Crossout Day Brawl Rewards

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Lol seriously, what is this?

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I thought you were talking about the marketplace. Some of those paints are actually kinda cool.

The ones in the shop are kinda lame though


Nah, I like that they’re adding textures in paints. Sometimes it seems like they’re running out of paint ideas. I’m surprised there is no carbon fiber. Metal flake paint would also be cool.

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oooOOh…You mean in the store. Sorry.

Yes, that is awful. IDK WTF anybody would go out of their way for those. Their customization shop is not a well managed feature.

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There is.

I could go for that.

They do have some kind of festive paint that has…

…a heavy metallic flake, but I forget it’s name.


Need some pizzazz that’s for sure! Those diaper bomb color choices have got to go. Sadly these wishes will again fall upon deaf ears. But then they must wonder why no one invests real $$ in the game. Sure many of us would drop some coin for nice stuff.

Thinking of a Bass boat on the lake with the sun dancing off of those huge flex!

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Hi, Oh, You again ? Wyle Coyote,

I think the ouija board isn’t that far away after all! It’s starting to scare me…
Otherwise, I who never have too much luck in this kind of thing, I must say that I got the things I wanted. The goddess of victory, the chrome green, riot of colors, the simple duck, one or two stickers… For the last brawl, it must be said that the rewards are not crazy but I had the only thing that held me at heart, the sand duck, after not crazy…

On the other hand, on all the crates that we receive when we level up in a “family” faction, i.e. more than a hundred crates, 2 legendary stabilizers for the crazy stuff lol
Ah, I also won 200 coins once and 20 uranium once, but ONE time!
Keep the faith my friend :wink:


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That I will Thank you!

Yeah Ouija boards are 100% creepy and I keep my distance from ! :wink:

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why? use them to call upon a destroyed sidekick or fuze drone and let the parts rain from the sky! :rofl:
