Crossout Day Brawl Rewards

I’m very curious what the Crossout Day brawl rewards are, but haven’t got a chance to play yet. There isn’t anything online. Please post what rewards there are for a grand prize crate, and what you got out of it.


Launcher has a news page. There you can check out all the events and rewards for all the upcoming events.

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The news says you get the “Holiday Essentials” crate. What’s in it?

Not sure, I didn’t participate

[PC] “Crossout Day 2” on this Saturday!

Greetings, survivors!

Are you waiting for good news? And they have just come! This Saturday, the “Crossout Day 2” tournament starts with the support of Flame Raiders, and you have a chance to earn valuable items and a premium subscription. Do you wish to show yourself?

You have an exclusive opportunity to win an “Omega Protocol” event pass by completing a special challenge during the tournament.

You can find all the details on the tournament page. Take part and win!

Date of event

  • Registration ends: May 31 at 20:59 GMT.
  • Event starts: June 1 at 15:30 GMT.

How to participate

If you are an experienced one and have competed before, just apply for participation. But if you are starting to seek glory in the Crossout tournaments, follow this guide. Rewards and glory are waiting for you!


There’s more but I opened it by accident because I was just not thinking, there’s 2 more epic paints and some special rarity ones with a tonne of stickers



I’ve never seen a duck decor that was just a yellow duck with nothing extra on it. If you are a a duck collector, this probably is must have.

This crate has some genuinely sweet rewards you can possibly get from it, I already got the shocking pink so I am already automatically happy as it was the one I genuinely wanted the most


I have one lol. They’re purchasable on the marketplace

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I have opened 2 of these crates hoping for the illustrious Green Chrome paint and got the same sticker twice :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Odds like Vega’s LMBO :crazy_face: maybe next time sigh

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Finally got one I was excited to see, last night.

I like a few of the others I’ve gotten. In fact I already had them. Some where disappointing, but this one I’ve been wanting for a while.

I think the brawl is plenty enjoyable. It’s mostly mindless fun, plus I get to try stuff I don’t have, so I’ll keep playing, but I feel like I got what I came for. I like the figurehead.

Thanks, devs.


I tried using that thing as a hood ornament, but it is huge! Looked hilarious.

I think I’m going to use it and some of my other weird decor to make a flying pirate airship thing.

Has anyone tried putting propellors on a Leviathan?


I have. Doesn’t deploy, but it is kinda fun to fly around your garage.


:unamused: Stickers, :crazy_face: I have stickers ! LMBO I seriously doubt I will use them. Its all about the journey right? :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

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Not gotten much juicy stuff lately, but I did get the new pain splatters paint and it’s pretty awesome, goes well with the shocking pink. Otherwise it’s been whocares-stickers

I did get a second farce and an extra bubblegum but I am just turning those into recycling material with the pattern calendar as well, I mean I could gt something cool but I’ll just get crafting tickets I won’t ever use

I’m still feeling hopeful for maybe the green chrome or a goddess of victory, but honestly even these two paints pink and splatters are pretty worth it


I got the green chrome
life is good

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Pretty happy with the paints and decor I’ve been getting. Definitely encourages me to play a few of these matches every time I log on.
Lately I’ve been letting the randomizer pick my builds every time, to force me to try ones I wouldn’t normally pick.


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I have 2 bubblegum paints, 2 calendar paints, and 3 chalkboard paints… I think the market is going to be flooded.

I’ve gotten crap, thus far. I’m glad the brawl is enjoyable, and the challenges brief, because over here the rewards have been, so far, disappointing. Looks like I’ll get a couple more rolls though.

…and also landed the Green metallic paint too, freeloader.

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