Easy Mode Builds

Put 2 hammerfalls on an Omamori with a Fin whale and see how that goes

This build weighs 22000kg, can turn on a dime and come out of that turn going 90kmh and can reach 116km’h with it’s perk… how is that balanced lmao


…and there are simply a schit-ton of melee builds running about. They are impossible to avoid. It’s too much. Seems like if you’re not hella fast the melee will get you, which is generally most of my team; gone in 60 seconds.

So tired of seeing players slam it into reverse (on wheels) when they see that melee-mut rushing them. But then most of them are driving cars so wonky that they’d flip over if they tried any real evasive maneuver. They want to just grab a couple ACs or cannons and then just camp and take pot-shots, apparently. It’s lazy AF, IMO.

My PVP game is mostly me trying to rescue players from the melee that’s latched on to them. I go from one player to the next, trying to pry them off of my team-mates, but it’s a relentless slog of dogs, one after the next, over and over.

Real team work, targeting the dogs, is the only time the game works for me. When we get our wagons in a proper circle, we do good, otherwise the melee just picks us all off, one at a time, until I am surrounded by melee bricks or rocket pigs.

It’s all about the melee, right now. It’s kinda stupid…so I hunt them now, just like I used to hunt hovers when they were the big man on campus. Teams that are full of it are impossible though, and I’ve had many matches where just one guy with chainsaws has obliterated my entire team by himself and hogged every kill the bots didn’t clean up in record time.

It’s not an imaginary problem. The game is lousy with dogs.

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So I did my 225m speed test with these 2 vehicles and this was the results…

First was my build, then the heavy build with an active perk and then without, that’ show little difference between weighing 5500kg and 22000kg.

Look at the acceleration bars, why even have them?

This is basically what I’m saying.
Whatever the current popular build is, concentrate on figuring out how to counter it, and focus on targeting them. Once you figure that out, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

When hovers and Gerridas were kings of the hill, I was playing melee to counter them. Now melee is popular, so I’m figuring out how to counter that instead.
Thankfully, because I spent enough time playing dogs against the strafing DPS meta, I also know their weaknesses, so it’s not that challenging.

Basically, identify the members of your team that are most likely to be targeted by dogs, and use them as bait. Dogs are most vulnerable when attacking someone else, and when you can get them to lose their speed momentum. It’s not impossible if you are willing to alter your normal approach.

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Why such a short track for your speed test? Do either of them even get up to their top speed within 225 meters?

Also, even on your short track, there’s still a pretty big difference between their times. I’m not sure what exactly you are trying to prove with that test.

The coping is thinking someone’s having an easier time, when you’ve actually intentionally made things harder for yourself via your own choices. I do kind of agree with pony a fair part of your issue is your only playing the counter of dogs. I’m aware they have issues which is why I try to avoid some build types like over building with legs. Even with the new engine and the new legs it still amplifies some of the issues.

Legs have always had a push resistance issues. It’s one of the reasons I generally just avoid them. I do like the new legs though. I have ML’s too but I just don’t use them. I had Bigrams but I don’t like their turning radius. The push resistance issue is one of their oldest problems though. A lot of the push issues I blame on janky coding, there isn’t much difference between a hover and a leg outside of hitbox and animation they otherwise kind of move the same.

When it comes to the ability to shoot at a close range target and not being able to do it that’s a build issue. If you can’t target your enemy it’s an big issue. Lots of cannon builds have this issue even more so with camera steering on (I kind of wish there was a hot key for turning that on and off, during a match.) I prefer playing turret cannons on wheels and tracks (due to camera steering), and limited angle cannon on the others. (I don’t hate it as much as other do though…) Otherwise you can’t really take advantage of weapon’s abilities. Side mounting them also causes similar issues but at least you can hit the heli’s then… Also building wide, designing it to only shoot forwards all come down to choices in design.

