Controversial opinion

Raijin is fine, the rest of the cannons need to be brought up to its level.

They’re all weak, and the Raijin is the only one that feels like a cannon, high durability, crazy damage, and good projectile speed.

Now, I’m not saying all cannons should deal 1k damage, or move at autocannon speed, but cannons should deal scary amount of damage. They should be feared.


I agree!
I am not great at cannons myself, but I want them to be more scary in the hands of people who are skilled with them.


needs higher PS score (Legendary) or lower Durability…


With the kind of materials the syndicate has they’d make something super durable. Honestly I think all weapon durability should be upped, they’re all paper.


I, for one, would welcome buffs to my beloved other cannons! Something to reward the occasional hit I get with them


Its hovers fault. Cannons used to be good but the devs refused to do anything about hovers from 2017 to 2024, and many players quit because of hovers. The devs nerfed Astraeus damage by 34% because “the weapon was too effective in battle”. No shit it was the only viable ranged weapon that could pull its weight in the meta against good players. Everything else has some crippling weakness except the Raijin.
Spikes have no durability and terrible accuracy
Cannons dont do threatening damage with a single salvo nor do they have enough DPS when used as DPS weapons with reload modules.
Astraeus hits too weak to justify its self damage and inability of using omamori/jackie/averter.
Long range autocannons are USELESS up close and their rate of fire is too low.

Now Raijin is the only ranged alpha strike weapon of its PS range worth using against meta players. Its not even that OP, I get way better games with my joule build.


the thing is… the weight to hp ratio for alot of things is off. look at the mandrake, it has over 600 hp but weighs so much for its size. it should have alot more hp then what it has.
typhoons have roughly over 900 hp but also weigh alot to. doesnt make sense. you can get 1 maybe 2 shots off before it gets picked off by someone running arbiters and also has a long reload time.
mastodons / mammoths have the right amount of hp on them so these dont really need to be touched.

it just seems to me that they balanced things poorly in here in terms of cannons. alot of cannons need reduced reload times because alot of cannons have a long reload time. at least to me it feels like they take a long time to reload.

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Reload time is not the way to buff cannons. They are not sustained fire DPS weapons nor should they ever be buffed to function as such. They need more traverse angle, faster traverse speed, more range, more damage, more recoil, and less reload. A dual typhoon should one shot a titan wheel, if charged with icebox/whaler/phobos/jay it should one shot the wheel and the generator buried in the frames behind it.
Id drop the astraeus self damage mechanic onto cannons just to keep the most common and effective cannon builds off of hovers.

if anything cannons shouldnt be usable on hovers. they cant absorb the amount of force that cannons exert from the recoil. if anything even if a hover build is heavy it should still have one hell of a rocking when firing a cannon on them regardless of where the cannons are mounted.

they should one shot a bigfoot wheel really. but bigfoots have alot of hp, fused its over 700 hp. still though… they should be able to shoot off many wheels but tracks are another story. mmmm we would have to balance it around different wheels. tracks are tougher and have more hp.

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Wheels have too much dura tho.

uhhh i mean… in a sense they do… but people overload their builds with wheels as is. bigfoots do have alot of hp for what they are. but how much hp do you think bigfoots should have? i forget how much titans have, im not in game atm.

I vote to buff all weapon durability

weight: 2200 kg
hp: 1045

weight: 2855 kg
hp: 1505

weight: 2633 kg
hp: 1284

weight: 1215 kg
hp: 830

weight: 2430
hp: 689

weight: 1850
hp: 821

weight: 1300 kg
hp: 847

weight: 1535
hp: 993

someone tell me how the fatman and elephant can have more hp then the tsunami when its a lower tier and weighs less…
yeah the buff to durability can help but these stats for weapons are all over the place.

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Talking of cannons, here is another unpopular opinion: They should do the same they did with avalanche, and buff the self damage upon facehugging distance so it won’t be used to just straight up drive into a build

These days outside a hover cannon build, all cannons seem to fall into the same ram/facehug heavy builds rather than being used at any form of a range. This feels like a big problem, because all builds these days are played that way for the most part, the only way to play any of the non-meta guns (and there is a lot of these) seems to be just drive straight into an enemy as fast as you can and keep driving forward. Be it cannons, missiles, energy weapons, unless it’s a dps weapon on omnidirectional movement the only way anyone plays it is ramming into each other, and matches are all just a big ram pile for the most part

Have you thought about why people facehug with cannons? I notice terrible velocity, terrible bloom that increases when turning the gun, terrible WoT tier aim time, and terrible gun turn speed. They literally cannot be used effectively at range against meta builds. Not even the bricks because bricks tank so many shots you need to drill into them with repeated damage to the same local area or else you cannot hurt them the same way a hitscan degun build or firedog can. A guy peppering away at a slower brick from a distance with cannons isn’t going to be able to focus his damage into a specific part of said brick with multiple shots. And he’s just not going to hit anybody fast to begin with. Not only will he miss more shots, but he simply won’t be able to take many more shots because his guns are too clumsy.


If they reversed projectile velocity paramters (Cannons are almost hitscan, faster that autocannons, MGs have low bullet velocity) that would instantly balance they two against each other.

Maybe if they take away the ability to facehug people would actually need to learn how to aim their cannons or how to engage an enemy at a medium range rather than ramming into the enemy like brainless chickens and the whole match devolving into ram piles due to crossout physics

I mean I have a shit aim in general, hindered by usual server stability and wonky internet connection, yet I can sometimes hit enemies with fat men and their random trajectories from various ranges, all it takes is playing the weapon enough so you learn it’s various quirks and shortcomings. In fact I think that the obviously op on purpose meta weapons are making people too used to guaranteed success with minimal specific gun skill and familiarity of use.

In fact if cannons like fat men were as robust as they should be by all logic and machine guns were not so super-efficient at tickling guns off, and cannon shots did some decent damage like Raijin does, missing a shot or not being able to constantly have your enemy right in your sight would not be such a big issue.

In the current state of the game every build you are facing feels like a fire brick or a meelee build just by how in your face they are, not to mention this also hinders teammates from firing at the enemy when you got 3+ bricks blocking the single enemy firedog and just have to watch it melt those players because the idiots all rammed into that build and buried it in such a way that nobody can fire at the enemy who just gets 3 free kills who then start spamming the general chat about nobody helping them etc

Raijin needs longer charge time. seeing too many almost spam that fire.

As for other cannons being “weak” I have never had any problems with my dual Judges. You’re supposed to aim at vital points like movement parts, frames and weapons. Plus they have pen pins through structural parts which adds to their dmg and splash dmg potential so I don’t get why you feel they need a buff.

Whoever thought to make the Elephant a cryogenic weapon needs to be sat in a corner and forced to read J.R.R.Tolkien until they understand the value of lore. This bizarre new feature disrupts my immersion and dispatches my fantasy escape to an episode of involuntary WTF spasms.

Cannons on Hovers was ridiculous enough. Now this? Just why?

But, more directly to the topic; I’d like them to roll back the rotation speed nerf. That was the day I gave up on cannons.


well…, i can’t add much to this discussion since the only cannon i use/like is the nagual (best cannon imo for people like me who are crap at shooting them)…
plus i found that they can be decent at removing moving parts and other non structural parts due to their perk.
not to forghet that you can mount up to 3 on a build, they have decent RoF and a 3 shot clip.

this is my build w 3 of them w atoms, and it has been serving me decently so far