Crossplay just dropped for PlayStation and Xbox

Well I’m only buying the regular pass, so it’ll be a few weeks to get the engine, but I have got a build ready to try the new cloak in a Retcher build.

ya until they run into the xbox king nd kap spammers lol

Honestly PlayStation don’t seem very good, their builds seem outdated/stale. I don’t know if they just have more of a casual playerbase, the best players I’ve seen are just your typical hover/dog players so nothing special. I’ve also seen as many kingkaps from PlayStation as Xbox.

i will say this u dont see same build spamming tho just like what xbox used to be

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Used to do? The past half a year was Gerrida Cyclones along with the other typical stuff like Destructors, melee and MG hovers…

It is nice baiting around players who don’t know how to fight my playstyle though, I hope I humbled a few squads yesterday.

ez fuel even if running solo

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When you can’t fit fuel </3 pain

Well, good on you guys for beating up 9k PS players. I did my damage to your 14k playerbase. Same thoughts as you guys: The playerbase of the other console doesnt seem very good.


In the matches I played, it seems like there are two PlayStation players for every one XBOX player.
But more PlayStation players seem like newer players to me, while the XBOX players seem on average more experienced.
The overall number of meta builds and competitive players seems roughly equal, but then the rest of the slots are full of casual PlayStation players.

I’ve been mostly around 12kPS so far, and if anything, I’m seeing XBOX players more on builds that I consider older meta builds. Also seems like the average XBOX player doesn’t care as much about the looks of their build.

However, I don’t think one day of play gives us a clear picture, especially on a Monday. The death squads don’t come out in full force until the weekend.

In EU that seems right, but last night when playing on NA with NA friends there were barely any PS players it seemed.

I always see weekends as the most casual times tbh, should be out in my friend’s fusion build tonight if he fixes it up, 7 toadfish fusion, very weak but funny

Ill see if i cant whip up something for 9k tonight. Itll be a wheel build with hitscan weapons most likely. I like speed and fast turning weapons

Might be time zones and where the player bases are geographically.

Remember just because you’re a good player doesn’t mean the rest of your platform are, my friend group all kinda agreed that PS didn’t seem as up to par but it’s whatever and time will tell.

I suspect CWs will have a big say in public perception. There are only a small handful of teams that could beat us in RCOM on Playstation a couple of months ago when i took a break. Only 2 clans beat us more than we beat them, and thats more to do with us having 20 players imo. Point being, if playstations top 5 starts taking dumps on your top clan, id say the debate is mostly over. But who know, maybe JINX(thats your top clan rn isnt it) and the rest of your top ten take it to our top 3 teams. As far as low PS, anyone with 10 bucks and 40 hours in can hit 9k(less really), so its more of a grabbag of potential noobs or vets. When your playing 17k, youve mostly taken out the noobs and see what the people with heavy investments of time, money, or both use. Thats where im curious, is there one side with a better horseshoe hover/spider? Is there a superior console dog/breaker wheeled build? Thats when i think youll see the biggest difference and be able to tell which side is truly ahead of the curb.

I feel like I’m seeing more dogs from the XBOX side.
I’m not complaining though, as it seems to keep the horseshoe DPS in check.

Also seems like XBOX still likes hovers more, while a lot of PlayStation strafing players switched to other movement parts over the last year.

Bozo walked all over the xbox clans yesterday but I think we should give it at least 2 weeks for everyone to adjust.

Regarding high PS pvp, I saw few xbox players that stood out. I havent played lower PS, except a few confrontation matches. Most at that level are unimpressive, regardless of console. I had high hopes for 9k but it has turned out to be extremely boring to me. Cyclone spiders abound.

Last night, I was out with a firedog dog/hover Squad, and there was an opposing Playstation squad of Mastodon Spider/firedogs we always faced off against, including a Darth Lyman from RCOM.

Naturally, I started a big feud with him to see who was the Master Darth and who was the Apprentice Darth. I’m not sure what the series score is, but he got the last kil on me, carrying me away with a fire dog.

Anyway, good games to the RCOMers. I’m having a great time with Cross play.

Be sure to tell Playstation Darth that if he changes his tag and avoids soccer and corrosion paints I’ll let up on him.

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no apologies for false predictions about the future. but i admit i didnt think its going to happen. still dont think pc crossplay is ever going to happen, bite me!

really looking forward to derrick and the box meeting in-game for the first time, im sure well hear all about it here!

are they going to lovingly cup each others balls or is it going to be a full-on war from the get go? we all know there is no corridor wide enough to fit two big heads like this.


From what I’ve seen of Playstation v. Xbox wars, is that fused bullet speed Mastodon spiders are winning the day in favor of Playstation. These builds are punching right through the standard Xbox firedog and hover. Xbox doesn’t have a lot of 'Don players, and I think that fused Mastodons have a lot of untapped potential that Playstation has figured out. I’m certainly not used to Mastodon spiders hunting in packs.

Xbox has a lot of good rocket players and a few monster Heather players so I don’t think that Playstation cannon spiders will be uncontested for long.