Crossout=pay and win

I use two monitors. Watch movies/tv on one, grinding is pretty auto pilot.

Good for you. I know a few people who don’t, so we’re in majority :laughing:

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Look at the enemies I’m facing in that video clip. Lots of them have weapons from rarities above my little sledgehammers. But to get epic weapons into low PS, they have to compromise on their builds, so I was able to take them out without too much trouble.
Anyway, that new laser isn’t even that good, don’t worry about it.

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I looked, and most of my fused builds - as in FULLY FUSED - aren’t from paid for parts. I like the lower PS battles where a fully fused quad vector build is super OP. It doesn’t take much time to get to that point… and takes zero dollars.

Exactly… flawed as it may be, the powerscore system in this game really negates much of the P2W nonsense other games suffer (and profit) from. You can pay for “better” parts, but you’ll be facing other dudes with the same parts whether they did the grinding thing for them or bought them. It’s not pay to win, it’s pay for variety or advancement. There’s a clear difference.

The caveat, if there is one, is min-maxing players who will build a skeletal 5k build with a relic. Those guys are douchebags in my humble little opinion.

They’re just not accurate enough to be OP. I have the original, and am going to make zero effort to get a second. The only reason I have the original is because I feel I’ve wasted a lot by selling things in the past. It’s easier to expand my storage than deal with the regret of selling something they eventually buff to usefullness.

^^^^ding ding ding! :100:

Nice looking build, sir!

Same… I actually liked the “Hold my Bear” so much, I crafted enough Vectors to get a fully fused build & altered a few parts to my liking. Now, it’s really good. Really really good. That dude knows what he’s doing.

I know you know, but since others might not know… What your teammates are doing don’t really effect how much you’re getting. I mean, they can but… really… it more depends on you doing what is required for you to get points. Brutes reward more than the lil’ baby bots. Bosses reward more than that. Complete objectives… do damage to everything… etc etc… Even when I run a match with dudes who know exactly how to score and who are doing what they can to “hog the points,” I still do well. All this whining about P2W is obnoxious.

Agreed. He & I have even taken our very different opinions to private messages to beat each other over the heads with them, but to say he’s a bad guy is just silly.

Wisdom from experience, right there.

In my humble (yet stunningly correct) opinion, the lower tier weapons are where the game shines. Legendaries are fancy trash for the most part. :rofl: Relics even moreso! :poop: :man_shrugging: Again… following Charlies’s EAB thread is a must.

Sledgehammers are so OP if you are clever… cloaking up & nailing some min-maxing troll is so very delicious.

Again, “started around the same time”. Basically, I started this crap “just to try”. And my friend who dropped this game started along with me, because we talked ourselves into it. I have donated… enough to be a baby whale, I think. He wouldn’t drop a peso in it (cuz he didn’t like the game). If he would have wasted same 1800 hours I did in XO, he could have had some of the fused items I have, but most likely his storage wouldn’t be over 30k.

So, to put it bluntly, it’s p2w on some PvP in some certain cases. In other cases it’s p2advance and p2nothing.

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I think you are thinking of the old Stillwinds. That was like 10 buffs ago. Since they came out:

December of 2021:
Accuracy increased by 25 percent
Perk duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds
Time to overheating increased by 2 shots (From 6 without radiator to 8)

January 2022
Blast damage increased by 9 percent

April 2022
Damage increased by 17 percent

Back then, Stilllwinds were arguably worse than Whirlwinds. Now, Stillwinds are nuclear missiles except they reload faster. The developers have determined to make them the most powerful gun in the game.

I can get fully fused builds without paying a dime. I can get every part without paying a dime. Levi clanwars is the only mode that could be considered p2w, but even then lots of free to play players have strong levis it just takes longer to get them.

Your arguments stateing crossout is p2w are asinine.
Yall are just making excuses for being bad at a competative game to make yourselves feel better about losing so much.

Even though I do agree that this game is not pay to win and anyone can get everything…

Im not sure what game your playing.

Any game that has a giant auto targeting monster in an end game mode is not competitive.

Any game that counts assists towards KD is not competitive.

And so on…

Oh be quiet.

Any game with pvp focus is competative. Perhaps you need a dictionary to understand the meaning of what competition is?

What it’s like to be in a “Levi” clan :joy: :rofl: :clown_face:


They needed those just to be relevant as a legendary.

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Kapkans required for crafting in a paid BP. That is purely p2w with the time limit. No way you are earning enough to buy all that crap in 30 days.

Before this, I was in the “pay for variety” camp.

Stillwinds have always been very very good.

This is when they became OP.

this wasn’t that big of a change, white damage changed by like 2 or 3.

I have done very very well with stillwinds since introduction. I have considered it amazing they even buffed any part of it other than the perk length.

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:smile: :grin: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

You are a joker. In this game, 98% won’t last long enough to get relics without paying, it’s a very frustrating crafting. This game is an abomination of fun at 0 point.

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Sometimes it feels pretty competitive to me. Other times it’s complete trash, and I can only wonder what the difference is. It’s frustrating trying to find the logic behind the disparity. Everybody’s got theories, like it’s pay to win, or get gud, or whatever, but the only thing consistent about this game is that it’s very inconsistent. One day you’re having a blast, and the next it’s miserable. I’ve never seen it different, and never found any solid logic to what makes this game work. It does, or it doesn’t. When it does, it’s fun. When it doesn’t, it feels like a psy-op.

If they balanced it, it would be great, I was tired of being killed by relics, e.g. Athena on ps 6400. But I’m afraid that won’t change, the developers are aware that by frustrating the player, they’re making money. Well, I wouldn’t expect a balance, they could have made the relics a long time ago in pvp, but only in clans. But there is no danger. Money is money and the player is just a number to them.

I had 3 of them when they came out. I thought they were great except the spread was too high on everything except the Nova Bigram and that was too easily rushed by shotguns.

I did tests on AC blast radius and diameter. Whirl is 1.5 block radius. Joule/whirlwind/Cyclone 2.5 block radius. Stillwind 3 block radius. That is nearly twice as big of a blast volume. A 2.5 block radius hits a max 65 blocks. A 3 block radius hits a max 113 blocks. This is using the sphere volume formula 4/3 pi r^3

Stillwinds can punch into the rear of a build and hit everything. This should really hurt now that everyone is running Thor.

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I pulled mine out of mothballs & yup… it’s much better now. I still don’t want two of 'em. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I mean, I may at some point, but I have fused therms & storms, so if I wanna play autocannons, I just use those.

The PS you get into with legendaries isn’t that much fun for me at the moment. I’m really enjoying these fast - both in length of match and in speed of vehicles - lower PS matches.

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Eh, they no fun. This is why I have Joule (weak) and Whirls… Whirlwinds… nice job devs very good naming much variety wow.

Anyway, the only pair left is Cyclones. Thanks to workpieces I’ll think about getting them.

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Pair? These weapons need more then a pair to make a set.

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