Crossout Day Brawl Rewards

After I only got stickers, twice, I only play it for the 80 badges.

A couple more days of crates, Hoping for a can of green chrome paint. stickers, I have plenty of unused stickers.

Good luck.

That really is a nice green, and I’ve lobbied for more better green, so I’m glad to see they have made several new more-better greens. They still need a rusty decomposed green, but there are now some very nice greens in game.


Got the Chalk board paint last evening. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I put it up for sale. Then another sticker I will never use . 2 more chances before it ends.

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List of stuff I got, off fo the top of my head
Good stuff: Green Chrome, Riot of Colours, Shocking pink
Ok stuff: 2 normal ducks, a few stickers
Repeats: Farce, crossout hologram, bubblegum paint
But I did get a pattern: Sea from recycling the paints and a few others, like pattern: calendar and the repeat of purple metallic from the free pack

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I think you can only receive what you don’t want at all :rofl:
I tried everyday for “Riot of colours” paint without any success.
But I received “valuable stickers” :nauseated_face:

And the black and pink variant of “bubblegum” paint…

So…I think its time for me to buy a Kleenex box before crying a river about that…


Congratulation’s to those whom actually received what they hoped for! Another opportunity has passed for the illustrious Green Chrome paint . Sadly I admit I have a desire for. I won a plethora of stickers, doubles & even some triples of the same type. :crazy_face: For that matter If I could, I would gladly pass them onto someone that would enjoy them. Without any charge.
I let myself down thinking the programming would equally spread out items and not give you the same item more than once. As far as these special events & awards, I think I’m done with participating, call it what you will. Sure the stuff is free and doesn’t take up storage but having so much unused items in the inventory is a PITA to pilfer through. Stick a fork in this pork :pig: it’s done

LMBO so envious! :rofl:
*Footnote The event game play style was fun, Some of the builds provided well… Made me ask why? Fact is Squidward didn’t do well… :grin:


I got the green chrome paint yesterday but I already own it and it wouldn’t let me sell it. I have all this junk that I can’t sell or craft and trading it for a pointless stabilizer is… pointless.


95% of the stickers are lame. They need to design better stickers.

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I wish recycling untradeable paints didn’t suck so much.
Costs a lot of resources, and usually I just get a repair kit or something worthless from it.
I do not like lottery rewards!


Wished trading between people was an option . Even if Gaijin added a small fee it would be worth it.


Honestly, when I saw the crate the first time, I expected to have the opportunity to choose between certain items.
Rather than a dubious, redundant lottery where you have a 5% chance of ending up with the “coveted” item.

Otherwise the game mode was nice!

Indeed, it would be interesting to be able to “exchange” non-tradable items for non-tradable items from other players. But I believe that such an opportunity would open the door to a parallel market where the person having what the other wants would exchange it for an item + money…


The decor rewards were better than most brawls, and are keeping me interested in this one much better than most temporary brawls.
But we really need some better things to do with duplicate untradeable paints. At the very least, recycling shouldn’t result in a prize that is worth nothing compared to what you put into the process.


You have NOT AN IDEA how much I want this.


Sure I do understand! Hell the ONLY reason I played that event was for the Green Chrome. Otherwise I would have let it pass without a thought. Again a goose egg. I have a ton of stuff in my inventory I would pass along.

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For now: #RIP “Riot of colours” paint
Gaijin: Put some of these paints in the customization section…
…and grab my whale money :money_mouth_face:


Question, So is the rewards distribution program working properly or is there a glitch in its matrix? Kind of wondering due to some got an over abundance of the desirables and others got a plethora of useless,
Face it Crap. Seems to me it’s either feast or famine on the winnings. I am open for discussion, Not solely due to being the later of recipients that is now into the fertilizer business but in general throughout other crates in game. Thought’s?

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My F2P account did much better than my P2P account with this event.

Despite my cultivated and refined sense of paranoia, I detect no patterns in wins or losses in this event. However, when it comes to the resource crates that are given for completing challenges, I do get the impression that I am often given rewards my inventory is low on. Just lucky? IDK. Maybe, probably(?), but thanks anyway, devs.

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The current paints in customization section absolutely suck. I can’t believe anyone would buy them.


:crazy_face: Enough of my salty tears on a stupid can of paint. If they want to make it illusive so be it. I will no longer chase it around like a cat after a laser pointer. Pointless now