Crossplay just dropped for PlayStation and Xbox

I play 9.7k because I tend to fight 12ks anyway… so I swapped a 2 point gen for a 3 point gen and added a radar detector. I don’t care what others play at, I fight higher than myself most of the time anyway, if a 8999 player cried because they had to fight a 9700 player then they must be next level terrible.

If you’re from NA I doubt you’ll see me in CC, I don’t know how many times I have to explain how regions work.

Yesterday I cleaned out a whole nest of Playstationers. Unfortunately, there was a tough Xbox player on the other side so I couldn’t seal the deal. I used Helicons.

I ran out of ammo the other day trying to carry PS kids


Exactly, you play 12k teams, lose, then get put on the “winning” 9k team. The screen shots might impress your average forum viewer but the OGs/veterans know how you’re actually getting these scores. Not saying you’re not a good player just stating why these scores are fluffed. I’ve played you enough times to know.

But I/we don’t lose, you’re just saying that lol

Literally a few from last week that were at the top of the folder, why do you feel the need to lie and attempt to put others down with no evidence whatsoever?

Are you trying to impress someone with these screen shots or what? They’re not impressive, you’re taking advantage of a niche PS.

I’m proving your lies wrong, that’s all. I don’t need to lie about others just to put them down, that would make me look pretty insecure.

I guess you’re just upset someone called you out on what you’re doing, its ok. Most people still think these are great scores, don’t worry about what I think.

Weird, if 700PS is too much for you to deal with then you have more serious problems, especially 700PS on an art build haha

Anyone can sit back with a Fortune Catalina build and get these scores. Why fill a thread with useless screen shots idk but it wont be for free lol.

Why fill a thread with lies and projection?

I’m surprised to see how many PS players use Punishers at high PS and CW compared to Xbox, it’s very interesting.

M420 you don’t have to comment, you don’t play at that level. :wink:

Yeah I don’t, I don’t enjoy the slow gameplay. Better than being insecure lmao

From my experience, a build at 9.7kPS is more likely to be in matches with mostly people above 10kPS than below.

I know there have been a lot of debates over the years about how matchmaking works, but I think most of us agree that the closer you get to 10kPS, the wider the potential PS spread on each team.

I don’t think it really matters much, as the overall team PS is usually going to be very close, and I still see this as a team game, even if we don’t always play like it. But I also don’t think a 9.7kPS build is manipulating the matchmaker in their favour. More likely the opposite.

How dare you speak logic, I’m obviously abusing the system by adding a radar to my build

I dont care what PS you play or what PS you play against. I will say you are avoiding most of the competitive players by playing at that PS though.

I have always said CW should have 1 week every month or two that plays at a random PS. As it is, I only have 1 build for CC and the rest are for uncapped PS play.

High PS is slow and boring, when I play up there I tend to get bored


Yeah, I don’t really find high PS harder than mid PS. Low PS is definitely easy, but I don’t find a huge difficulty difference above 8kPS.
For me, the big difference is that below 12kPS most vehicles are faster than above that point, and there’s a wider variety of builds, so it’s less predictable.

But outside of CC, I don’t think much about my own PS. The exceptions are when I’m trying to get a weak higher tier weapon to work, which sometimes requires fiddling with PS so that you are more likely to face the kinds of enemies vulnerable to that weapon. In some cases I’ll even inflate PS for that reason (like a build designed to kill hovers, but that sits below the range where you see a lot of hovers).


Right? an old friend group of mine once wanted to do high PS and I said sure I don’t mind… most of these matches I just sat back and had to fire across map shots all game, barely anything really happened. It’s just such a grind-fest where you can’t do anything that feels very tactical or strategic…

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Well I will admit that in some ways those high PS games could be seen as more “strategic”, in that players are more cautious and tend to camp a lot more.
But I would argue that mid PS has a wider variety of potential strategies than just camp or rush.

The bigger difference for me is that my reflexes and focus get tested more in mid PS, while my patience and aiming skills get tested more in high PS.

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