Easy Mode Builds

not true on small maps & you need icarus 7 with lighter weight

when a fire brick sticks to you from any side other than the front it is physically not possible to get rid of it. and as for shotgun bricks, their hitbox is tiny, theyre inset in the build, have the perk of omamori and even fin whale.

so i could see a fire brick coming from across the entire map but i die before i could ever do considerable damage with my cannons

is mammoth spider like a controversial option to take? is there any build that is a counter to dogs apart from lightweight blue hover DPS?

not true, legs are on the higher end in terms of push power

these principles dont apply to high tier

the thing is, a fire brick can be directly in front of me and i can be pushing it all i want, but alone i will not deal enough damage before i die, not to mention the brick is so round it just wiggles its way out of in front of me very effortlessly.

the only type of spider build to be capable of countering bricks is all fused DPS at 22k PS

youre surprised we let bricks get close while they have infinite invisibility and the maps are tiny? how surprising is that!

dogs arent much of a new meta. also are you saying the only way to figure out the weaknesses of a meta is to pay up?

Even with the perk, there was over three seconds of difference. That is not nothing.

The heavier build takes 1/3 longer to reach 225 meters, and that proportion will just get bigger over a longer distance.
How much of a speed advantage do you expect to have?

You barely get close to that distance in an actual match. In fact you’re hard pressed to have more than 50m of straight open ground.

I was talking to Lexi/xbox, because they always play very fast cars.

And no, mastodons aren’t a bad thing to play, but any cannon build is what dogs are strongest against. So makes sense you struggle more against them.

And the heavy brick dogs are a new thing, thanks to finwhale. They existed before, but most fire dogs were on blight. But with the blight nerf and the new engine and cloak, heavy dogs are a new version of an old threat.

As far as the ability of hover players to dodge dogs, I assure you that there are some hover players who are very good at it, even when I’m playing a light fast dog.

It’s always been true that cannon builds have a hard time countering close range builds in 1v1 situations. Which is why you really need to play as a team, so that you aren’t facing a dog alone. Also why you need to tinker with the roster of builds your team is running. You need at least someone who can defend you from the initial dog rush. If you’re all playing cannons, you’re going to be vulnerable.

light and fast dogs are not a threat when compared to bricks. i know there are players who are good at dodging dogs, thats because they play an agile hover which can circle around a dog. a slow hover is guaranteed to die

Don’t try to tell me you are coming to a complete stop every 25 meters. I’ve seen your videos, and we both know you keep moving, just like any of us that play fast cars.

Yes, this is what I’m trying to tell you.

If you play a slow cannon hover, you are going to be dog food.

And are you really trying to tell me that you’ve never been killed by a blight fire dog? I do not believe that.

i have been killed by every sort of build in the game. any hover is immediately dead if it gets caught off guard. but a lightweight dog is very easy to push off with a spider build, not the case with a brick though.
a team of dogs is easy to defeat in clan wars, but the point is that you need a composition which is exponentially more expensive than dog builds

I agree with you, this is a good game in a bad shape but not for the reasons the OP pointed out.

This is one of the main reasons i was attracted to this game.
No campers, no going alone, support of the team and brawl.
There’s no GOD tier cv, which crap on everything else that has nothing close to a counter play.
I swear to you, only in this game i knew about blockers, i was amazed, i was so used to Battleships camping at 20 kms away from the action.

Well, i’m not so happy, special now with the most recent armour nerf, i was satisfied with most of my builds until this last nerf.
I’m not so optimist in relation to last added toys, BS scy fy.

what’s wrong with the good old SGs, MGs and Cannons trinity?

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No one is saying that, since when did you become such a slimy little troll that isn’t worth discussing things with?

dont know if anything is worth discussing on here

Ouch little buddy, getting a little worked up?

You’ve been complaining about every build that isn’t your style for so many years now.

You say there isn’t enough space for the extra speed of a light vehicle to make any difference. That would only be true if you are unable to maintain a decent speed while steering. We both know that isn’t true.

many maps are tiny and limit your movement in all respects

I complain about what is currently broken and always will because I care about the balance in this game.

Your constant pointing to other things and blatant exaggerating for the sake of just being a troll is sad and I thought you were better than that.

No, it isn’t. Especially when you consider how cramped and claustrophobic many of the maps are. It’s very difficult to have enough acceleration available to out-run some of these builds, even when I’m in my speed queen Cadillac.

Maybe they’re trying to make Boosters a thing? I could build that case, maybe. Speed it the only thing that keeps me alive…that, and cool paint. I keep trying, because it’s so damn pretty. Sometimes I win, but usually because I’m actually Steve McQueen.

You can’t deny the resemblance.

Players that use slower movement parts seem pretty screwed, like tracks or Ml-200s. I’m building a Forest Ranger build next, because I am constantly rescuing campers from Yogi and Boo-Boo.

Hovers make good bait, by the way. For one, they are often good players, packing heavy fire-power, and they draw the rush often, and I like to stage an ambush (works better with friends). The other is that they are often good players, packing heavy fire-power, and if I’m successful they survive longer and rip the chits out of the enemy.

I think the melee-mob is a very formidable (too formidable?) opponent for most play-styles, and that’s what I’m seeing in low PS and even middle PS; entire teams being wiped out by it, or using it, over and over…that and that gddmn launchable drone dude. When I find him, I will kill him.

Alongside the small maps you have map elevation and such else, you do not always have a direct line of sight on everything. All it takes is for a super heavy build to be spinning in circles on a cap point surrounded by cover or in a ditch etc. Then you have to approach at a specific angle to do damage and them get out, lowering your speed drastically to do so while they just keep their 90kmh speed up driving in those circles.

Yeah I can barely get away with an Aegis, there’s no way slower movement parts have a chance at all.

I often use my teammates as bait, but not by choice really… the melee realise that I’m too fast and just go for them instead, then I deal with them once they’ve killed my team; sad really.

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That’s a fail in your approach, you should deal with them while they are busy with your team mate.

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They’re gonna nerf my damn Kensei. I just know it. I’m relying a lot on it’s speed-bursts (zero to sixty) to get it on, and just survive. I’m also depending on my team mates a lot.

My Humpback did surprisingly well last night. It was really just a gag-build at first (too big to fail), but it was beating the crap out of the melee just by brawling with them. It’s sheer survivability was more than most could take. I could manhandle two (one after the next), in full contact, and still overcome…but they sort of just keep coming.

I can’t say I didn’t have fun. I can say that the Humpback is a possible solution for people who might like slower movement parts. It’s not like I had to chase the dogs. They come right to you, and the cab seems more nimble than I would have thought.

Sometimes it just takes too much concentration, and it isn’t worth it. It feels insulting too, if you imagine that the other guy is simply lead-footing the “W.” The maniacal laughter doesn’t help either.
