Anyone else noticed how lately, even before the ammo change but even more after it, Crossout has turned into a ramming mess. And I don’t mean the enemy builds, but your own teammates. Sure there are bonks and stuff in the game, that can’t be avoided with multiple people driving around in any area, but these days it feels like it has been turned up to a 10. Teammates are just ramming through and into you and each other, piling up so people can’t shoot at any enemies, throw off your aim all the time. Nobody tries to avoid other players and driving under all hover and spider builds seem to be the norm, heavy builds will just ram into people and try to plow through them rather than trying to avoid teammates, fast builds try to zigzag around and wedgeflip everyone out of their way, it’s getting really ridiculous to a point that it has become noticeable past the normal bumping into each other by accident. Even if you’d be a stationary hover build, fine tuning your aim so you can get a kill shot, in wide open space, you can get straight up rammed by 3-4 teammates driving right into you to kill the player you are trying to aim at, flipping you most likely onto your roof and then not manage to kill said player because they are blocking each others shots and a random bot from the enemy team cabinshots them one by one and then you
It’s like there’s been an unanimous decision between the majority of the players to completely ignore any other players but themselves and just ram right into people instead of trying to avoid them
i dont know how its possible but it seems like 95% of the entire playerbase is senile. it might have something to do with all existing players leaving due to shit updates and new players constantly flooding in
oh this has been happening to me ALOT and ESPECIALLY on them damn battle walker legs.
a good example of this was yesterday i was doing the challenges for the battlepass to get more bearings, well i was in my heli build (incinerator heli) and 2 assholes came by, didnt even care and rammed me spinning me around a full 180, when i turned back around some other asshole came in, ran into me and turned me right back around.
now i run atoms on my build for the added protection and i dont like how wobbly they are on my build but i try to tolerate it. this however… just pissed me off. these team mates had 0 regard for me and just pushed past me like their life depended on it, there was no enemies around either, i was lining up to toss some incinerators ahead when they just came in and shoved me around.
i also want to add here i dont always use heli mode on my build to avoid enemies focusing me so hard.
for me its the god damn battle walker leg builds who do this the most. hell some team mate bots do this to but not to that degree.
its become ALOT more common now and i dont know why.
also if you want to know something infuriating, the battle walker leg builds ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS try to face hug people, get in the way and just be a total asshole 95% of the time. ive come across matches where im trying to line up a shot on a bot and THEY come in and block my shot by face hugging enemies or pushing them out of my fire / ice puddle or just being jerks in general and im getting rather sick of it. they purposefully build their vehicles as big as they possibly can to block shots and hog kills. adding these stupid legs into the game was a huge mistake.
i have no idea why people do this crap, are players just that brain dead?
as intended, mechs and helis mostly attract humanoid monkeys that are not only more than useless but will quit the game and never get good. of course its great as long as they spend some money on packs or coins.
I run a heavy or high-traction, fast build whenever I play PvP. Mostly solves the issue, and you can’t ram me if I’m going 30 km/h faster than you, and you’re just going to get yourself killed by ramming my heavy, good luck surviving going 10 km/h. I have the HP, your poorly made firedog does not.
It has always been like that but some builds are pretty hard to drive. If the build is not properly balanced than even the best of them will be ramming into a few things every now and then too. I got some builds that got really good handling and some other builds not soo much.
Next Step has a lot of teammate ramming I find, and I think that’s partly about the nature of the mode. Grabbing capsules makes people rush into the action, and respawns make people play more aggressively. And because there’s no capping, most people just make a beeline towards the red dots on the map.
Also, a lot of vehicles are faster these days, which is making wheeled vehicles harder to control. I know whenever a sand/ice/rain map comes up, I’m suddenly sliding into walls and players, at least until I start laying off the gas a bit.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the ammo changes.
This is unkillable fast wheel meta reaching full maturity. Meta doesn’t mature overnight, it takes months if not years. This wouldn’t be happening if all epic wheels got their durability nerfed by 40%. Every single movement class except epic wheels is vulnerable to dewheeling, while being slower with worse perks.
