Differences are manifested in CK

Instead of making CKs for weapons, they just release it as a new weapon (re-skinned) that does basically the same thing as it’s prototype, but better, and then sell it for cash in a BP, or whatever. That’s why.

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Aint no new close drone versions out in years and i think that one fuze mine skin in that BP is it for drone skins.

I would love drone skins, personally. I keep lobbying for seasonal themed drone CKs, like pumpkins, withches, and skeletons, for Halloween. Maybe, flying reindeer, or little sleds for Christmas…bunnies and Easter eggs for Easter.

I’d also like a hideous tiny exploding mutant Ravager spider swarm CK for the Fuze. A bouncing exploding toxic bubble CK would be fun for that too.

Drones would be great fun to play dress-up with, I think.


I would more CKs for wheels.
I would especially love if we had equivalent CKs for different wheels, so that we could get more unified looks on builds with mixtures of different wheels.