A lot of the time if I’m in my cannon builds it comes down to dealing damage to myself to hit them if they are that close, I can at least make the choice to hit them though. So choices I’ve made to do this is like not armoring up my guns as much as possible. Making sure I’m not building so wide that I can shoot to the side or rear if I have too. Much of this has come out of experiencing the frustration of not being able to take the shot I want to take. I’d rather make it a little easier to lose a weapon then not to be able to respond to a combatant at all.

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Short? Do you know how long 225m is? You see the turbine? That’s 225m


Do you want the video?

Great points!

I would also add that leg placement can help deter dogs a lot. Mounting legs facing forwards and backwards, in addition to the usual side mounting can help a lot.
The new reload module should also help these situations a lot, as your guns are going to just keep shooting faster and faster as the dog tries to chew through your legs to get to your juicy bits.

A good spider build with a skilled driver can be very hard to successfully take down with a dog build. I’m sure brick/dogs have an easier time against them, but when I’m playing a dog build I tend to avoid attacking spiders (at least until my allies have stripped some of their armour).
Hovers are easy to kill once you make contact, but a good hover pilot can make it very hard to make contact. Makes me feel like a bull trying to gore a bull fighter, who keeps stepping out of the way every time I charge at them.

I must be confused: I remember the length of the player designed area being at least 500 meters. Are you saying it’s only about half that long?

Anyway, there was still a significant difference between their times.

That can also end up getting some melee builds stuck in the legs which isn’t always good. That happens to my shotgun cerb often on this one bot build. I’m lower then their guns so it’s only a benefit to me and it can only shoot the rear most of my build which doesn’t matter.

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Apologies, I thought you are only using half the track.
Regardless, there’s still a big difference in those times.

The trick is putting the legs close together enough that they can’t get between them.
Not always possible though.

depends on build size, my cerb is yellow box size. It’s not big.

The checkered line to the bus target on a default range is 300m, my test start is just forward a bit because you can’t build it right on the 300m mark, bit annoying.

It’s not a big difference when you think about how a build will be chasing another build and doing damage, a shotgun on the slower build will always be doing damage.

On top of this you’ll almost never have build that goes my speed etc… If my build can barely escape what chance do others have?

They cut out around 35m.

I like going 120 in the game.

I think they just need to make them more accurate. Weight to torque was what they were trying to do on one failed and abandoned update but people were having trouble understanding it.

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Low PS (where I dwell) has been plagued by melee bricks for well over a year, so none of this is new to me. In fact, maybe I think it’s a little funny that ya’ll are now finally experiencing the same…just a little. See? It’s a pain in the ass. Now you know what the rest of us have been dealing with down in the cheap seats for a very long time (ha-ha?). Ya, I know. That’s not nice.

One thing that has helped me out a lot, is the Kensei. It’s very ideal for both smacking active melee off their target (and off with their wheels) using passive melee, and also for evading or escaping from them. I’m surprised the cab isn’t more popular. The acceleration boost really helps a lot, not to mention the power boost which will flip melee on it’s ass.

Sometimes I go at them head-on (good front bumper) and just wedge them, immobilized, while either my drones, or team-mates cancel their feast, and send them back to the guff.
Active melee doesn’t have as powerful of a front-end game as one might think, especially fire dogs. It’s the getting pinned by them that is deadly. They need to make steady contact to do significant damage.

I know that might seem counter intuitive to attack a fire dog head on, but a good hit with my Kensei build has deleted a few Remedies by simply hitting them hard. Consider getting a Kensei…or just getting aggressive.

I know the dog thing is an issue and it’s frustrating. I’m just trying to encourage players not to be such chicken-schits about it, and instead of always fleeing (in reverse :crazy_face:), maybe go on the offense. I see good results when my team does this (gets proactive).

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This isn’t a big difference when you consider the builds have:

Light cabin, 4 wheels 5500kg
Heavy cabin, 8 wheels 22000kg