Easy raids

I don’t hang out on reddit? You really should lay off the early drinking.

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And where i feel that the most is in my garage e.g.
in one hand they fixed the ghost cabin ( pin points) but in other hand they limited the way certain parts can be attached to frames.

But the rest i don’t agree with you, as a matter of fact we couldn’t be more further. from each other.

Those special events , slaughter, red light, radiance is what Stir up the waters.
A brawl with 6 k builds, you want to use your build, ok but you have to downscale your build or do something from scratch.
In radiance i had to strip down my Storm Chaser for speed and acceleration, armour was pointless there. I had to come down from 9 tons to 5 or 4 tons and i ended up with two very different versions of my initial design.
My Storm Chaser descends from a failed nest build turned into a SG build to do the Slaughter, later i did one from scratch that ended up being the blueprint of my med and heavy builds.
One can learn a lot, trying new formulas, finding ways to improve , to do better builds.

Races were the same.

Raids are just boring to do, same old same, over and over again and then one of those guys appear or even worse 2 or three of those guys, where you maxed out at 30 k the others do 70-100 k or even more per raid, i saw guys with 7k-9k builds giving up the raid when this happens

They really never fix any issues with them that get brought up. They probably all be decent probably with a bit of testing and work. Instead it’s like well that was that lets move on to the next one.

That’s why I mentioned there’s some limitations to asking for lots of requirements because of cost of blueprint space as well as the limit of space. Most of the odd event ones tend to be fair learning experiences though especially if it causes a player to rebuild a bit.

It happens even in the higher raids. Sometimes I’ll top out high sometimes I’ll be near the bottom of the pack too. I sometimes see a small PS build score out really high too.

The part about them being boring that you mention is what I was referring to when saying they could polish up the event ones though.

Exactly why I want to be able to create with the parts I spent my time opening and then actually use the build. Not sure where natural selection comes in. More like technically advanced civilization vs primitive if you want a correct analogy.

yes bootstraps and all of that! a lvl playing field is for suckers and the poor who dont have 10 bucks or are new. i always close the door behind me too!

Which is comparable to bringing a Howitzer to go duck hunting. So if one is so talented then why bring such high PS to an easy raid ? :thinking: Just say’n

Because that is what the creation happened to be.

Did I say I ALWAYS bring big PS to easy raids? Nope.

People, very few things in life are absolutes.

I simply don’t care if you get 11 copper or 12. Just like you don’t care if I get 11 or 12.

People act like its a 1000 copper difference from an easy raid. For F2P accounts its a tiny difference, I know I’ve been F2P for quite awhile now.

I haven’t even done an easy raid in 4 months. If I want copper there’s a go to option (invasion) that gives hundreds even for F2P. It costs 40 fuel.

Inequity in raids is the least worry about balance to me.

I care about balance in PVP. You know, where that 4k guys gets poofed playing against actual players.

Does that mean there isn’t people that care only about easy raids? No.
It just means I don’t really care about imaginary balance between players in PVE.

I have outscored 16k builds on a Sinus build at 4k. I have been outscored by 4k people on a slow 16k build.

Only the devs know the actual participation rate.

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I didn’t complain. I simply stated my opinion. You stated your opinions. Fair trade.

some time i do easy raider, just for challanges or for relax but when i see low PS players i always help them i never play for MVP i leave to other players the best score whatever i play always less then 9k PS

I feel that all problems would be avoided by having a standard reward for raids like we have for invasion. That way, no worry if you are first or last you will earn the same. And you would still have an incentive to do your best : The better you do, the faster it ends.

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:100: agreed.

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The only problem with this is it encourages players to play till they die once then let the rest of the team carry them right up to the end of the raid before popping back in to finish the raid. I see this often already as players don’t want to use tokens to respawn themselves as it cuts into their rewards.

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more or less used to be this way, but as a hamster said, people complained about freeloaders so targem changed the system to what it is now.

classic case of be careful what you wish for imo.


