Crossplay just dropped for PlayStation and Xbox

I feel like in general I see more XBOX players the higher I go in PS. At midrange PS, there are mostly PlayStation players.
Time of day also seems like a big factor. I could be wrong, but I suspect there are more European XBOX players, and more North American PS4/5 players.

F’n love it my man. Respect. If i gotta go to my double bubble, you know youve got me good. If you manage to own me in that, you are some hunter’s hunters.

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There are certain players, that have to be taken out at the beginning of a match, because if they are left alone, they are too dangerous by themselves.

And if I see someone running in a squad or I know normally ques with a squad, yummy. First target.

You on console patents?

the box. I have a pc account also though its not robust.

Honestly I have so many screenshots but I could cherry pick a few

I know as well you are good player, but i like to see one match with you and budspencerII player…

C’MON! This is everything I wanted… Angry competition, shit-flinging, ego-stroking and the unmistakable smell of console wars… BRING IT ON PC! My last console war was SNES vs MegaDrive/Genesis, I need some RN!

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I love how you say If I could cherry pick a few… lol

I know the name, checking clips but I don’t know if I’ve played with/against them, at least not often at all

That was just in my downloads ready to be sorted into folders and sub folders… and it was still cherry picked from just those

It just cracks me up as I save very little…


What I mean by that is I actually have to go out of my way to show something similar. It doesn’t even dawn on me to capture it unless I think it’s out of place.

Yes, many time ago we did play togheter with you, it’s long time i don’t play with 4AB anymore.

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Fought these guys not long ago but not the guy you mentioned though

yes it’s him clan but i think he don’t play often like years ago… he is a really good player probly like you or… more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Do you play CC or CW?

Just CC.

You’re taking advantage of PS here by playing 9.7k, most competitive players play 9k so you’re 730ps up on them, your average player just plays whatever the car lands at so you’re up on them too.

I haven’t seen you in CC, yet.