Crossplay just dropped for PlayStation and Xbox

ya well dont look forward to us PC Players,we gonna rip your consoles apart…

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Why’d they send their braindead representative? Ffs


Unfortunately I am not as confident about PC crossplay happening. I’d put it at 50/50 probability, and no time soon.

Too bad, as I would really enjoy seeing more of you weirdos in game!

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I’m not skeared of PS or PC players.

But I might actually play with competition in mind for awhile, instead of my usual goofy builds over the last year and half.

Pc players r only good when they cheat just look at call of duty :rofl: :rofl:

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Playing at 9639 currently if anyone is looking to play

Soz on OW atm, btw are you NA or EU?

NA, usually not on at these times of day

fight fight fight!!!

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Well I’m EU, my NA friends get on at like 7pm EST at the earliest and that’s the only way I can get to NA servers

I work til midnight EST most nights. Tuesdays and fridays i get out earlier and i have saturdays off. Probably a Tuesday or Saturday will be the most likely time we’d be on at the same time

It’ll line up sometime

Gonna hop on solo for a bit but I dont know if we will find each other due to regions

Im pressing square. Or as you like to call it…X? xD

Since you are both on different consoles, how are you going to find each other to play together?
I thought we still can’t make crossplatform groups?

Just searching around the same time, but sadly we’re in different regions

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I gave it my damnedest, but 3 1/2 hours straight and i need a break lol. I posted the exact build i was using. Search “WhaleFinSlapJr” to find it. It lacks in DPS, but it survives long enough to strip over half a team game in and game out.

Add an odin, parser in the front of the cabin and a flywheel and thats what i plan to run in CWs this week.


Kinda the vibe up at top PS range. The lone PS5 player in a sea of Boxmen. Using quad arbiters xD

Good on you. I’ve been playing against all those characters for years. Note that if you consistently have good games against me or my group, we will change the nightly objective from “win the match” to “Kill Hawk until he switches builds” We do this from time to time and we are very vindictive.