Dear Developers, could you please rework the perks for Goliath / Tank Track / Armored Track?

I agree with much of that, and that’s why I’m more in favour of improving track handling.
If they could rotate without a delay and without coming to a complete stop, they would be able to use fixed angle guns much better, which opens up much better armouring options, not to mention making them less vulnerable in close range.
I think some track handling changes were made to improve stability and make them flip less when cornering. Like many fixes, it was well intended, but they took it too far. Besides, car jacks don’t cost energy anymore, so maybe tracks and augers don’t have to be so stable anymore? Make them a bit more exciting to drive, but keep the feel tanky.
Better acceleration on the first 20kmh would also help so much.

They are poorly imitating tank steering right now which is some of the issue. Normally with tanks in the classic sense you have the ability to put either track individually into a clutch state to break and then go to forward or reverse as well as adjust speed on one particular track at a time… All turning on tracks is based on a variance between the speeds between the individual tracks in real life where as the loss of power delivered is given to the other track. What they try to do this in game they have you come to a complete stop and then do that rotation where one moving forward and the other moving back.

Fair example of the priority shifts and turning:

Yeah, although I feel like tracks used to come closer to what they should feel like.
But part of the problem is that PC steering won’t let them have any range of steering/rotation intensity. Easier to implement on controllers.

If the turning radius drastically shrunk as speed reduced, and then smoothly transitioned directly into stationary rotation, it could start feeling a lot better.

They could switch it to be (Q,A),(W,S) pairs for forward and reverse on pc, even if it was still archaic for manual controls. While it would be more accurate to how it works, I’m not even sure if that would be better unless they correctly let the power shifts happen between the tracks. So there has to be a way to emulate it a bit better.

None of these real ones seem to have the same issues we have:


Jokingly they could also look at something like this via maneuverability and acceleration:

It’s not like there isn’t plenty of material out there to do comparisons with…

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Looks like once again the devs are basing their balance ideas on my posts!
(Balance update has lots of handling improvements for tracks)

The Germans managed to fix the power loss issue…

in the 1940s

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The reason I am against slowing the game down, is that there are plenty of slow, boring tank games, namely World of Tanks, World of Warships and War Thunder that could be played. Crossout is about freedom to build what you want, and that necessarily means that some builds are going to dominate others.

I’ve been through campy spider metas and the 2019 Kapkan fest, Typhoon hoverboat, and the current Gerrida dominated slowdown and I don’t think the game is as fun.

Also, even if they gave you all the track buffs you wanted, your build would still be degunned by range.

Also, fused +Bullet speed Mastodons are the best gun in the game.

If you don’t want to build with gun mounts, Omamori, gun protection and the other parts of a modern play style, why play a competitive building game?

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It is indeed about the freedom to build whatever you want.

Some people will want to build and play with fast and agile builds, while others prefer slow and tanky ones. There is no reason that those two types of playstyles can’t co-exist. It is only a matter of game balancing.

If we can put a man on the Moon then we can also balance a video game well enough that different movement parts can all compete to some extent in the hands of a skilled player, without making them all the same.

There is a thing called Aegis that I use against long-range teams. You should try it :kissing_smiling_eyes:

This I think we can agree on. I’m quite happy with my projectile fused Mastodons, apart from being degunned when using them on tracked builds. But I wouldn’t say that it’s the gun’s fault per-se. It’s more of an issue with tracks not having perks that actually benefits the playstyle.


Excuse me?? :rofl:

Why do you assume I’m not already using those? Lmao.

To turn the question around; If you only want to play fast paced and with the ability to strafe / point and click then you might as well play CS;GO or R6 Siege? That brings us back to my first point, different playstyles can actually co-exist within the same game.


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