Crossout=pay and win

You don’t even know who your talking to, I only have one whirlwind. I’m pretty sure I know what P2Ws.

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@ dirty hate how this forum set up where it won’t do the @ if it happens to be the last comment but it will do it for any comment before the last one

I was using that as example I don’t know what you actually have. I was using a real example. of p2w in action to try get you to understand what p2w is. it was never about 100% wining every match.

The thing is, the stillwind build will be higher PS, so you’re less likely to face it unless they’re compromising on armour or cooling.
I’ve played both, and I feel comfortable saying that a whirlwind build can go up against a stillwind build of they’re the same PS.

The funny thing is that Stillwinds weren’t even seen as being very good when they were first released. If you do a search, you’ll find lots of people claiming that whirlwinds are better.
Anyway, looks like the current event offers a way to craft a Stillwind without paying for the BP. That should drive down the price quite a bit.
Don’t get fooled by the idea that a high price on the market means that an item is OP. There are other factors driving price, which sometimes result in underpowered items having a high price tag.

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I was kind of teasing you about it…

The game is F2P as is in you can log in and play with out paying a fee. There are elements of the game that are P2A (play to advance) such as giving people early access to parts. Putting stuff behind a pay wall is P2P (pay to play) even though it is not directed at access to basic functionality of playing. When the game requires you to pay in order to craft, fuse, un-fuse something with no alternative method of gaining it, it is simply P2P functionality.

When players bring up that something can bought via the market they are literally saying what the bottom line F2P access is. Honestly buying it from the market is no different than paying into the game and crafting it yourself. It’s an exchange of goods and the services that come along with being able to produce it.

P2W Generally does more than just give a player a better chance at winning. It’s that a player has little to no chance at winning without paying, unless they are playing against another player that does not also pay in. The only place this tends to come into the spectrum of player conditions in this game is in CW and at the highest ends of the PS ratings. In most areas of the game a player is not at such a disadvantaged state.

I had actually ground out a bunch of extras during that bp but was so disappointed in them that I sold them all before the price spiked after their small buff. At their initial release 2 tempests and 1 stillwind did better damage than 2 stillwinds.


I couldn’t seem to get the one BP stillwind to work with other guns, so I grinded my way to getting a second one.
I liked them, but two isn’t exactly devastating damage, and three means you’re very restricted on modules/cabins.
Then prices suddenly surged, so I sold the unfused one.
Does anyone know if the free blueprint we get in this event is permanent?

Still only 99 cents.

I wish my P2P account was as fun. It seems to run a lot differently. If I hadn’t fired up this one, I’d probably be watching TV instead of playing. I wasn’t crazy about how that game experience was going. I like this better for a lot of reasons. It is like a different game.

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i doubt it , one blueprint is for a fused one and the other is an unfuse
makes me wonder if this is the new way they will have unfuse events , or if this is here so we can sell the bp rewards still

You kind of just had to have them on separate triggers. So you’d start firing with the stillwind then when it decloaked start firing the other and kind of balance out the clicking speed. I didn’t love it that much obviously. I’ve pretty much been sitting on it for the most part since.

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I hope not.

same , it just seems fishy though

same build means whirlwinds would NOT have cooler or radiator either. when there is only the same parts and only difference is stillwind stillwind does twice the DPS.

That matters in raids.

you can run custom matches to test it. using others builds etc would run stillwinds hands down in hard raids. and att heir higher PS I would rake in higher resource etc. for doing more of the total damage.

I see that already when I run with lower level players using lower level auto cannons. my resource and rep goes way up. from 6k to over 10k.

If you use Huginn that acts as a 105% cooling. When running 3 then put on omnidirectional mobility to help keep the guns firing in unison. So they all overheat at the same time. with huginn you don’t want radiators anyway. because the perk is triggered by overheating. the key is remove as much of the cooldown time as possible to be almost continuous firing.

its also a ranged fighter so I wouldn’t use the cloaking feature. cloaking is for more close in. or relocating to another distance location but in doing that your not helping team do continuous damage to other team. and is allowing enemy to pound your team. while your trying to get to another hide spot.

You need to stop worrying about raids. Stop seeing your teammates as enemies.
If you insist on doing them, don’t worry about your teammates stealing your kills. Just pound the raiders, and you’ll get your resources. Strong teammates just means it’s less likely that you’ll need a repair kit.

In PVP, whirlwind builds are absolutely competitive with stillwind builds of equal PS.

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Stillwinds are meant to be tap fired. Whirlwinds or Cyclones would work better on that cab.

However, you got me wanting to try that. Unfortunately the one fused BP stillwind I currently have will mess up the overheat cycle for the cabin unless I have 2 more with the identical fuse. Way too expensive for me. Although it’s tempting enough that I might consider unfusing the one I have if we get the opportunity again.

Learning to troll.


Now a friend who is playing it wrote to me that he will also uninstall it. The game is so successful that there are bots in every battle.

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Where do you hold your sermons? Many need to hear this message!

I have been. Been playing about equal time on PC from Xbox. I don’t have the same parts, but you know, I have just been building as close as I can.

Earned a bit over 3,200 coins (started april 1st as a joke tbh). 3x purple crates + selling mats. (and i got mediocre pieces in the crates).

That seems like a lot compared to when I started. Just sayin.

Fishing season here soon. I will disappear for 2 months. Always seems like XO is good when I come back. Maybe a break would help. I agree the game doesn’t feel so mad max anymore.


I am NOT unless they are engaging in malice of intentionally blocking teammates , fire in order to claim ALL of the rep/resources.

WRONG on whirlwinds vs stillwinds because the dps is double for stillwinds. whirlwind player has to work twice as hard to kill the stillwind player. because it takes twice as many shots. mathematically.


I SEE THE FLIP YOU JUST DID comparing whirlwind to stillwind you said PS is same that means whirlwind has other parts the stillwind build doesn’t


to show how stillwinds is P2W

Can you NOT scream all the time?


@ roughmonkey
caps don’t mean scream it means PAY ATTENTION. your deliberately misrepresenting what my comment is and you deliberately attacked me with NOTHING constructive to say.

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