try out new co-drivers in action. Let’s take a look at what companions will be available for the testing, get acquainted with their skills and talents, and also learn a little more about how we plan to rework the system with the release of the update.

Separately, we draw your attention to the fact that a test version of the new system is presented on the test server. Some skills and/or talents may be partially or completely reworked in the final version. The new system’s interface is also not final and will be additionally improved.

Co-drivers available on the test server


Passive skills:

  • Shot spread reduced by 10%.
  • Weapon rotation speed increased by 10%.
  • Self-destruct damage increased by 5%.

Active talent

To activate the talent, you need to hit the enemy 30 times from a distance of 30 m. and more. The next shot (31st hit) automatically activates the talent.
Effect: increases the damage inflicted and received by all weapons by 25% for 8 sec. Losing a weapon while the talent is active will automatically cancel the effect.


Passive skills:

  • Generator explosion power decreased by 20%.
  • Armoured car’s durability increased by 5%.
  • Power penalty from movement parts decreased by 10%.

Active talent

The talent charges after enemies hit your vehicle 3 times. At least 1 sec. must elapse between hits from one enemy. The charge goes down over time.
Effect: increases the armoured car’s resistance to all types of damage by 30% for 4 sec.


Passive skills:

  • Projectile speed increased by 5%.
  • Spread reduced by 10%.
  • The mass of an ammo pack reduced by 20%.

Active talent

Talent activation: the player gains a charge for each hit on an enemy from long range, up to 4 charges. Accumulated charges are reset over time or if all shots in the salvo miss the target.
Effect: Each charge increases the damage of all weapons by 7%.


Passive skills:

  • The visibility range of your car’s silhouette in stealth is reduced by 10 m.
  • Invisibility modules recharge 10% faster.
  • The maximum cab speed is 5 km/h higher.

Active talent

The talent charges if you stay close to an enemy for 1.5 sec. The talent charging process stops for 4 sec. if your car was damaged.
Effect: increases outgoing damage by 25% for 5 sec.


Passive skills:

  • The durability of movement parts increased by 10%.
  • Armoured car’s tonnage increased by 500 кг.
  • The vehicle is less affected by the slowdown effect from Tesla cannons.

Active talent

To activate the talent, you must stay behind the enemy. If there are several opponents, then the talent is charged faster. The talent quickly disables if you drive away from enemies.
Effect: increases the damage of all weapons by 15%.


Passive skills:

  • Durability of drones increased by 10%.
  • Drone activation speed increased by 20%.
  • The delay before a drone attacks its first target reduced by 10%.

Active talent

The talent is activated after being close to the summoned drones and turrets for 6 sec. The talent does not take into account being near quadcopter drones.
Effect: increases the damage dealt by drones and turrets by 20% for 4s. The range of the talent is very limited, so you need to stay as close to your drones and turrets as possible.


Passive skills:

  • Weapon spread while moving reduced by 15%.
  • Radar active range increased by 10%.
  • Armoured car’s power increased by 10%.

Active talent

To activate the talent, you need to keep the enemy in your sights for 2 sec. Taking damage resets the effect of the talent.
Effect: highlights explosive modules on the enemy’s armoured vehicle and increases damage to it by 15%. The duration of the effect is 6 sec.


Passive skills:

  • The radius of fire puddles increased by 5%.
  • Weapon ammo increased by 15%.
  • Fire rate of rocket launchers that fire multiple rockets in one salvo increased by 10%.

Active talent

The talent charges when dealing fire or blast damage to multiple enemies at the same time, as well as when at least 2 rockets from the same salvo hit the same enemy.
Effect: increases the blast radius of projectiles and the damage you deal.

New co-drivers access system

With the release of the update, we plan not only to rework the co-drivers themselves, but to make changes to the time when they become available to the players.

Why do we make these changes?

As we’ve mentioned earlier, the updated co-drivers will have a stronger impact on the gameplay and the effectiveness of your armoured vehicles. Sometimes the right co-driver will determine your performance in battle. Such changes inevitably affect the in-game balance.

At this stage of learning, the new co-drivers system can greatly affect the balance in battles. Those players who are close to reaching max level and have unlocked one or more co-drivers may have too much advantage over those who are at earlier stages of the game and cannot unlock a co-driver yet.

What will change and how?

In order to ensure equal conditions for everyone, we have made the decision to make the new co-drivers a high-level content. This means that new co-drivers will be available when you reach reputation level 30 with the “Engineers” and start fighting against the experienced players like you.

When you reach level 30, you will be provided with a starting amount of points, which will be enough to choose the co-driver that fits your style of playing. We will inform you later on how exactly you will be able to earn the glory points in the final version. Also, there will be a certain limit on the amount of glory points that can be stored on the account.

What if I’m below level 30, but have already leveled up my “old” co-drivers?

You will be given a compensation and it will be stored in your account. Compensated points can be used as soon as you reach reputation level 30 with the “Engineers”. If the received points exceed the established limit, they will be credited over the limit and will not disappear anywhere.

hooooooo whaaaaa haaappen?

I was right ,the co-driver steaf deaf level 15 is useless.RoughMonkey why you don’t reply?

One thing you guys are forgetting - the co drivers have been there a long time. Trucker used to be a good cabin before the introduction of new material. I agree NOW it is a waste of time and looking at the new co drivers, its going to be much much worse

All they needed to do to keep lvl 15 working is add the extra heavy cabs to it. They did it to the majority of the other’s that work similarly.