They could just do what they did for invasions : If you are dead during a leviathan fight, you don’t get the reward. That could be the same for normal raids. They could use an even simpler math : If you are dead more than 20 sec at any point, time after that is counted as afk time. Your end reward is normal reward * (total time-afk time)/total time. That way you need to be at least alive to reap full reward.

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It’s a nice thought but raids with a few exceptions don’t populate themselves with enemies in the same way as invasion does. i.e. it’s not from all around. You could force them to respawn but they could just sit outside the currently active combat area and not do anything as many of the maps are very linear. Most of the raids even spawn the player away from direct combat if they can. There’s only 2 raids that kind of break that rule as either enemy spawns are all around like tower defense which rotates spawns around the map or the maps are too small to allow for it like perimeter breach (I think is the right one, the micro maze).

About radiance.

It was the first time I saw any one fix something mid operation .

the following is just to show, no matter how much the one ( or three things) are Cleary broken, devs usually let the thing run it’s course until the end . At least , it was what i was used to.
(Just for reference 2k / 3k is what unicoms get, I never saw above 4k )

despite the banned parts, they add hears to the ravagers cause hovers, but why the countdown clock? ( yes, i know cause complains about some odd player not wanting to get a move on), it’s my impression that if they stopped with the hears all would be fine.
the clock or the reapers hovers not both ( funny thing, they didn’t fix further issues )…

And that is what makes those odd events so good. Exciting. Despite of the lack of parking spaces ( that’s the main reason why i didn’t build new builds) i can do that thing back to back leaving the build in the garage without saving it. Only saving it or not at the end.

Raids it’s an obligation due to how rewards are distributed

This is generally principle of hot-patches rereleased, you fix it as you learn and try to keep up with any exploits. It becomes just as much of a challenge for the classical game masters and coders as it does for the players. There are even sometimes arguments if an exploit should become an ability. I normally look at that type of thing as a good thing as it both promotes creative problem solving and builds the game out. Leaving things broken I normally don’t think is a good answer, even if the fix is just a segue to another point. It generally ends up coming down to a design philosophy.

For example where does heat resistance start healing a player rather than it just end up being 0 dmg. There could be a second ability like heat affinity added in to dictate the heal rate if it’s the first case. It’s a very classic RPG example of what can happen in coding.

Depends on how much polishing a dev is willing to do, sometimes the first solution doesn’t turn out right. It doesn’t make it right that they give up off of one try though either. There should be a common compromise involved though it’s not often the case here. Unfortunately for them there’s costs involved so they have to manage often against that threshold. That still shouldn’t stop them from cyclically working on improvements though. A lot of these small events even with their issues could be run more often. Any of them they could pick to try to work through the issues and put into permanent raids.

New is great to a point it’s good for advertising, it’s good for bored players, players learn from the new conditions… It just doesn’t build the game.

It would be nice to have an archive and retrieval function that is local. I’d save all my builds even if I couldn’t access them all at the same time in the game. There were a few early games I help out on that had similar functions and I still have some of the builds I did for those games even years later.

I honestly wish it could be fairer but players often look for ways to get ahead of the other players. They might be able to do something in adjusting for accuracy of shots and time spent in a raid but it’s hard to get around the players that would ditch their teams for an easier payout. Even the player that runs to the exit point abandoning their team at the defense point can cost another player tokens just to finish the raid. I don’t think we’ve really looked at player behavior in raids that closely though outside of they are a pain and can be slightly boring. I generally think most of us are arguing from gut level without looking at any of the costs. Fuel vs token, win vs fail payout I’m sure theres a few more of these as most are also against time…

we get it already.you work for the company,so stop being an imposter.:crazy_face: :rofl:
no one has this much info and quotes this much ever with all this info…

I don’t work for them them drunkie…

then how did you reply without me replying yet? ‘i was still writing’

i didnt hit SAVE…