Cross out needs more gameplay ideas!

Hello riders :grinning:
I’m a big fan to this game i like the idea very much of how we can build any thing we want and how the market works it’s really amazing… But what cross out really missing is ideas for gameplay like awakening it’s a really good mode to play but it should be more rewarding and make people always going to awakening and collect rare or epic boxes by killing bosses and also fighting each other by enable the option to select when you start awaken if you want to be hostile of friendly if you select hostile any one can attack you and when you die you drop resources a good amount and the same for friendly players if they die from hostile players … another idea to make changes to the map make it bigger with better details and the option for players to send a group invite during gameplay in awakening and making events for awakening mode playing in the map to find items collect treasures it’s need to be more alive not just olay 10 min death match cross out needs to be more brilliant than this , you already have a perfect market , crafting , building system that no body have now you really need to focus on gameplay and how you can make players keep playing the game with out being bored .
Best of luck


We’ve tried getting an Awakening update or an Adventure V2 or something… the devs of this game can’t find a way to make people pay for it so they won’t add it. I would love another awakening adventure tho. :sob:


You have a good point but they shouldn’t wait for them to pay actually if they did this this game will attract many players that will pay for alot of stuff in the game but they should start i have so many friends who played the game but dump it because they get bored so fast !!

unfortunately the devs have no plans for doing anything with adventure mode anymore. or at least for this time being. they said they had no future development plans for it and its really disappointing. you used to be able to get engraved casings from the mode but they took those out. its sad seeing them not work on something and improve something that they worked on. i love adventure mode but the issue is for the past few years its been nothing but battlepasses and mini battlepasses. i doubt they have any plans to add anything new to the game other then weapons, armors and temporary modes. hell i been asking for years for new permanent modes to be put in alongside permanent blueprints but i feel it wont happen.

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well…i posted some ideas of mine here…

not that it did anything for them… :grin:

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I think the only thing we can do is to keep posting about this and keep this subject up to date …

That was a great idea i love it and would love playing it someday soon , :grin:

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good luck. i tried posting some ideas for new modes and whatnot on reddit and got downvoted heavily. seems this is what the idiot crybabies want. they dont want change and just want to toss their wallets at the game so let em have what they want i guess. all they do is bitch and whine about “but this will divide an already small game!” and “they cant make money off it so it wont get attention!” the game wouldnt be small if they actually added in content that mattered and stopped listening to the idiotic crybabies on reddit.

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More ground only gamemodes instead of everything being forced heli because some guy in charge does not want to admit Helis were as big of a mistake as it was. While some people might enjoy it, trying to shove it down our throats at every possible chance is a surefire way to make anyone who does not think helis are the best thing ever hate them, even if they were neutral about them to begin with

Forcing helis is a good way to ruin a whole mode, like Bedlam. I used to hang around in there every now and then, after they made bedlam forced mixed mode I haven’t played it because it’s now way more shit than it was before the change

um what? bedlam?
you should really look up what the word means.
that might help you a little… :rofl:

let me help…


    1. a scene of uproar and confusion:
    1. an institution for the care of mentally ill people.

'you still want to hang out there? :rofl:

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Bedlem without helis was better than bedlam with helis, there is no reason for there to be forced helis in bedlam, and there is no reason why there could not exist a bedlam with helis and beldam without helis, like there are missions with helis and missions without helis, and no matter how many dictionary articles you link does not change a single thing about that fact