Wheels were underpowered with ranged weapons but the way to buff them is to give them full reverse speed and diagonal driving. Those are the only two buffs wheels needed to be viable with ranged weapons. If you look at any skilled ranged player they at some point rely on reverse speed. Without it they die to the first close range build that pulls up.
and what about the modes that are NOT next step?
im encountering people just ramming into others constantly and shoving players out of their way. i run incinerators and i come across many assholes who hit me as im lining up a shot only to make the shot either miss or hit an environmental object near me and making me take damage from my own fire / ice puddle, even worse when enemies are around me and start hammering me with shots making me take alot more damage.
chain wheels feel like they are made of cardboard. i get dewheeled so easily using those.
Do you mean raids and patrol? As far as I can tell from your clan activity, you don’t play PVP at all.
In Patrol, I see lots of teammate ramming, which I think is because some patrol matches go by so quickly that if you don’t rush in you might not even get your minimum 40 points. I know that happens to me whenever I try to play long range or slow builds in Patrol.
I don’t play enough raids to have an opinion about them.
But I stand by my claim that Next Step sees a lot more teammate ramming than normal PVP, and much more than the competitive modes.
Next step kinda forces you to use camera steering which is a big part of the constant ramming in that mode and because most camera steering players are not good at checking their map to see if they are screening anyone behind them than that’s why you get a lot of the ramming in next step cause they got bad positional awareness. Plus next step attracts a lot of new players as well. When i use camera steering I am very vigilante in checking my map to see if if I’m not in anybodies way or stepping on anyone’s toes.
When using mech legs it does and along with rotors those are by far the two most common movement parts in next step. You can use mech legs without camera steering but you can’t look up or down. Id like to use mech legs without camera steering but your stuck locked in the one position so i can’t look up to shoot at choppers or look look down to shoot at players crawling in under me either.
It seems most of ramming done in next step is mech leg users and i read countless threads of people complaining about it on the forum about the leg users. Not that it bothers me but it is hard not to notice however.
All axles steer in the same direction so the vehicle strafes at 30 or so degrees. A lot of construction equipment has this. A place I worked at has 3 50-60 year old 4 wheel cranes and they all have this feature.
Those aren’t epic wheels, lower rarity wheels are fine on durability but they still need a max reverse/diagonal driving buff.
I can agree with epic wheels needing a durability nerf. It all started with Targem’s refusal to nerf the bonkers dura on Hermits. BFs are tankier than most tracks and legs nowadays… That durability+finwhale is mostly responsible for the flamer, then brick meta.
I can agree giving them better reverse speed would help make them better at range. But I am 100% opposed to any kind of wonky diagonal steering. Lets not make every movement part strafe.
My own findings on this come straight from classic mode pvp as I don’t have any need to play the next step due to not buying the battle pass/not liking the gamemode at all
Feels nice not being forced into it by battle pass challenges and just playing what you want to play, with whatever random gun you wanna use rather than KILL X ENEMIES WITH A MACHINEGUN CANNON OR SHOTGUN AND GAIN AT LEAST 850 POINTS USING A HULICOOPTER BLADE COMPLETE 5 TIMES PARTICIPATE IN NEXT STEP IT IS MANDATORY
Man I just want to fling Phoenix bolts at enemies on a ground level
I was thinking its a good idea because it allows people to get really creative with gun layouts and/or juking people out. It’d be pretty sick to wheel around backwards at 100km/h switching between left and right diagonal steering to dodge fire and confuse people. They see your car pointing one way so they lead that way while you are going the other way. A wheeled ranged player can build up some sick momentum to whip a turn or possibly flip 180* while sliding in a straight line if they master the controls. That kind of fun driving is what kept me playing this game with meatgrinders and omnis for so long and I’m positive the longtime hover players can say the same.
Oh I aree. And we have omnis, augers, hovers, etc for that. I’m pretty sure the people who play ranged wheeled builds despite their shortcomings enjoy the drift-and-shoot style tho.
But reverse speed, 100%. Drifting in reverse sounds even funnier ;). Acceleration could go up too, the problem with flamers and bricks has never been accel, it’s top speed. Better accel would let ranged wheeled builds dodge incoming fire better without fundamentally changing their gameplay, which is an area where non-strafing parts ar at a massive disadvantage, because their trajectory is so predictable.
I don’t know if it is exactly that because flamers and bricks have a universally reckless playstyle. If other movement parts tried to emulate that playstyle they would be immobilized. Omnis and Atoms are durable but they cost a lot of power and powerscore relative to wheels so people aren’t rolling around 10+ wheels deep and so they can’t play the game that way. When OBT first dropped there was a huge shotgun wedge problem and what a lot of players did to reliably counter it is shooting their wheels off.